March 20, 2019

Choosing the Right Shower Gel for Your Skin






  • 選擇您喜歡的香味。陣雨有助於緩解壓力。選擇一款能讓您精力充沛的香薰沐浴露,沒有更好的方法來增加您的沐浴時間。如果您喜歡涼爽清爽的沐浴,柑橘和薄荷香味非常適合給您帶來刺激的感覺。玫瑰和薰衣草香味凝膠有助於鎮靜,而香草和漿果香味的凝膠會讓你聞起來非常甜美並具有果香味。
  • 選擇適合您皮膚類型的產品。選擇適合您皮膚類型的沐浴露,獲得最大的益處。如果您的皮膚乾燥,請選擇含有天然油脂和保濕霜的保濕凝膠,最好選擇無香型凝膠。另一方面,如果您有油性皮膚,請選擇旨在幫助控制多餘油脂的澄清沐浴露。
  • 考慮過敏和皮膚敏感性。如果你有敏感的皮膚,選擇有機,無化學,無香味的天然沐浴露是防止皮疹和突破的最佳選擇。此外,購買不含硫酸鹽(十二烷基硫酸鈉或SLS)的沐浴露是最理想的,因為硫酸鹽是許多沐浴產品中常見的皮膚過敏原。



  • 塑料海綿。塑料海綿價格便宜,容易購買,並且具有各種形狀,尺寸和顏色。它們也比天然海綿快泡沫和柔軟。
  • 絲瓜瓤。絲瓜屬由絲瓜植物的干燥纖維製成。它比其他海綿類型更粗糙,更堅固,但它是天然的,是一個偉大的去角質。
  • 海綿。海綿是含有酶的天然海產品,可以阻止細菌,黴菌和黴菌。它還具有低過敏性,是敏感肌膚的理想選擇。雖然它可能比其他海綿貴一點,但海綿是很棒的沐浴必需品。

3.用沐浴露沐浴 既然你已經拿到了沐浴露和海綿,現在就可以開始在浴室裡使用它們!將自己浸泡在水中後,在海綿中塗抹適量的沐浴露。將海綿揉成泡沫,然後輕輕擦洗身體上的泡沫海綿。一旦你自己全身肥皂,用水沖洗乾淨,然後用毛巾擦乾。

Choosing the Right Shower Gel for Your Skin

Choosing the right shower gel for you entails considering your skin care needs and picking an accompanying lather sponge that works best for you. Using a shower gel is convenient because it is packaged in a bottle. Unlike soaps, shower gels are less messy and easier to bring for travels. In addition, shower gels tend to be less harsh on the skin than soaps, and have more scents and variants.

Here are some ways to choose the right shower gel:

  1. Choose based on skin specifics

Choosing the right shower gel is the first step in your shower gel bathing routine. Pick the right shower gel for you by considering your skin type and needs, along with what scent will make you feel most relaxed and comfortable.

  • Choose your favorite scent. Showers are good for unwinding stress. There’s no better way to boost your bath time relaxation by choosing a scented shower gel that invigorates you. If you like a cool and refreshing bath, citrus and minty scents are perfect for giving you a zesty kick. Rose and lavender scented gels are good for calming, while vanilla and berry-scented gels will make you very sweet smelling and fruity.
  • Select what’s right for your skin type. Get the most benefits by choosing a shower gel suited for your skin type. If you have dry skin, pick a moisturizing gel with natural oils and moisturizers, and go for unscented gels, preferably. On the other hand, if you have oily skin, choose a clarifying shower gel designed to help control excess oil.
  • Consider allergies and skin sensitivities. If you have sensitive skin, choosing organic-based, chemical-free, unscented natural shower gels is your best option to prevent rashes and breakouts. Also, buying a shower gel free from sulfates (sodium lauryl sulfate, or SLS) is ideal, since sulfates are a common skin allergen found in many bath products.
  1. Choosing a lathering sponge

Now that you’ve decided which shower gel to buy, the next important step in your shower gel regimen is selecting the right lather sponge. Because gels are in liquid form, it may be harder to work up a lather compared to soaps, so you will need a sponge to help you with that.

  • Plastic sponges. Plastic sponges are cheap, readily available, and come in various shapes, sizes, and colors. They are also fast to lather and softer than natural sponges.
  • Loofahs. Loofahs are made from the dried fibers of the luffa plant. It is coarser and firmer than other sponge types, but it is natural and make for a great exfoliator.
  • Sea sponges. Sea sponges are natural sea products containing enzymes that keep bacteria, mold, and mildew away. It is also hypoallergenic and ideal for sensitive skin. Although it may be a bit more pricey than other sponges, sea sponges are great bath essentials.
  1. Bathing using a shower gel

Now that you’ve got your shower gel and sponge in hand, you’re now ready to start using them in the bathroom! After immersing yourself with water, apply a moderate amount of shower gel into your sponge. Squish the sponge to work up a lather, and gently scrub the lathered sponge on your body. Once you have soaped yourself all up, rinse away with water, and dry yourself with a towel after.


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