October 12, 2013

Beauty For A Cause ~ Breast Cancer Awareness

Manna Kadar, founder of Manna Kadar Cosmetics, has joined with Blush.com this October to help raise awareness for Breast Cancer.
A variety of popular products from the line, including:
•Lash Primer•Transfix •Sheer Glo •Camera Ready
and•Long Wear Lipsticks are included in Blush’s exclusive BCA Charity Boutique. 
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For every item purchased, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to various breast cancer organizations. 

Please visit the boutique via: http://www.blush.com/profile_BCA+Charity+Boutique+2013_502842.htm

(Any quoted or paraphrased information in this article was obtained from a provided PR-Fact Sheet)

October 12, 2013

My interview with Celebrity Actress-Comedienne Syd Wilder

A few months ago I wrote an article about the very multitalented actress-comedienne, Syd Wilder. I was quite impressed with Syd’s determination and drive as she headed straight to Hollywood to focus on her career in the entertainment field after graduating early from high school in her hometown of Atlanta,Georgia.

SYD WILDER Actress & Comedienne


Syd’s natural talent was primed as she trained at the acclaimed American Academy of Dramatic Arts, and she’s been “blazing” her trail ever since, earning film and television credits, along with making appearances in comedy venues in Los Angeles.

I was delighted to get an opportunity to ask Syd some questions, and find out more about this bright, witty, and versatile performer.

Here is my interview with Syd Wilder:

1.VICKI: What was your first venture into the entertainment field and did that inspire you to continue your pursuit as a performer?

SYD: I started out modeling at 13 and grew tired of it by 14 and then I wanted to write songs and become a country singer. I almost moved to Nashville because I was offered a record contract at a smaller label and my mom declined because it was a 5 year contract and thought I was too young. I sang in church most of my life and can sing a bit but I’m more of a dancer. Looking back at that now I laugh hysterically… To think if I ever made it as a country singer… That just sounds like a bad but funny sketch to me. My music manager at the time request I take acting classes for stage presence and after one class I got “THE BUG.”

2.VICKI: That’s quite a story!! You’ve really had so many interesting experiences, Syd…
Movement, grace, and agility are essential when performing on any level. With your training in dance, modeling, and cheerleading, how have these skills have helped you, and possibly given you a bit of an edge when auditioning for acting, film rolls, and even stand up work?

SYD: Very good question.:) I’ve had many roles where they ask me if I can dance. Which I’ve had training in many different forms so for instance in one play I actually got to choreograph the Tango dance number which was a lot of fun. I also shocking am asked to play strippers a lot which comes in handy because I have a pole in my room. In stand up and comedy dancing really helps my physical comedy which to me is the funniest. I’ve always admired Buster Keaton. Twerking is also a bit of a craze now and I’m very skilled at that as well!!! I even taught Senior Citizens how to do it on YouTube.

3.VICKI: Syd, you are so multi-talented! I believe you could bring a smile to anyone’s face, and I give your Senior Citizen Twerking video a 5-star review ;-D
So, when did you realize Comedy was your calling?

SYD: I get asked this question a lot… I don’t have a specific date in time that was my Oprah “Ah ha” moment. I was the fat kid who was obsessed with women’s basketball and I had ugly braces. (My older sister was head cheer leader and prom queen.) I learned at a young age I needed to develop a skill to stand out from her shadow… Making people laugh came natural to

4.VICKI: That is so awesome! Humor is a wonderful gift and look how well it has served you in your career….. How was the move from your hometown in Atlanta, Georgia to Los Angeles a turning point in the direction of your career?

SYD: Well, it was like a CANDY LAND of opportunity for me but when I moved I was only 16. So, I could only study until I turned 18 which was great because LA has much better acting schools than ATL. Once I hit 18 I booked the first student film I auditioned for then I started booking more and more legitimate roles. Then I met agents, changed agents, met managers and changed managers. In the beginning I didn’t know what direction I wanted my career to go and now I know exactly what I want and where I want my career to go. I have a great team of people helping me make that a reality and I’m not going to lie it took me forever to find them. I’m not one of those fresh off the farm and she struck gold stories. Which I love and hate in a way… I definitely appreciate every opportunity and never take anything or one for granted because I know how hard you have to work to get there.

5. VICKI: Wow Syd, your determination and focus really paid off! You have overcome challenges, found your direction and can now continue to keep moving forward. Your positive outlook is very commendable…. How has your schooling and coaches helped to fine tune your performance?

SYD: Funny question… my ex boyfriend is actually my favorite acting coach. I’ve studied with so many different types of coaches for everything you can imagine Alexander Technique, Voice and Speech, Dance, Improv and all different forms of “The Method.” I’ve taken what works for me and what I’ve experienced in life and draw from there. Finding whatever works for you is the KEY to mastering your performance.

6. VICKI: You are right on target, and that’s really exceptional advice, Syd!!
So right now, what direction are you focusing on regarding your career ?

SYD: At this time I’m focusing on becoming better each and every day at my craft. (My ultimate goal is to have my own sitcom and if for some odd reason that doesn’t happen being in one of Chuck Lorre’s sitcom’s for 10 plus years would be a dream.)

7. VICKI: What an admirable positive attitude! I certainly can envision a sitcom for you in the future! Thank you so much for your time, and Syd…. Next time I’m in Los Angeles, I look forward to seeing you perform in person! Wishing you ongoing success and all the best !!!

Syd Wilder Actress-Comedienne

Syd Wilder

Visit Syd’s website at:

(Thanks to Lauren at ddPR, and special thanks to Sid Wilder for taking the time for this interview.)

October 11, 2013

Skin Care Expert and Jan Marini Skin Research Founder, Jan Marini Will Be Live Chatting on Facebook !

This is a wonderful opportunity for you to talk with Jan Marini, a very well respected icon in the business of skincare! Jan will be on hand to answer your skincare questions & concerns and discuss the benefits of her breakthrough product line!

Jan Marini Skin care expert  &  Jan Marini Skin Research Founder

Jan Marini
Skin care expert
Jan Marini Skin Research Founder

Founder of breakthrough solutions and dramatic technological advances in skin care, Jan Marini is committed to providing a line that delivers measurable results. To understand more about how Jan Marini came to create JMSR, as well as discover answers to some of your most challenging skin care questions, here is your chance!
Join Jan on Tuesday, October 15th at 5PM EST / 2PM PST to hear more about her product line and what drove her to develop her line of products. Simply “Like” Jan Marini’s Facebook page in order to participate:
October 11, 2013

New York Times and USA Today Best Selling Author Brenda Novak launches her new historical romance ,THROUGH THE SMOKE, on October 15th!

All devotees of the notable author, Brenda Novak’s exceptional books will be excited to find out that Brenda’s newest book to be released on October 15th will be a historical romance titled THROUGH THE SMOKE.

Brenda Novak's Historical Romance Novel THROUGH THE SMOKE

Brenda Novak’s
Historical Romance Novel

I’ve been a fan of Brenda’s writing for some time, and I wasn’t aware that her first book published in 1999 by Harper Collins was a historical romance titled, OF NOBLE BIRTH.

According to Brenda, who totally enjoys writing romantic novels, her historical romance novel, THROUGH THE SMOKE, is a story she’s been wanting to write for many years.

I cant wait to start reading THROUGH THE SMOKE! With Brenda’s exceptional style of writing, and the story being set in a historical time frame, I can only imagine what a “page turner” this new book is going to be!

Other fans agree! The response for THROUGH THE SMOKE has been very enthusiastic, in fact, here’s a comment from a WHISKEY CREEK FAN about THROUGH THE SMOKE:

“I haven’t read many historical romance novels in the past but after reading Through the Smoke I might just change that. This story was full of passion, mystery and unexpected twists. I was so engrossed I had to force myself to go to bed; otherwise, I could have stayed up all night reading it. Definitely 5 stars.”
–Wendy Dinwiddle

You really need to take a moment to read the prologue and first chapter of THROUGH THE SMOKE on Brenda’s website:

THROUGH THE SMOKE will be available OCTOBER 15th at :

(Any Quoted or Paraphrased information in this article was obtained from PR information about THROUGH THE SMOKE.)

October 5, 2013

Get relief from seasonal allergies with daily disposable ACUVUE® TruEye® contact lenses!

It’s that time of year, and those annoying fall allergies can be quite bothersome! Are you aware that wearing ACUVUE® TruEye® daily disposable contact lenses can be a real help with allergy irritated and itching eyes?

ACUVUE® TruEye® Daily Disposable Contact Lenses

Daily Disposable
Contact Lenses

It just makes sense! With daily disposable contact lenses like ACUVUE® TruEye®, you are putting clean brand new contact lenses on your eyes every day! That means there is no cleaning or buildup of “irritants or allergens” that can occur from wearing the same lenses day-to-day. That was always the problem I experienced when I wore contact lenses years ago.

Take a moment to get the full story about ACUVUE® TruEye® contacts
regarding allergies by listening to a very informative Allergy Podcast on Blog Talk Radio with Dr.Val Jones at:

ACUVUE® TruEye® contact lenses have so many advanced attributes including “the third generation of HYDRACLEAR® technology that brings the highest volume of moisture-rich wetting agents to TruEye®.”

Contact Lens & Night did a study, and TruEye®was shown to provide high levels of comfort from morning to night, comparable to wearing no lenses at all!”

​Additionally, 1-Day ACUVUE® TruEye® has the “highest level of UV protection in a contact lens!” That’s certainly an essential factor in maintaining healthy eyes!

Here is the complete list of Blog Talk Radio programs that share a number of up to the minute educational podcasts about various topics regarding care for your eyes: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/search?q=healthy-vision

Also, be sure to visit: www.acuvue.com Read more about the TruEye® contacts , trial offers, and discounts on your ACUVUE® TruEye® purchase.

In closing, let me stress the importance of regular visits to your eye care professional. If you wear contact lenses, are considering them for the first time, or after reading all of the amazing features ACUVUE® TruEye® daily disposable lenses have to offer, this may be the perfect opportunity for you to call your eye doctor and make an appointment to try these state-of-the-art contact lenses.

(Quoted and Paraphrased information in this feature obtained from provided PR-Fact Sheets, Blog Talk Radio -Healthy Vision Podcasts, www.acuvue.com.)

October 3, 2013

Obagi Hydrate™ provides all day moisture for all skin types!

I was introduced to Obagi Medical Products, Inc. through a Plastic Surgery Clinic in the 90’s. Today, Obagi continues to be a well known innovator of very effective products that provide not only a topical improvement to the skin, but with their Obagi Nu-Derm® System, addresses the issue of aging skin at “the cellular level“, resulting in a “renewed healthy skin“.

Al Hummel, Chief Executive Officer at Obagi stated,” Our customers and their patients have been asking for a moisturizer for years; we’re happy to be bringing to market a product that is clinically proven to do what it says it will do! Obagi Hydrate offers both instant and long-lasting hydration and is a great adjunct to any of our other Obagi systems.”

HYDRATE by Obagi Medical products:

OBAGI® Hydrate Facial Moisturizer

Facial Moisturizer

We consume water daily to keep our bodies hydrated! Our skin needs hydration, as well. With Obagi Hydrate, unlike a lot of moisturizers that just cover the skin to counteract it’s lack of water, an advanced main ingredient in Hydrate called “Hydromanil” takes water, absorbing it into your skin right away, and keeps it there!! This is a result of a process called a “two-in-one” reaction which maintains ongoing moisturizing and water within the skin, as well as top surface hydration on the outer skin’s surface that helps to counteract dehydration (water loss).

Additional active ingredients in Obagi Hydrate that help moisturize and stave off dryness and dehydration include:
• Shea Butter
• Mango Butter
• Avocado &
• Glycerin

Here’s even better news! Quoting from Clinical Trials using Obagi Hydrate, “a 51% improvement in moisture loss after 8 hours and a 92% improvement in the skin’s moisture retention within 2 hours was noted. Obagi Hydrate, after extensive dermatological testing was shown to have no specific clinical reaction proving it to be non-irritating, non-sensitizing, hypoallergenic and noncomedogenic.”

I found that Obagi Hydrate penetrated directly into my skin when I applied it. There was no residue, just a continuous moist hydrated feel. With Obagi’s advanced technical “two-in-one” process, I knew that Hydrate’s ongoing “activity” was working above and below my surface skin and I wouldn’t have to worry about that dehydrated feeling I had often experienced in the past.

All skin types can experience dehydration, and use Obagi Hydrate. As we head into the fall and winter seasons, it would be the perfect time for you to try this terrific hydrating moisturizer.

Priced at $45.00 for 1.7ounces, Obagi Nu-Derm Hydrate can be found at “dermatology, plastic surgery and aesthetic physician’s offices”.

Visit: www.Obagi.com
On the home page you’ll be able to enter your zip code and find a location where you may purchase Obagi Hydrate near you.

While on the Obagi website, you’ll also be able to get skin tips, and learn out about all the fine Obagi Medical Products and systems to care for your skin.

(Quoted or paraphrased information in this article was obtained from:A provided Obagi PR Fact Sheet, www.obagi.com,and TEWL/Moisturization Evaluation,OMP,Inc.
My commentary regarding Obagi and Obagi Hydrate was my personal opinion.)

September 26, 2013

Dr. Brandt’s sold-out, must-have detoxifying anti-oxidant water booster in goji-maqui is back by popular demand!

When Dr. Brandt first launched his revolutionary anti-oxidant water boosters, they became an instant hit. Fans were clamoring for this must-have detox tool that leaves skin youthful, luminous, and radiant from the inside out. Back by popular demand, this sold-out favorite returns as a web and in-office exclusive. For the month of September only, dr. brandt is making this must-have product available for 25% off as a special introductory offer.

dr.brandt&#039 Detoxifying Antioxidant Booster is Back!!

Detoxifying Antioxidant Booster is Back!!

Dr. Fredric Brandt, a renowned dermatologist and skincare expert, began his career at Sloan-Kettering focusing on cancer research. While seeking to fight this deadly disease, Dr. Brandt became a pioneer advocate for the use of natural antioxidants to fight free radical damage and effectively combat premature aging. This led to the development of his unprecedented antioxidant water boosters, bringing Dr. Brandt’s groundbreaking discoveries in internal medicine to skin. These powerful boosters improve overall health and skin radiance while slowing the signs of aging. Packed with proven age-fighters that provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxifying benefits, Dr. Brandt’s breakthrough water boosters fortify skin with the building blocks of health and youth in delicious goji-maqui flavor.

“Goji-maqui water booster is a convenient and extremely effective way to naturally detoxify, while defending your skin and body against the dangerous daily assault of free radicals,” explains Dr. Brandt. “Just squeeze a dropper full into your 8 oz. water bottle and enjoy a daily dose of skin health.”

dr. brandt detoxifying anti-oxidant water booster® goji-maqui features an exclusive combination of purifying superfoods Goji berry and Maqui berry for total body detoxification and visibly healthier, younger looking skin. This potent antioxidant blend contains more than 90 percent polyphenols—equivalent to more than 15 cups of green tea—for a delicious detox, that’s decaffeinated, sugar, and calorie free.

The benefits of these powerful ingredients include:

Goji berry
•Antioxidant and potassium rich
•Natural diuretic
•Regulates blood pressure
•Rids the body of excess fluids and toxins

Maqui berry
•Rich source of antioxidants
•Powerful anti-inflammatory
•Protects against toxins, chemicals and free-radicals
Full of vitamin C, calcium, potassium and iron
Ranked within the highest anti-oxidant abilities on the ORAC scale—a standardized test used by the UD department of agriculture to measure anti-oxidant levels in food

HOW TO USE: Add one dropper full to a cup of hot or cold water daily to rid internal systems of toxins, combat premature aging and promote overall health.

WHAT IT COSTS: $39 (25% off exclusively for the month of September)

WHERE TO FIND IT: Available at drbrandtskincare.com or at Dr. Brandt’s Medical Offices in New York (323 East 34th Street) and Miami (4425 Ponce de Leon Boulevard)

Also find Dr. Brandt online at :

Facebook: drbrandtskincare

Twitter: @drfredricbrandt

Instagram: drbrandt

Pinterest: drbrandt

(Quoted and Paraphrased information in this article was obtained from a provided PR-Fact Sheet.)

September 17, 2013

Add body and volume to your hair with TRUHAIR by Chelsea Scott™

Chelsea Scott , a seasoned professional with twenty years in the “Beauty Industry”, has created the TRUHAIR line of hair care products that work to add volume and body to your hair! An easy to use system, TRUEHAIR gives you that professional look and feel you receive at a salon, but in the privacy of your own home.

I was a perfect candidate for the TRUHAIR products with my short fine wavy hair. I usually have to take too much time with my hair to achieve a look that I like. I was extremely excited to have the opportunity to try the TRUHAIR products and be able to share my results with you!

TRUHAIR   by Chelsea Scott™

by Chelsea Scott™

TRUHAIR Extreme Volume Bodifying Shampoo – $21.50 :I liked the texture of this shampoo. It was very lightweight! TRUHAIR thoroughly, yet gently cleaned my hair. My hair didn’t feel coated or weighted down, as it often does with other products!

This Extreme Volume Bodifying Shampoo contains,“exclusive TRUHAIR Complex with panthenol, biotin, and actipelx complex 194 ~ with hops, goldenseal and witch hazel.”

You just need to apply and massage a small amount of the shampoo to your scalp and wet hair, then rinse. Your hair will feel so clean with no residue.

TRUHAIR Extreme Volume Bodifying Conditioner will be the next product that you use after you shampoo! – $21.50 : This Conditioner contains the same premier ingredients and is also a very “lightweight” product.

With the TRUHAIR Extreme Volume Bodifying Conditioner your hair will be treated to an increase in volume as moisture surrounds the cuticle. As a result, you should notice “thicker-looking”, and “easier to manage hair.”

TRUHAIR Raise the Roots – $19.95 : Raise the Roots worked very well for me. Once again, you don’t have to worry about it being too heavy on your hair ! It’s a “textured, fibrous cream” that allows you to “sculpt and style” your hair. “Apply it on damp hair from root to end, and also on dry hair for more definition.”

•”Styles Hair Easily”
•”Enhances Fullness and Shine”
•”Works on all hair types, including color-treated”

Having short hair, I applied it to my damp hair at the roots for a lift! Then when dry, I added some to the front of my hair to get a perfect lifted and separated look. I was delighted!!

TRUHAIR Tease Ease Volume Set – $22.50:
I personally use this set, and I also keep one in my professional makeup case!

You receive two wonderful combs for teasing, and the pick is perfect for parting your hair, and it will easily lift the hair at the crown for the ” bump” that makes your hair look much fuller. “These combs are made with durable rubber construction! This helps prevent breakage!”

The finishing spray is exceptional! It holds the hair for a long lasting style, and gives your hair a nice shine, but not a wet or greasy look!

Make sure to visit the TRUHAIR website at:

TRUHAIR by Chelsea Scott™ is also available at the HSN Network:

Whether your hair is long or short, I believe most of us aspire to have that voluminous, enviable hair. TRUHAIR gives you some nice options for achieving that goal!

(Quoted and/or paraphrased information in this feature was obtained from provided PR fact sheets, TruHair.com, and hsn.com. My personal commentary is my own opinion from using the product that I received to review.)

September 15, 2013

New Multi Pot Face Colors from Gabriel Cosmetics, Inc.

I don’t know about you, but it seems by the time I get a moment to myself I’m always cutting corners to try to “put on my face” and run out the door!

Here is a product from Gabriel Cosmetics, Inc. that is versatile, easy to use, and really helps you “multi-task” and look terrific in no time. It’s also very portable and easy to take in your handbag or just slip in your pocket for quick touchups!

Multi Pot Colors for Cheeks, Lips and Eyes from Gabriel Cosmetics, Inc:

(click to enlarge image) Multi Pot Colors for  Cheeks, Lips, and Eyes from: Gabriel Cosmetics Inc.

(click to enlarge image)
Multi Pot Colors for
Cheeks, Lips, and Eyes retail for $18.35

All of the Multi Pot colors are fab! I personally received and used Dahlia and Magnolia. I liked the consistency and feel of the product. They applied easily with my finger tips or brushes, and I used them on my cheeks, eyes, lips, and as a nice wash of color over my face. I was able to blend the two colors for a more neutral look, build color when I needed a bit more drama, and buff with a makeup sponge to blend and soften color edges to achieve a finished yet very natural look as in the image below, in just a few minutes.

⇖ Dahlia & Magnolia ⇗

I prepared my cleansed face with a few basics by applying a light amount of foundation to even my skin tone, defining my eyes with a navy pencil, and filling my eyebrows with a brow powder.

The Multi Pots completed my look!
• With a flat brush I applied Dahlia around and above the crease of my eye, lightly blending in an up and out diagonal direction toward the outer corner of my eyebrow.
• To achieve a nice lifted look, I used a touch of Magnolia on my finger tip and patted it lightly over the Dahlia on the upper outer corner of my eye!
• I wanted a soft glow to my skin so I used the Dahlia as a light color wash over my face. Less is best, since you can always add more if needed. I actually used a little makeup sponge, and lightly patted the Dahlia around my forehead, below my cheek bones, across my nose, and my chin. With the same sponge, I softly applied what little was left on the sponge to my neck and décolleté to just follow through with the color. I find that provides the ultimate finished look!
• It was time to add a little color. Magnolia was perfect as I, once again, used my finger tips and applied the color to my cheeks, a dot on the bridge of my nose and with what was left on my fingers, I touched a few dots on my forehead. I lightly blended, and with a clean sponge made sure that the colors were seamless!
• I smudged Dahlia on my lips and was ready to go!

These Multi Pots are fun, truly simple to use, stay looking great all day, and are even “formulated with Jojoba Oil to slow down those wrinkles!”

You’ll want to take a look at all of the wonderful “Cruelty Free”, “Gluten Free”, Vegan products at: http://www.gabrielcosmeticsinc.com

Gabriel Cosmetics’ Multi Pots get a glowing 5-STAR Review:
• For the convenience of having color that can be used on your cheeks, lips and eyes in one “Multi Pot”
• Shades that can be worn on all skintones
• Ease of application
• Healthy ingredients
• Creating Cruelty Free, Gluten Free, Vegan products
• Developing Multi adaptable color choices

Great product Gabriel!!

Find out more about Gabriel DeSantino, the Founder and CEO of Gabriel Cosmetics, Inc., the philosophy behind his creative, healthy line of products, and purchase your Multi Pots at:
Gabriel Cosmetics Inc. :

(Quotes and/or Paraphrased information in this article was obtained from provided Product Fact sheets and information on the Gabriel Cosmetics Inc. website. Any personal commentary and makeup application techniques were my own opinion and application choices from my personal use of the “Multi Pots in Magnolia and Dahlia” that I received to review.)

September 12, 2013

9/12 -TODAY ONLY….Spa Sonic at Target.com Daily Deal Alert!

This truly is “such a deal“!!

Today only on Target.com, Spa Sonic is available for a Daily Deal! Regularly $59.99, purchase today on Target.com for $34.00.

GO TO: www.target.com/dailydeals


Daily Deal -Today Only!
$34.00: at target.com

Spa Sonic Face and Body Polisher is not only budget-friendly price point and includes four brush head attachments unlike other spin brushes on the market today. A small brush for the face, a large brush for the body, a pumice pad for rough areas, and a facial sponge for microdermabrasion and reduction of fine lines; all of which are included with the device. The multiple attachment options for the waterproof device make deep cleansing, exfoliating, tightening and minimizing of pores possible for both the face and body.

With gentle, Clear Skin Technology, Spa Sonic is a specially designed with anti-irritating comfort bristles and can be used daily. Other brushes can be harsh on sensitive skin leaving it red and irritated.

Available in white, lavender and pink shades. Four bonus attachments included. Long lasting AA battery four pack, (No need to charge).

(Quoted and/or Paraphrased information was obtained from a provided PR-Fact Sheet.)