January 7, 2016

Are You a Food Addict?

before and after

When you hear that a person is an addict, you think of that toothless, scratching, shivering, hunched over person that makes you cross the street when you see them. Well let me introduce you to an addict,IMG_20150916_215652

I am a food addict and no one would picture my face when we talk about food addiction. I have lost over 115 pounds and maintained my weight for over 7 years. It has been a very hard road that will never end. If I was an alcoholic, I could just stay away from bars but I have to eat in order to live, I can’t completely avoid my drug (food). Let’s face it, we really don’t give food addiction that much thought. You know, people say “just don’t eat it” or “just don’t eat that much”, how do you think that would work with any other addiction? “Hey alcoholic, just don’t drink that” or “Hey alcoholic, just don’t drink all of it”. That doesn’t even make sense right? Well, it really is the same thing for a food addict. We will go out our way to make sure we won’t bring an alcoholic to a bar, however, we think nothing of taking a food addict to a buffet. The struggle is real people, over 70% of Americans are obese, I am not saying that all of them are food addicts but here are a few signs of an addict.

Loss of Control: Eating more than you want for longer than you intended to, even though you told yourself that you would not eat that whole slab of ribs.

Relationship Issues: When you are addicted to something (food, drugs or drinking) we tend to take it out on the people closest to us. When family members or even our close friends bring up your eating habits, or try to talk to you about how much you are eating, we tend to lash out at them. For example, in my case, I would turn to my hubby and say, “Hey don’t let me order a full slab of ribs, and fries. I am going to get just 1/2 a slab of ribs and corn on the cob.” Of course by the time they come to take the order, I order a full slab of ribs and fries. My husband would look at me and tell the waiter that she only wants a 1/2 a slab of ribs and corn on the cob, no fries. I would lose it and we would have a huge fight in the restaurant, how dare you change my order!!!! Of course I would get what I ordered and totally pissed at my husband, (even though he was just trying to help). Anytime anyone said anything about my eating I would just eat more!

Secrecy: When you are finding yourself going out of your way to hide. It could be hiding the amount you eat to just plain hiding out in the bathroom to eat. I know for me there have been many times I waited until everyone was asleep then I would creep into the kitchen and go to work on that food!!

Continued Use Despite Negative Consequences: When you continue to eat even though your health is in danger. I was on high blood pressure medication and my feet would blister so bad at the bottom that I could hardly walk. I would literally eat so much fried chicken I would get sick, but that didn’t stop me.

When I am around foods that are my “triggers” I have to really fight the temptation of giving in and eating all of it. I would shiver, shake and break out in sweats to fight the urge not to eat those chips (or any of my many triggers). I have to keep a temptation free environment. No one sees the internal turmoil, or all that I have to go through to stay healthy. I have been fighting this battle for a long time and I would like to say I am WINNING,
Screenshot_2015-06-08-20-49-19- but I tell you that I have to take it one meal at a time, not just one day at time. Because I am a food addict, I have to be careful. If you want to determine if you or someone you love is a food addict, click on the following link and answer the questions Am I A Food Addict?. There are many FA (Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous) meetings that will give you the support you need. Find a location near you Find a Meeting You are not alone and I am here for you!!


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