Miracle Skin Transformer SPF 20
I was first introduced to, and wrote about Miracle Skin Transformer for Men this past holiday season.
Miracle Skin Transformer felt on his skin, how smooth his skin looked, the SPF20 protection, and that it was all in one tube.
I immediately went to the online link :www.miracleskintransformer.com and read about the products that were available and purchased the Miracle Skin Transformer in a Light Tint, and a Light and Light/Medium product called Treat and Conceal for eyes and face.
Treat and Conceal intrigued me since it also was a treatment and cosmetic product in one tube that concealed and evened out the skin. How versatile!
(You can read all about this product and others I’ll be talking about in this article on the website link above.)
Not only was I looking forward to trying these products myself, but as a national makeup artist working in HD-TV, and “Key” makeup artist on a National PBS Series, I was curious to see how Miracle Skin Transformer products would look on camera.
Personally liking a flawless finished look, I used the Miracle Skin Transformer in Light and then layered and blended some of the Treat and Conceal in Light/Medium over the top. I used the Light Treat and Conceal under my eyes and found the coverage like a second skin!
In my makeup room at the studio on a day we were taping the TV show, I was able to really be creative with some of the guests who would be appearing on the program. Over the years I’ve noticed many guests prefer a no makeup look. Miracle Skin Transformer was a great product choice to use for a soft natural look by layering and blending colors that to the surprise of the guests felt so light weight on their skin, they were very comfortable with not only the feel of the product but how they looked!
As for the host of the program, A blend of Light and Light/Medium Treat and Conceal turned out to be a flawless under eye concealer, and I used the Miracle Skin Transformer SPF20 as a perfect primer, under her regular makeup. It looked terrific on camera!
Miracle Skin Transformer would now be going into my professional case, so I needed to order some more product for myself!! It was perfect timing since the innovator of Miracle Skin Transformer , Sarah McNamara, was making her debut on Home Shopping Network (HSN) and I was looking forward to her appearance.
I’m thrilled that I will be interviewing Sarah McNamara in the 2nd article of this 2 part series in April.
You may read more about Ms.McNamara at:
On HSN I not only replaced my product but purchased two new products that are very effective yet easy on your skin.
Take a moment to visit: http://beauty.hsn.com/sarah-mcnamara_c-bs_a-9131_xc.aspx?gs=
My two new products include:
1. Miracle Skin Transformer Hydroactive Cleanser that not only dissolves dirt and oil but deeply cleanses your skin, yet is soothing and hydrating. The treatment in this product consists of MP3 complex , also in Miracle Skin Transformer, and Treat and Conceal (Quote) “A powerful antioxidant blend that works hard to fight free radicals.”
2. Miracle Skin Transformer Hydroactive Microderm that will help “soften and refine” the texture of your skin, and impart radiance and clarity to your skin. This product also contains (Quote) “ MP3 complex ,a blend of algae, vitamins, and antioxidants for increased hydration and more luminous skin.”
I’m very impressed with the feel of my skin after I use these two products. When I apply my Miracle Skin Transformer after each use, my skin texture is so soft and looks very smooth and healthy!
I’ll include the link to Miracle Skin Transformer again, since it’s filled with information I know you’ll be interested in perusing. You may also find the location of a store that sells Miracle Skin Transformer products near you, or if you’d like, purchase them right on this website:www.miracleskintransformer.com
Make sure you check back in April for my interview with Sarah McNamara and more about Miracle Skin Transformer!