July 11, 2011

Register to win this age defying Bio-Blends Galvanic Wand from Gerda Spillmann!

Everyone knows the importance of taking care of their skin! Well this little Bio-Blends Galvanic Wand will provide you with the ability, in a non-invasive way, to get your skin care products deeper into your skin encouraging the stimulation of Collagen and Elastin, helping with the reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, and puffiness while increasing your skin’s firmness and, as a result, a more youthful appearance!

Can you believe that the galvanic current has been a part of facial treatments by aestheticians for over 70 years!

Now you can have your own very portable Galvanic Wand to use in the privacy of you own home, and be able to take it with you when traveling.

It’s so easy to use as It fits right in the palm of your hand. There are very easy directions on the box of the Bio-Blends Galvanic Wand.

You simply hold it in your hand and press the button on the front of the wand till the light goes on. You then have your choice of 5 settings of frequency that can be changed easily by pressing the same button that turns on the wand. Make sure your pointer finger is also touching the metal on the back of the Galvanic Wand which will complete the circuit and allow the current to travel as you use it on your face.

Now you are all set to go! Press the tip of the Wand on your skin and you’ll hear a soft beep. You then move the wand about 1/4 of an inch to the next area of your skin and keep repeating the process. I use it all over my face, concentrating on special areas of concern like my forehead, crows feet, areas from my nose to my mouth, and around my jawline.

What’s nice about this is that you are in control ! I always recommend, as with anything new, to start on a low frequency as you become accustomed to using the Galvanic Wand. The instructions recommend that you avoid using it directly on the your eye lids!

There really is no sensation, but a slight tingling that is actually very revitalizing for me! Remember you can always use a lower setting if you are sensitive.

To shut off the Galvanic Wand just hold the button down for about 3-5 seconds!

I love the way my skin looks after I use the Bio-Blends Galvanic wand. I’ve been using it a couple of months now, and really notice a more well rested, and healthy color and glow to my skin.

Now here is the good news. Gerda Spillmann is giving one lucky person a Bio-Blends Galvanic Wand. All you have to do is go to our feature page at: www.itsaglamthing.com Scroll down the feature page and look for this coupon:

But, as long as you’re here, why don’t you just go to : https://itsaglamthing.com/winit-9.php and register right now……

The Bio-Blends Galvanic Wand from Gerda Spillmann gets a 5-Star rating from me! I know you will really enjoy it as well!

Take a moment to visit : www.gerdaspillmann.com and see all of the wonderful products that are available for your face and body. Also, read about Madame Spillmann who is one of the top innovative cosmetic mavens with over 60 years in the beauty business and internationally acclaimed!

July 7, 2011

One lucky person will win an autographed copy of Brenda Novak’s new book INSIDE, and a limited edition silk designer scarf by Hayden-Harnett with a romantic passage from INSIDE !

I had the opportunity to not only meet, but interview New York Times Best Selling Author, Brenda Novak and her editor, Paula Eykelhof, just before the launch of Brenda’s newest book INSIDE. We are featuring that interview on www.itsaglamthing.com right now, and I’m also going to include it in this article for you to enjoy.

We are very excited to offer one lucky winner not only an autographed copy of INSIDE, but a lovely, limited edition silk designer scarf by Hayden-Harnett with a romantic passage from INSIDE. The scarf has a retail value of $120.00, and that is truly exceptional, but along with an autographed book from Brenda Novak… Now that is priceless!!

You may enter to win at either www.itsaglamthing.com or right here at: https://itsaglamthing.com/winit-6.php

I’d also like to invite you to go to www.brendanovak.com and find out more about INSIDE. In fact, you will even be able to read the first chapter of the book online.

I promise that once you read that chapter you won’t be able to wait to get your copy of INSIDE.

June 27, 2011

21 drops pre-blended therapeutic grade essential oils offer a natural solution to help you feel better naturally

Essential Oils have been used throughout the ages for the purpose of healing and helping us feel better via body, mind, and spirit. 21 drops has taken this knowledge, and developed combinations of various 100% natural, organic or wild crafted oils from the “healing properties” of plants that focus on 21 problems that most of us, at one time or another, have issues with.

When given the opportunity to try 21 drops, I was extremely enthusiastic to check them out. I had decided that stress was something that seems to be ever-present with the type of work that I do, and was absolutely ecstatic when my roll-on bottle of “#11 De-stress” (pictured) arrived.

I followed the easy instructions (and I quote from my #11 De-stress information sheet) to apply early, and often to temples, wrists, collarbone and front of the neck. Dab under nose and breathe in frequently throughout the day.

For me, I start my day with #11 De-stress! It can be used “anytime and anywhere”. My bottle of #11 De-stress is always with me, and it imparts a calming, more balanced, and not as “anxious about things” demeanor that I usually tend to deal with.

Here are the ingredients in #11 De-Stress (Quoted from 21 drops information Sheet) :
•Frankincense resin oil
•Lavender flower oil
•Ylang ylang flower oil
•German chamomile flower oil
•jojoba seed oil (carrier)

Take a moment to peruse their very informational website: www.21Drops.com

There you can find out more about aromatherapy, information about ingredients used in their blends of essential oils, and all about their company and dedication to creating these wonderful blends! You will also be able to see all the 21 blends you can choose from and purchase right on their website!

It gets even better! You can even find out how to have a special blend created just for you….if you wish.

And….they have new 21 Drop Trios! ( and I quote from their website) Our new Trios combine our remarkable aromatherapy blends into sets that make sense in the context of daily life.

Once again, I encourage you to enjoy all the aromatherapy information and 21 drops products that are available at :www.21Drops.com

I give 21 drops a 5- Star review!

June 24, 2011

Brenda Novak, New York Times and USA Today Best Selling Author, is presenting a very special book offer!

Here is an opportunity you don’t want to miss!

I was fortunate enough to receive and read Brenda Novak’s newest novel ,INSIDE, which will be released on June 28th. This thriller keeps you on edge from start to finish !

Here’s a review from Night Owl Reviews (and I quote) ” INSIDE is a brilliant mix of danger, romance and spine chilling thrills. Readers will enjoy the first installment of Ms. Novak’s Bulletproof Series, and will eagerly await the next installment.”

Leave it to Ms. Novak to come up with an irresistible offer like this for her fans !!

When you purchase INSIDE during it’s launch week (June 28th -July 4th) you will receive an Ebook Download of Brenda Novak’s “FIRST” book, titled OF NOBLE BIRTH! Can you believe it!! This sought after book is a real collectors item.

Go to www.brendanovak.com to find out all the details how you can receive two books for the price of one! There’s more… You will even be able to read the first chapter of INSIDE, and some more amazing reviews of this exceptional new book.

What a phenomenal opportunity!! Don’t miss out…

June 21, 2011

Christina Hendricks is named ambassador for the 2011 “Latisse® Wishes Challenge” that benefits the Make-A-Wish Foundation®

The 2011 LatisseWishes Challenge was recently announced, and I had the wonderful opportunity to speak with their ambassador for this year, the very talented Emmy nominated and well known film and television actress, Christina Hendricks.

I asked Christina what inspired her to try the prescription treatment Latisse® that grows your eyelashes “longer, fuller, and darker.” She mentioned that she had been thinking about improving her eyelashes for quite some time. “I’ve always felt my lashes were short and thin, and in my profession, I wear a lot of false lashes and makeup, which take a toll. So when LATISSE® became available, I was curious to learn more. My doctor talked with me about lashes, and I was surprised to learn that some women may notice their lashes thinning over time. Women who notice these changes in their lashes now have the option to talk to their doctor about LATISSE® and see if it’s right for them,” said Hendricks. Christine was also very interested in helping the Make a Wish Foundation that benefits from the Latisse®Wishes Challenge“.

Christina shared a touching story about how she had found out about Make-A- Wish when, as a young girl, one of her classmates faced a life threatening illness. Quoting Christina, “LATISSE® is also a brand that contributes to children, and I couldn’t think of a better cause to support than the Make-A -Wish Foundation. When I was seven years old, I saw firsthand the difference a wish can make in the life of a child when a girl in my class got her wish to meet Eric Estrada.”

Christina is a very versatile actress, and eager about the beginning of another new season of the extremely popular (Television Series) MADMEN. .

I asked Christina about some recent films she had done that we could look forward to seeing, and she was very enthusiastic about a musical called “COMPANY” that she was in. It was filmed at the Lincoln Center and was released on June 11th. Cristina enjoyed doing “COMPANY”, and would like to do more musicals in the future.

She also spoke about the movie “DRIVE”, and what a great experience it was working with director Nicolas Winding Refn, and actor Ryan Gosling. (DRIVE is due to release in Fall of this year: Source-IMDB.com) .

I told Christina that the 2011 animation, “ALL-STAR SUPERMAN”, where she did the voice of Lois Lane totally got my attention, being a commercial voice talent. She said that it was really fun, and would love to do more animation! Christina has a terrific voice, and I look forward to hearing a lot more of her in future animation productions.

What an interesting interview with such a delightful person. I had only one more question for Christina and that was, with such a busy career, what do you do when you get some “Christina” time? She said that she enjoys cooking, knitting, and spending time with her friends, and her husband Geoffrey Arend.

Wishing all of the best to you, Christina, as you begin your ambassador duties with the 2011 LATISSE® Wishes Challenge!

(As quoted from the Press Release) “Inspired by the tradition of blowing on an eyelash to make wishes come true, the campaign (LATISSE® Wishes Challenge) is gaining momentum for the second year by rallying women in support of the Make-A-Wish Foundation®, a non-profit organization dedicated to granting wishes of children with life threatening medical conditions.”

Here’s to Beautiful Eyelashes! LET the MAGIC of THE “LATISSE® Wishes Challenge help grant wishes to the children with life threatening illnesses across the country!

Find out how you can be a part of this wonderful endeavor by visiting : www.LatisseWishesChallenge.com

June 19, 2011

Treat your skin to Chella Foaming Cleanser Lavish Soufflé

Here is a cleanser I know you’ll enjoy. It’s 5-Star sensational! This is one of those products that you really can’t wait to use. It has a creamy consistency that just feels so good and truly has you looking forward to your cleansing regime!

What I really enjoyed about the Chella Cleanser was how it’s foaming soufflé texture cleaned so gently, and how smooth and pampering it felt as you worked it into a lather using circular motions, massaging Chella gently over your skin as the delightful aroma of grapefruit, vanilla and lime added that extra little finishing touch to complete a wonderful cleansing experience.

After completely rinsing off the product, I was quite impressed with how clean my skin felt, while still maintaing a soft hydrated finish.

Ingredients in Chella Foaming Cleanser include (quoting from their literature) :
•The combination of coconut fatty acids with aloe vera leaf juice to provide a gentle cleanser, and take off makeup without irritation.
•Barley and sandalwood oil extract as emollients to hydrate the skin.
•Sage, calendula, and chamomile to pamper the skin with healing herbal extracts.

Chella Foaming Cleanser is for all skin types.

Chella is generally found in spas, but you may purchase Chella’s complete line of skin care and other products on their website:

June 6, 2011

Register to win a NovaMoist essential oil from Gerda Spillmann ! Read more below…

NovaMoist is one of those wonderful “can’t be without” products that we all need to keep on hand in our “Beauty Arsenal” !

I use mine on the days when I require some more moisture on my face , or on my cuticles to keep my manicure looking fresh. I often put a drop on my hands. They get so dry from constant washing while doing makeup artistry.

The great thing about this portable NovaMoist container is that it’s so convenient! You can take it with you anywhere you go, and only one drop goes a long way.

Here are some other uses that are listed on the NovaMoist packaging (and I quote):

Dry Skin Problems :
•Pre and Post Menopause Skin
•Cracked Nail Beds and Cuticles
•Elbows and Cracked Heels

Acute Skin Problems:
•Shaving and Waxing Irritation

Chronic Skin Conditions:
•Lupus Redness
•Stastis Dermatitis

Two physicians developed this 100% natural product to help assist with the distress of all skin issues, and after 8 years of clinical use have had outstanding results.

The ingredients include:
•Clary Sage
in sesame oil.

I really love essential oils and these ingredients are a great combination. You and your skin will feel good and look good when you use NovaMoist.

One lucky person will win a NovaMoist essential oil this month! Just go to the link and register now :

You can check out NovaMoist and all of the wonderful GerdaSpillmann products at:

May 30, 2011

The perfect “must-have” multi-tasking product from dermHa !

The dermHa product line can provide you with, and I quote, “Clinically Formulated Therapeutic Care for Sensitive Skin!”

That, in itself, is great when you want the benefit of all the new technology, but prefer a more gentle approach to your skincare.

I couldn’t believe it when I received the dermHa Eye and Neck creme! Could it be, I wondered? One product that could help both the eye and neck area.

I was very intrigued ! As a national makeup artist, I have to say that the most frequent frustration that has been shared with me from clients as they sit in my “makeup chair” seems to always be with their eye and neck area.

Those are two of the challenges we all face, both genders included, as we age.

dermHa Eye and Neck Creme contains (Quoted from their website): www.dermha.com
•Green Tea
•Grape Seed and Olive Extract
•Hyaluronic Acid
•Soothing Botanicals and Phosphollpids which decreases free radical damage.

This will encourage the skin of your eye and neck area to appear “firmer, smoother, brighter”.

I liked the soft feel of this product and ease of application when I gently applied the creme to my eye, neck and decollette area. The look was moist, hydrated and felt very smooth all day long.

I would highly recommend dermHa Eye and Neck Creme as the perfect “Must Have” addition to your regime!

May 21, 2011

There’s still time to take part in New York Times Best Selling Author Brenda Novak’s auction that benefits Diabetes Research

Just a reminder to make sure you don’t miss out on one of the most exceptional Annual Online Auctions to “Find the Cure for DIabetes in 2011! “

This is Brenda with her son, Thad, who was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of five. Here’a your opportunity to participate in an event that is near and dear to Brenda’s heart, and is giving hope to those with Diabetes.

Visit the website now: http://brendanovak.auctionanything.com/, and view the most unique items, and opportunities that are up for bid, or just make a donation , if you’d like 🙂

The auction will run May 1 – May 31st, but not all items will be open all month, so look for their ending times!

Quoting Brenda, “In case you haven’t heard, last year we broke the $1 million mark (as a cumulative total) and set a new annual record by raising $303,000!! I hope that our seventh year end in another new record, maybe one closer to $500,000. Please join with me in fighting to make a difference.”

Bid or donate now, and let’s find that cure for DIabetes in 2011!!

May 19, 2011

Dermacyte Oxygenating Eye Complex

I really looked forward to trying the Dermacyte Oxygenating Eye Complex, and was quite enthusiastic about all of the positive things I had heard about the benefits that oxygen provided for your skin.

There was some very interesting information that I received from Oxycyte Technology that addressed my curiosity about Oxygen and its importance to the skin. I’m going to share some of that information with you in this article.

Four of the top reasons to you should to include Oxygen in your daily routine (and I quote):
• It assists in the production of Collegen which is necessary for the skin’s structural support.
• It helps in the repair of elastin, helping the tissues to resume their original shape.
• It supports skin metabolism. Lack of oxygen causes skin cells to prematurely age.
• It’s useful in purifying and replenishing the skin. This helps improve the appearance of dull dry skin that is lacking oxygen circulation.

Hopefully this has “peaked” your interest! I highly recommend that you visit their website:
www.http://www.buydermacyte.com/ where you’ll find out more advantages of oxygen and your skin, a very interesting video library, and be able to locate a doctor near you to purchase your Dermacyte, or buy your Dermacyte right online.

Dermacyte Oxygenating Eye Complex is light weight yet has a very hydrating and calming feel when applied to the skin. It’s perfect for the delicate eye area.

Are you feeling lucky? Well ONE person will win a Dermacyte Oxygenating Eye Complex with a retail value of $95.00. Just go to https://itsaglamthing.com/winit-9.php and register. (Through May 31st)