April 6, 2015

Spring Into Action

Spring has sprung Spring is here and let me tell you, I have never appreciated Spring more since I’ve moved from California. It’s time to shake off those Winter blues and spring into action.
Spring comes with cleaning, washing the windows, the walls, cleaning out closets and putting away all those dreadful winter clothes. Did you know you are burning calories while you are doing those things? You are, if you are doing them with gusto! While washing those windows/walls if you are extending those arms all the way up and you are on your tip toes and putting a little elbow grease into it, you are working that upper body. Also, when you come down and add a little squat you are hitting that lower body, a full body workout all while making your house Spring clean!

spring picture NL
Spring time is when you start thinking about, getting ready for your bathing suit. So of course, you start working out and go on that strict diet but there are many other things you can do to get ready for that bikini. Here are a few tips to get you on your way:
Clean out your refrigerator/cupboards, throw away all those goodies that were soothing while being stuck in the house watching TV sitting in front of the fireplace. You don’t need any temptation. Fill your refrigerator with greens, fruits and things that are good for you.
Update your workout wardrobe, get some bright colors, new styles and some new shoes it will give you a little more pep in your step.

Enjoy the beautiful weather, get outside. Of course, we think of getting your walk on or taking a jog, but there are other ways to get that heart rate up. Washing your car, cutting the grass, planting in your garden, pulling those weeds are just a few things you can do to burn calories and enjoy the wonderful spring weather.

Family walking Spring Blog
So, just enjoy life and this beautiful spring weather, get outside and play with the kids in the park, walk the dog, join a tennis club, play basketball…you get it, just get out and play. Spring into action and enjoy this beautiful weather.


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