March 19, 2012

Miracle Skin Transformer ~ Treatment , Beauty, and SPF20 all in one!

Miracle Skin Transformer SPF 20

Miracle Skin Transformer SPF 20

This is the first of a two article series about a breakthrough in skin care that brings you state of the art treatment, cosmetic qualities that give your skin a natural smooth coverage, and SPF20 protection all in one product . If you think it sounds pretty amazing, it is!

I was first introduced to, and wrote about Miracle Skin Transformer for Men this past holiday season.
Miracle Skin Transformer felt on his skin, how smooth his skin looked, the SPF20 protection, and that it was all in one tube.

I immediately went to the online link and read about the products that were available and purchased the Miracle Skin Transformer in a Light Tint, and a Light and Light/Medium product called Treat and Conceal for eyes and face.

Treat and Conceal intrigued me since it also was a treatment and cosmetic product in one tube that concealed and evened out the skin. How versatile!
(You can read all about this product and others I’ll be talking about in this article on the website link above.)

Not only was I looking forward to trying these products myself, but as a national makeup artist working in HD-TV, and “Key” makeup artist on a National PBS Series, I was curious to see how Miracle Skin Transformer products would look on camera.

Personally liking a flawless finished look, I used the Miracle Skin Transformer in Light and then layered and blended some of the Treat and Conceal in Light/Medium over the top. I used the Light Treat and Conceal under my eyes and found the coverage like a second skin!

In my makeup room at the studio on a day we were taping the TV show, I was able to really be creative with some of the guests who would be appearing on the program. Over the years I’ve noticed many guests prefer a no makeup look. Miracle Skin Transformer was a great product choice to use for a soft natural look by layering and blending colors that to the surprise of the guests felt so light weight on their skin, they were very comfortable with not only the feel of the product but how they looked!

As for the host of the program, A blend of Light and Light/Medium Treat and Conceal turned out to be a flawless under eye concealer, and I used the Miracle Skin Transformer SPF20 as a perfect primer, under her regular makeup. It looked terrific on camera!

Miracle Skin Transformer would now be going into my professional case, so I needed to order some more product for myself!! It was perfect timing since the innovator of Miracle Skin Transformer , Sarah McNamara, was making her debut on Home Shopping Network (HSN) and I was looking forward to her appearance.

I’m thrilled that I will be interviewing Sarah McNamara in the 2nd article of this 2 part series in April.
You may read more about Ms.McNamara at:

Sarah McNamara

On HSN I not only replaced my product but purchased two new products that are very effective yet easy on your skin.
Take a moment to visit:

My two new products include:

1. Miracle Skin Transformer Hydroactive Cleanser that not only dissolves dirt and oil but deeply cleanses your skin, yet is soothing and hydrating. The treatment in this product consists of MP3 complex , also in Miracle Skin Transformer, and Treat and Conceal (Quote) “A powerful antioxidant blend that works hard to fight free radicals.”

2. Miracle Skin Transformer Hydroactive Microderm that will help “soften and refine” the texture of your skin, and impart radiance and clarity to your skin. This product also contains (Quote) “ MP3 complex ,a blend of algae, vitamins, and antioxidants for increased hydration and more luminous skin.”

I’m very impressed with the feel of my skin after I use these two products. When I apply my Miracle Skin Transformer after each use, my skin texture is so soft and looks very smooth and healthy!

I’ll include the link to Miracle Skin Transformer again, since it’s filled with information I know you’ll be interested in perusing. You may also find the location of a store that sells Miracle Skin Transformer products near you, or if you’d like, purchase them right on this

Make sure you check back in April for my interview with Sarah McNamara and more about Miracle Skin Transformer!

March 11, 2012

SKIN RULES by Debra Jaliman, MD is your “Go To” book for all the questions you have about your skin!

SKIN RULES is an exceptionally written book that addresses just about everything you would like to be enlightened about regarding your skin. Top New York Dermatologist, Dr. Debra Jaliman has written an easy to read and understand book that you will “Go To” over and over again to glean information that will answer questions including proper seasonal care for your skin, different types of sunscreens best for your needs, fillers for instant rejuvenation, testers in the department stores, proper makeup, laser treatments, removing your makeup before you go to bed, special care for your eyes, and that is just the “tip of the iceberg”!

SKIN RULES is such a great read with so much educational information in each chapter that you will find yourself liberated from the frustration of what we often deal with when it comes to choosing what is right for us and for our skin.

These days there are so many options to ponder with all of the products, services, and procedures that are available. You’ll find that SKIN RULES is the perfect source for answers and choices to many important and often asked questions regarding tanning, wrinkles, stretch marks, moles, and other skin conditions, as well.

SKIN RULES will be released on March 13th, 2012.
You will be able to get a pre-order price if you order your copy before March 13th at

Barnes & Noble also has a pre-order price if you order before March 13th at
Barnes &

(SKIN RULES may also be purchased at the above links after it’s March 13th Launch.)

With much gratitude to Dr. Jaliman we will have a “Giveaway” of TWO copies of SKIN RULES to TWO lucky winners.(one in the USA and one in CANADA) Follow these easy instructions to register and good luck!

E-Mail Lisa at lisa@itsaglamthing(dot)com and note: SKIN RULES in the subject line. You will be automacticaly entered to win. Winners will be chosen on 4/15/2012. The lucky winners will be notified by return e-mail. Good Luck!

Debra Jaliman, MD, author of Skin Rules Bio: (QUOTE) Trade Secrets from a Top New York Dermatologist, is a board certified dermatologist with a private practice in New York City. Internationally recognized for her research and work in clinical and cosmetic dermatology, Dr. Jaliman has a reputation for using cutting-edge technology and the latest in skin care, as well as for being the “last stop” doctor, the one who fixes what others can’t. She is an assistant professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and a member of the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery. She is a spokesperson for the American Academy of Dermatology and is regarded as an authority in her field by journalists and cosmetics industry, appearing frequently on television and in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Allure, Glamour, Self, and InStyle.
Dr. Jaliman has been featured on Oprah, the Dr. Oz Show, ABC News, Fox News, CNN, NBC and in many other publications. She is often quoted as an expert authority in her field.

Make sure you take a moment to visit Dr.Jaliman’s website:

SKIN RULES will have a special place in my “Beauty” Library, and receives a 5-STAR Review !

March 8, 2012

Actress Reese Witherspoon put her best face forward wearing Avon products and looking truly first-class as she attended an event at the nation’s Capital honoring International Women’s Day !

On Tuesday, Reese Witherspoon was at the nation’s Capitol at an event honoring International Women’s Day. Her timeless look wearing Avon and mark products was created by mark makeup artist, Mai Quyhn.

Here is how Mai Quyhn created her look for Reese using products from both Avon and mark.
(Quote) Mai put the focus on Reese’s eyes, layering a shimmering gold shadow over a soft blend of neutral-colored shadows. Mai then upped the drama by using a dark eyeshadow as liner and a few swipes of black mascara on lashes. For the finishing touches Mai applied a soft rose cream blush on Reese’s cheeks and a nude colored lipstick to enhance Reese’s natural glow.

This is a look that can take you anywhere! It’s the elegance of simplicity and will really turn heads when you walk into a room.

The products you’ll need to get Reese’s classic look are listed below and they are all available from Avon representatives or by visiting :

(Quote) EYES:
• i-mark Metallic Eye Shadow in Goldi Luxe ($6.00)
• i-mark Eye Shadow in Tiki ($6.00)
• i-mark Eye Shadow in Java ($6.00)

• Shine Attract Lipstick in Nude Love ($9.00)

•Avon True Color BLush in Earthen Rose ($8.00)

March 6, 2012

Miracle Skin Transformer and founder Sarah McNamara will appear on HSN, March 6th with Miracle Skin Transformer products

I’m so excited to be writing a 2 article series about Miracle Skin Transformer and founder Sarah McNamara.

Sarah McNamara will be on HSN (Home Shopping Network) tomorrow, Tuesday March 6th at:
6AM, 10AM, 3PM, AND 11PM (EST) with her innovative products, and “15 SECONDS TO FLAWLESS SKIN” introducing the NEW Miracle Skin Transformer HYDROACTIVE MICRODERM and HYDROACTIVE CLEANSER that will be exclusive to HSN!

Make sure you tune in to see Sarah tomorrow on HSN and check back here for my first article about Miracle Skin Transformer in the next few days.

In the first article I’ll talk about my experience with the use of Miracle Skin Transformer as a National Makeup Artist, and the results I’ve experienced.

In the second article in April I’ll have an interview with Sarah McNamara about the conception of Miracle Skin Transformer and how you can learn more about this line that will give your face a flawless finished look and treat your skin at the same time!

Take a moment to visit HSN (Home Shopping Network):

March 2, 2012

Kimberly Snyder’s book ~ THE BEAUTY DETOX SOLUTION is the answer to finding your true healthy beauty from the inside out!

Nutritionist and nutritional expert Kimberly Snyder had my attention right from the start when I read her comment, (Quote) “I believe the word “health” is synonymous with the word ” beauty, explains Kim. “My definition of beauty is that it’s deep, lasting, and magnetic, and it grows from the inside out.”

After some more research I realized that Kimberly was presenting something completely different in THE BEAUTY DETOX SOLUTION: Eat Your Way To Radiant Skin, Renewed Energy and the Body You’ve Always Wanted . I was very impressed with her incredible knowledge and ability to create solutions that adapt to any readers aspirations and situations.(Quoting from promotional information), “Unlike diet and lifestyle books of the past, Kimberly discourages calorie-counting and food restrictions in favor of discovering the powerful connection between food, health and beauty.”

I would highly encourage you to visit Kimberly’s website at: Here you’ll find a vast amount of information and even a video where you’ll be able to watch Kimberly in action. You can feel her positive energy, and see she is a perfect example of what she teaches.

You’ll be motivated by her personal introduction in the book, along with thorough easy to read and understand chapters that will teach you how to “eat for beauty”, and adapt the three beauty detox phases to fit “your” lifestyle.

Here are just a few beauty secrets appearing in (Quote)
• The key to combining foods in the right order for optimal digestion ~ an essential component in losing weight and unveiling your most beautiful self inside and out.
• How to identify and incorporate beautifying foods into your diet without counting calories or carbs.
• The truth about foods that have been falsely labeled as “healthy”,but actually prevent you from reaching your optimal weight and beauty goals.
• The root causes of acne, under eye circles, and other skin afflictions, and how to banish then once and for all with proper diet and nutrition

Kimberly also includes easy recipes for you to create as you go through your “Detox Phases”.

You can purchase THE BEAUTY DETOX SOLUTION: Eat Your Way to Radiant Skin, Renewed Energy, and The Body You’ve Always Wanted at:

Barnes & Noble::’s+beauty+dextox+solution&sprefix=kimberly+snyder%2C

One of our “Lucky” Glam Gals will have an opportunity to win a copy of Kimberly’s book
THE BEAUTY DETOX SOLUTION ! You can enter to win The Beauty Detox Solution by Kimberly Snyder right now!! ~ It’s simple…Send an e-mail to lisa@itsaglamthing(dot)com with “The Beauty Detox Solution” in the subject line. ~ The winner will be notified April 1, 2012. Good Luck!!

Thanks so much Kimberly !

About Kimberly Snyder:
(Quote) Kimberly Snyder’s philosophies include a holistic approach to heal the body, increase energy, and achieve optimum health, beauty and balance in life naturally.

Drew Barrymore, Fergie, LeAnn Rimes, Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson and Channing Tatum are just a few of Kimberly’s list of celebrity clients. She has prepared food for many celebrities in the entertainment field, and worked with clients on some of Hollywood’s most prestigious film sets. This well received nutritional expert has appeared on many national television programs as The Today Show, Good Morning America, E, Extra, and Good Day LA!

I give a 5 Star rating to Kimberly’s book THE BEAUTY DETOX SOLUTION, and best wishes for Kimberly’s ongoing success helping people achieve wellness on the inside and radiate beauty, as a result, on the outside 🙂

February 17, 2012

A “Quick and Easy” makeover using glō•minerals !

Are you in a time crunch most mornings either getting ready for work, the kids off to school, or rushing to do whatever your particular agenda might be? I truly understand and I’m right there with you!

Did you know that you can multi task with products and do a “Quick and Easy ” makeup that will up your confidence level, and give you a nice finished look in no time, no matter how busy you are… has a new brush that I will use to create most of the “Quick and Easy” makeup techniques in this article. The other glō•mineral products that I use have the applicators that are needed right on the product! How convenient is that?

(Quoting from product information literature):
The Dual Foundation/Camouflage Brush
uses a small end to apply makeup in hard-to-reach areas of the face, and a large round end for overall foundation application, as well as concealer coverage around the eye. Rounded synthetic fibers are used to emulate the fingertips when applying makeup, working to give a flawless application.”
The feel of this brush is amazing and it’s such a great multi purpose tool!

You’ll be able go from this:

To this, in very little time using the “Quick and Easy” Makeup techniques.
I suggest you reference this “after” photo to get an idea of how the application should look as you follow the instructions below!

Let’s get started! Here is what I used and how I applied the glō•mineral products to achieve this “Quick & Easy” look.

1. On clean, moisturized, and primed skin, I applied a small amount of concealer with my ring finger (It’s the most gentle to use under your delicate eye area.) I then took the large side of the Foundation/Camouflage Brush and gently blended the concealer under my eye and faded it along the top of my cheekbone. Then I wiped the brush on a piece of tissue to remove any left over concealer.

2.Using the large end of the Foundation/Camouflage Brush, I applied my glō•minerals Pressed Makeup Base. If you want a fast, easy, and flawless looking base this pressed base (Quote) “provides sheer to full coverage with an exclusive blend of antioxidants including Vitamins A, C, E, and Green Tea while delivering full-spectrum UV protection.” It is available in 21 shades covering the full range of skin tones.

I like to apply my base with the large round end of the Dual foundation /Camouflage Brush between my brows working up and around my forehead. Then apply down my nose and around each side of my face and lightly apply under my nose, around my lip area, and finish with my chin area feathering just below the jawline. Watch as your skin will take on a lovely even appearance!

If you have spot areas that might require more coverage use the smaller end of the Foundation/Camouflage brush, and address those areas. I will sometimes use this technique on the sides of my nose to mouth area for a nice highlighted look. Your face should now have a smooth flawless finish.

3.The Eyes are next and oh so easy to do! First use the large side of the Foundation/Camouflage brush. Apply a light coat of your pressed base on the complete upper eye area and lid to even out the skin color. Start from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner. Wipe your brush on a tissue because now we are going to use the glō•minerals Bronzer in Sunkiss, for some definition!

I used the large side of the Foundation/Camouflage brush first with a light dust of the bronzer and applied it starting about 1/4 inch from the inner corner of my eye in a diagonal direction to the outer corner of my eye right to the top outer end of my eyebrow. (covering the lid and just a bit above the crease of my eye) This creates a nice wide eyed look to the eye.

I lined my eyes with the Brown glō•minerals pencil eyeliner. Get as close to your eyelashes as possible, and line both the upper and lower lid. This is such a subtle color you’ll never look over done. Then take the blending applicator on the other end of the pencil to smudge the lines to your desired depth. We all are different. I prefer a more defined line, but you need to achieve what is comfortable for you. I also take the blender applicator and smudge from the outer corner of my eye just above the crease of my eye. It’s very sheer because you are using the product that is already on the applicator from smudging your eyeliner, in the previous step. I always finish my eye with the small end of the Foundation/Camouflage brush to make sure the eye area is shadowed and not too dark by using the bronzer to soften the look. This might be a good time to check out the “after” picture to see how nicely it blends everything together. I know you’ll find glō•mineral products are very easy to work with! Remember we’re creating illusions that are very understated!

4. Are you ready for some enviable lips?! The product I used is the versatile Royal Lip Crayon in Empress Rose. Lightly line your lip, and with your fingertip smudge the color into your lip area. It’s a soft, feminine, and natural technique. Then blot if you want an even more natural look. Apply the gloss of your choice that will suit your mood or co-ordinate with what you are wearing. On my after picture I chose Lilac Luster, but I am never without Naked or Pink Blossom.

5. For soft, feminine youthful cheeks and a lifted outer eye corner, use your Empress Rose Crayon and put a small dot on your cheek area. Be very light handed because a little goes a long way, and you can always layer more! Blend the color up your cheek bone for a healthy glow. (Should you use too much, just take your Foundation/Camoulage brush with some base, and blend away any excess color.)

Then for the final technique on the outer area of your eye, touch a few tiny dots of Empress Rose just under the brow at the outer corner of your eye and blend it until it is just a soft glow of color! It’s magical for achieving a beautiful youthful image! (Remember just a touch!!)

6.To frame your eyes, use a glō•minerals Brow pencil with the brush applicator on the other end of the pencil! I use Taupe. It is soft, natural looking and very user friendly. Feather the color on your brows, and brush up and out very lightly to achieve a soft natural brow.

7. Finally, use the large end of the Foundation Camouflage brush, and lightly dust a bit of bronzer on your forehead, cheeks, chin, neck, and declotte” if you’d like to sport a healthy sun kissed look! Put your hands next to your face. If they are pale looking next to your face you can brush a bit of bronzer on them as well, but go lightly. That’s the whole point of this “Quick and Easy” look!!

Add some mascara, and you are good to “Go”!

Now remember…Whether I am teaching a seminar or working with a client, I always try to enlighten them to “Make it their own”! These are just detailed directions that take only moments and a few products to apply! It’s essential that you take what you’ve learned and adapt it to your style. Really have fun! It’s your face and “individual look” that you must strive to achieve! These are some shortcuts that will save you time, and you’ll look and feel terrific with all of the complements you’ll receive !

Better yet, you will be able carry a small cosmetic bag that won’t take up all of the room in your purse like mine used to! I’ve really learned to travel lightly these days !

Below is my “little” personal hand crafted Batik Cosmetic bag from Point Hope. I found it to be a “perfect fit” for all my “glō” products that I used in this “Quick and Easy” makeover. You can get one too, and find out more about Point Hope by visiting:

(Quote) The cosmetic collection formulated with natural high-pigment minerals, powerful antioxidants, and pharmaceutical grade ingredients for all skin types and conditions, including post-surgery is a division of glō•professional, the leading makeup, skincare, and spa brand dedicated to the professional and consumer markets.

You’ll be able to find a lot of information, learn about all the wonderful glō•mineral products available, and purchase them on their superb webesite:

Credits for glō•mineral Logo and Product Images courtesy of :

February 4, 2012

Shea Vaughn’s Book ~ BREAKTHROUGH: The 5 Living Principles To Defeat Stress, Look Great & Find Total Well-Being….is a “Must Read”!

We are all individuals with different situations and needs. Often the path to find the personal balance and direction in our life can cause us frustration and it becomes an ongoing quest that can be quite challenging.

In BREAKTHROUGH, Shea Vaughn not only shares her journey, but step by step presents her amazing plan geared toward gals 45 and older who generally at this time in their lives are searching to find their, as Shea calls it, “Mind-Body” connection.

For me, the book came as one of those synchronistic answers to what I myself had been dealing with, and I must say that it is not only extremely well written, easy to read and relate to, but has pointed me in the right direction! I personally look forward to practicing SheaNetics®. (Quote from press literature) ” SheaNetics® is a revolutionary blend of ancient and contemporary values and movements that deliver a powerful mind-body experience.”

The book has a 5-Day Breakthrough Boost that includes (Quote from press literature) “Recipes for well being to creating your safe space to “meditation in motion and thought”, and also offers a jumpstart for women looking to redefine their way of life in a sustainable way.”
There are also pictures of Shea showing Body Boost sequences for you to do, as well.

As a certified personal trainer Shea Vaughn’s clients include professional athletes and notable executives.

Trained in ballet, Tai-Chi, Martial Arts, ZUMBA, yoga, pilates and more, Shea is also skilled in Eastern practices, as well as meditation for growth and stress reduction.

Her Celebrity son, actor Vince Vaughn says, “I’m grateful my mom took the time to share her passion in this book. Her work ethic and optimism have always inspired me.”

You may visit: where you can learn more about Shea and purchase her book BREAKTHROUGH: The 5 Living Principles to Defeat Stress, Look Great, & Find Total Well-Being, along with additional SheaNetic® products.

This book is also available at:

Here is the best news! One lucky person will win a copy of Shea’s book BREAKTHROUGH! TO WIN! Email lisa@itsaglamthing(dot)com . Put SHEA VAUGHN in the subject line and you could be the lucky winner. Our winner will be contacted via e-mail by April 1, 2012.

I am very happy to give BREAKTHROUGH a 5-Star Review!

What an inspirational and delightful book, Shea ~ Continued Success!

January 27, 2012

Fit to Flick is an innovative knit hat that let’s you show off your ponytail, look very fashionable, and stay warm!

Can you believe that there is a fashionable knit hat with a patent pending slit in the back that let’s you wear your ponytail at various heights out the back of the hat, and when you want to wear your hair down, or have short hair like I do, the slit is not visible!

Now that is ingenious designing, and we have the creator of the Fit to Flick hat, Hannah Bomze to thank.

Hanna and her boyfriend were on a trip to Italy. It was cold winter weather and Hannah wore a “beanie” over her ponytail. (Quote from Hannah) “With a ponytail in my hair and the beanie on, the hat didn’t cover my ears properly, my silhouette looked like an alien’s, and my hair was a disaster when I took the hat off for photos.”

This inspired Hannah to design Fit to Flick. (quote from Hannah) “I created a line of head wear that looks chic with or without a ponytail.”

Ponytails are always popular, and now more than ever they are really trending in the fashion world! Hanna has created lovely knit hats for women and children and you can find out more about these hats and her beautiful silk Fit to FlicK collection for the warmer weather as well by visiting:
Here are some pictures of the various Fit to Flick hats and the variety of hairstyles that can be worn with this amazingly adaptable hat.

I love my Fit to Flick hat and it looks super on short hair but, I thought you’d enjoy my daughter-in-law Sara who is a speech-language pathologist wearing the hat with her very full long curly hair. She related numerous times the problem she also experienced with long ponytailed hair and trying to wear a hat. She was really thrilled with the comfort and fit of the Fit to Flick hat.

Sara looks very classy wearing the Fit to Flick hat, and when she gets to her job, her hair will be “professionally perfect” after she removes the hat. The fear of a “Bad Hair Day” is no longer something she’ll have to worry about!

Let’s not leave out the kids! Here are some pictures of the cute Fit to Flick hats for the younger crowd wearing a number of different styles that not only look really cute, but will keep their heads completely covered and warm. I’m sure there will be no complaints from the children about wearing these fun and stylish hats since they can be worn with so many hairstyles and look sensational too!

Make sure when you visit the website:
you also take a look at the stunning warmer season Fit to Flick silk designs. They are truly gorgeous.

You may purchase your favorite style Fit to Flick hat right online at:

Get with the look !! Fit to Flick ~ A hat for any hairstyle or any season, and….. when you wear your ponytail, Like Hannah says, “Flick it” !!

Fit to Flick gets a 5-Star rating for it’s unique versatility ! Great hat, Hannah 😀

January 23, 2012

Freeman Beauty offers 33% off their Vita-K Professional Skin Care !

This is one of those opportunities you’ll want to take advantage of and get some amazing professional skin care products at a great price. These are products, and I quote,“are power-packed with the 
potent combination of ProVita-K Complex and anti-aging peptides (MatrixylR
3000*) to give skin a youthful and radiant appearance.

Last October I wrote about one of the six Vita-K Professional products. It was about Vita-K Professional Dark Circles which is a great product for the under eye area. I was not only delighted at how well this product worked but liked the look I achieved while wearing it. The finish of this light weight lotion is exceptional. It hydrates the delicate eye area for a smooth youthful appearance and it contains mica which helps light up the darkness under the eye.

When I found out that Freeman Beauty was offering 33% off any product in their Vita-K Professional line I couldn’t wait to share the news with you glam gals and guys!

Quoted from product information data:

Vita-K Professional Deep Facial Lines: “Contains Vitamin A that 
refines the skin tone and helps fight free radical sun damage.”
Vita-K Professional Crow’s Feet: “Contains Hyaluronic Acid that 
attracts moisture and instantly plumps the skin.”

•Vita-K Professional Acne Scar: “Contains Silica that helps correct and recover skin layers, adding in a dramatic reduction of the appearance of acne scars.” 
Vita-K Professional Age Spots: “Contains contains Licorice Root Extract 
that gently diminishes age spots and evens out skin tone.”
Vita-K Professional Spider Veins: “Contains Vitamin C that
 minimizes the appearance of spider veins by aiding circulation and
 strengthening vein walls.”
Vita-K Professional Dark Circles: “Contains Mica that brings
 more light to shadowy under-eyes, dramatically reducing the appearance of
 dark circles.

Do you have problems with any of the areas mentioned above? Then you’ll want to check out this exceptional opportunity to try the Vita-K Professional Product line.

Here’s how:
The coupon from FREEMAN BEAUTY for 33% off your choice of any Vita-K Professional product will be available from January 22nd to January 25th, 2012.

1. Check your newspaper! Coupons will be in newspapers across the nation.
2. Visit the Freeman Beauty website:
and enter the DISCOUNT CODE: VITAK33PR


You’ll find the VITA-K PROFESSIONAL products at mass merchandise stores that include:

You may also purchase them online at the website listed above!

Don’t miss out on this terrific offer! Make sure you check your newspapers or go to the above listed website now!!

January 18, 2012

Congratulations to Claire Danes ~ Best Actress 2012 Golden Globe winner

I had the pleasure of interviewing Claire Danes last year and would like to send congratulations to Claire on behalf of the whole It’s A Glam Thing team on winning the 2012 Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a TV Drama for HOMELAND !

Continued success, Claire !