November 17, 2013

Style Guru Lloyd Boston teams up with Pfizer’s Walk in My Shoes program to raise awareness for Diabetic Nerve Pain!

America's Favorite Stylist Lloyd Boston

America’s Favorite Stylist
Lloyd Boston

When it comes to “Style”, Lloyd Boston is your “go to” guy! His familiar face often graces red carpet events, top shows like Access Hollywood, NBC Today, Oprah, and Extra, just to name a few…. and his book, The Style Checklist is a sought after “Best Seller”!

Having an aunt with type 2 diabetes and diabetic nerve pain, Lloyd wanted to help “raise awareness” about this painful condition, and teamed up with Pfizer’s Walk in My Shoes program!

Pfizer's Walk in My Shoes to promote awareness for: •Diabetic Nerve Pain•

Pfizer’s Walk in My Shoes to promote awareness for: •Diabetic Nerve Pain•

Here’s a recent interview with more commentary from Lloyd Boston about the Walk in My Shoes program along with some bonus style tips you’ll really enjoy! :

What is the Walk in My Shoes program?

Walk in My Shoes is a new program aimed at people with diabetic nerve pain (also known as painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy, or pDPN) developed by Pfizer. Walk in My Shoes is encouraging the public to support people who, together with their health care providers, are addressing this painful condition.

This November, the Walk in My Shoes program launched at the American Diabetes Association Step Out Los Angeles: Walk to Stop Diabetes, which took place in Griffith Park. At the Walk, the Walk in My Shoes Sitting Room was also revealed, where people were able to recline, learn about pDPN and an available prescription treatment option.

What are you doing as part of your involvement in Walk in My Shoes?

I joined the Walk in My Shoes Team, along with others affected by diabetic nerve pain, at the American Diabetes Association Step Out LA Walk. The Walk in My Shoes Team is walking to raise awareness of diabetic nerve pain and to encourage others to take the first step to address their symptoms and speak to their doctor.

What is your connection to diabetic nerve pain?

Like many Americans, I have a family connection to type 2 diabetes and diabetic nerve pain. I have a close aunt who would describe during family dinners the tingling, pins-and-needle pain she was experiencing in her feet and toes. What I didn’t know previously was that these symptoms were related to diabetic nerve pain, a distinct type of pain caused by nerves damaged by her diabetes.

What has your aunt’s experience been with this condition?

My aunt is a strong lady who often puts family before herself, and did not want to admit that the pain she was experiencing in her feet was holding her back from doing everyday activities. She eventually spoke to her doctor about her symptoms and found out that she had diabetic nerve pain. Today, she’s doing the best she can to manage this painful condition, but her journey is still not over.

• Where can people go to learn more about diabetic nerve pain and show their support for the Walk in My Shoes Team?

To show support, people can join the Walk in My Shoes Team or donate to the American Diabetes Association by visiting: On this site, you can also learn more about diabetic nerve pain and a prescription treatment option.

What are your best style tips for women who are short on time but still want to look fabulous?

Keep it simple. Complicated outfits with loads of accessories, multiple layers, and contrasting prints can be time-stealers, and not necessarily look as chic as a crisp white tailored button down shirt, paired with a beautiful pair of camel trousers (and a bold red lip). I feel that less is modern.

• What are the hottest trends for winter?
These three trends are easy to wear and flattering on most women: COLORED LEATHER (bold clutch bags, ankle boots or jackets in lipstick red, grass green, or even marigold yellow), FAUX FUR (infinity scarves, chubby jackets, Russian-inspired hats) and A TOUCH OF MENSWEAR (an oversized overcoat, cool Fedora hat and herringbone gloves). These are easy trends that have a timeless appeal.

Many thanks to Lloyd Boston for sharing information about Pfizer’s Walk in My Shoes program, some great “Style Tips”, and the latest “Looks” for winter!

Take a moment to visit Lloyd’s wonderful website at:

Also……Consider becoming a part of the Pfizer Walk in My Shoes Team, find out about treatment choices for Diabetic Nerve Pain, or make a donation to The Diabetes Association:

Pfizer's Walk in My Shoes to promote awareness for: •Diabetic Nerve Pain•

Pfizer’s Walk in My Shoes to promote awareness for: •Diabetic Nerve Pain•

(Quoted or paraphrased information in this article obtained from provided Fact Sheets,,

November 15, 2013

Homeopathic products shown to be safe and effective for pain and wellness

Are you a baby boomer? Have you experienced problems with low back, joint, and muscle pain? Well don’t feel alone! As “boomers” age, dealing with pain has become a significant issue! Putting it into a better perspective, can you believe that pain affects more than 30% of the people in the US more than heart disease, diabetes and cancer combined!

Even more disturbing is that 76.2 million people in America have revealed that they have had problems due to pain!

Pain relief is essential, and you’ll be glad to know that there are safer more natural choices available for treating pain, and providing alternatives to powerful painkillers that may present side effects and other risks! Complimentary and alternative medicine (CAM) is getting a lot of attention for it’s natural ingredients, effectiveness, and less side effects.

Statistics show that 40% of adults choose this safer complimentary and alternative type of treatment, and more and more doctors are now using CAM therapy with their patients and frequently combining them with traditional therapy known as integrated medicine.

In this article , I’d like to introduce you to two medical doctors who I had the opportunity to interview and learn more about CAM and two very effective homeopathic products. One is for pain relief called Traumeel®, and the other is Reboost™ that helps with cold and flu symptoms.

Dr. Steven Sampson, D.O.

Dr. Steven Sampson, D.O.

“Dr. Sampson founded the Orthohealing Center in Los Angeles, California. Recognized internationally as an expert in non-surgical orthopedics and regenerative medicine , his Orthohealing Center is a comprehensive leading-edge facility that focuses entirely on non-surgical orthopedics and sports medicine. Professional and Olympic athletes come from around the world to see Dr. Sampson for their treatments! Publishing many peer reviewed articles and textbook chapters that share his expertise, he has also created instructional videos to educate thousands of physicians. Dr. Sampson has contributed features in the New York Times, the LA Times, Huffington Post, The Doctors TV show, ESPN Radio, NBA TV, and numerous media outlets. Currently Dr. Sampson is a clinical instructor of medicine at David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, and on staff at St. Johns Health Center of Santa Monica, CA.”

Traumeel®  Pain Relief with natural ingredients

Pain relief with natural ingredients

My experience with Traumeel®:
Having a tear in my rotator, disc problems in my neck, and issues with pain I was a perfect candidate for Traumeel®. I’ve used a number of topical pain creams over the years, and found that most of them provided a temporary warming to my skin, and had that typically strong medicinal odor. I was surprised and delighted when I put on Traumeel® it was very light weight and absorbed instantly. There was no warming on my skin or and “medicinal”smell at all! Within minutes I noticed that my pain started to diminish. It’s also wonderful to use in the evening before you go to bed. I now carry a tube of Traumeel® with me wherever I go. They also have tablets you can take for pain. I’m on some medication, so I asked Dr. Sampson about that in our interview below!

My interview with Dr. Steven Sampson :
1. VICKI: Dr. Sampson, how does a product like Traumeel® help with pain relief for minor joint, muscle and back pain?

DR. SAMPSON: Traumeel® is a combination of 12 natural active ingredients (out of 14 actives). Traumeel® is easy to use and gently activates the body’s self healing, offering natural relief that works with your body to temporarily reduce minor joint, back and muscle pain.

2. VICKI: Is this considered a topical product without systemic effect, and a safe alternative to use if you also happen to be taking prescription medications?

DR. SAMPSON: Traumeel® is available in various forms including tablets, oral drops and topical cream and gel. Traumeel® has shown no known drug to drug interaction!

3.VICKI: How do you determine whether to use ice or heat to help with a painful muscle, back or shoulder discomfort?

DR. SAMPSON: Generally with new injuries like spasms and sprains we recommend ice initially for the first 48 hours, then heat for more chronic injuries like everyday muscle tension from sitting at the computer too long. Having said that, patients are very particular and some may prefer ice versus heat. When using natural based remedies like this, the body will let them know: generally, if it feels good – then use it, and if it feels worse – then avoid it.

VICKI:Thank you so much for your time. Traumeel® is quite an amazing product. It’s nice to know there’s an alternative relief for pain that is Homeopathic, available in variety of forms including a tablet , and also safe to use!

Facts about Traumeel®:

Traumeel® has been used by millions in more than 50 countries around the world for over 60 years.

Traumeel® has not been associated with the type of side effects linked with topical NSAID use, like increased risk of ulcers and stomach bleeding.

•Traumeel® ointment, gel and tablets are designed to work without going through the digestive system.

For even more information about Traumeel® please visit:


Dr. Haddon- Otolaryngologist

Dr. Haddon-

Reboost™ with Natural Ingredients

with Natural Ingredients

Bob’s experience with Reboost™: My husband, Bob, recently got over whatever was going around this year. He ended up with a lingering cough and nasal congestion. Reboost™ Cough Relief was soothing and it settled that cough ! (Honey is one of it’s inactive ingredients) He also tried the Reboost™ Decongestant Spray that was helpful as well. Reboost™ offers some real “go to” products to have on hand for you to take at the onset of a cold, nasal, or sinus situation. I did have some questions, once again, about interactions with other medications that Dr. Haddon answered in my interview below!

My interview with Dr.Sezelle Gereau-Haddon:

1. VICKI: Dr. Haddon, when using a product like Reboost™, is it only to be used after you have symptoms of a cold or flu, or can it be used as a preventative product as well?

DR. HADDON: No product can reliably prevent cold and flu. While there is no known cure for the common cold, many cold and flu sufferers find relief through symptomatic treatment. The Reboost™ line of products includes Nasal Spray for the temporary relief of minor nasal symptoms, Throat Spray for the temporary relief of minor pain from sore throat, tablets for the temporary relief of minor flu symptoms and Cough Syrup for minor cough and congestion.

2. VICKI: Is Reboost™ a product you will be able to use if you are taking prescription medications?

DR. HADDON: Absolutely! Reboost™ has shown no known drug to drug interactions.

3. VICKI: How does a product like Reboost™ help with cold and flu symptoms? Is it safe?

strong>DR. HADDON: We believe Reboost™ products work with the body’s own immune system to promote natural self-healing. They are safe and have no known side effects such as drowsiness. Anyone over the age of four can use Reboost™ products.

VICKI: With your exceptional training and expertise in “integrated” medicine, it’s very reassuring to feel confident about the Reboost™ line of homeopathic alternative options. Thank you so much for this interview.

Cold and Flu Statistics:
• The common cold is caused by more than 200 viruses and is the leading cause of doctor visits and missed days from work or school.

• On average 5-20 percent of Americans get the flu each year, and 20,000 children in the U.S. are hospitalized each year because of flu complications.

• Many consumers have concerns regarding the safety of some over-the-counter medicines. Research indicates that many are turning to natural cold and flu medicines instead of traditional therapies.

About Reboost™:
Reboost™ is a product line for cold and flu relief.

Reboost™ means that relief doesn’t need to come with frequent side effects, which can be bothersome or even serious.

Reboost™ products promote natural self-healing and use ingredients found in nature, so cold and flu sufferers can feel better about feeling better.

Find out more information about the fine line of Reboost™ please visit:

Reboost was honored with the KiWi Award in  2013

Reboost was honored with the KiWi Award in

(These statements have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. They are supported by traditional homeopathic principles. Quoted and Paraphrased information in this article obtained from provided Fact Sheets, any personal commentary is my personal opinion from using the provided product.[i] The prevalence of chronic pain in United States adults: results of an Internet-based survey. J Pain. 2010 Nov ;11(11):1230-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2010.07.002. Epub 2010 Aug 25.[ii] National Pain Survey, conducted for Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, 1999.[iii] Mayo Clinic (2011). Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Retrieved from[iv] Mayo Clinic (2011). Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Retrieved from[v] Poveromo, J. (2013). Homeopathy Meets The Mainstream. Vitamin Retailer. Retrievedfrom…. Natura-lCure-Converts, Reboot Fact Sheet,Pain Backgrounder FINAL.doc, Heel Products Follow Up.rtf ,Dr. Haddon -:

November 12, 2013

Judith August ~ Renowned camouflage cosmetic maven, author, and dear friend shares “The “O” Word not what you think” !

I’m thrilled to welcome Guest Blogger Judith August:

The “O” Word not what you think
by: Judith August

It was my birthday last month and my darling friends took me for lunch and as we are all “living” in the second half of our century, we boo-hoo’ed all the hateful words associated with the word old…”Older, is a much better word than the word old”, I said, “There is a marked difference in intent and attitude.”

The Thesaurus describes the “O” word as, aged, mature, elderly, cantankerous, prehistoric, primeval, archaic, outdated, obsolete… all terms that have no relationship to the way I feel every day. I am still 36 in my mind, although certain parts of my anatomy don’t react in the same delightful way. (Who knew that peppers and sausage for breakfast would stricken off the list of food to eat?) Bottom line, while I refuse to be stuck in the world of “Old” I can handle the world of “older.”

Looking around me, my friends do their best to stay in shape; walking dogs, water aerobics, pilates, and still many of us have more doctors appointments than ever…does that mean we have to get Old? “Good Heaven’s NO!” My friend Barbara just ran a 5K marathon at 80-ish and wondered why she was so tired at the end of the run.

Remember when you were 5 and your 28 year old mother was “old” and God knows as a teenager, you could never imagine sex at 60. Getting older is all relative. Aging can affect us in incredible ways, the bad and the good; fortunately with today’s modern products and techniques, our bad habits don’t have to show.

Over time as I watched the changes on my own face. Through my business I am fortunate to work with chemists and colorists designing camouflage makeup that works for me and everyone else. I love creating wonderful products that give us a fresh, young appearance, covers age spots and dark circles; filling in wrinkles, allowing us to look amazing right through the elegant years:(Notice I didn’t use the “O” word?).

I would love to spearhead other phrases for getting older…any suggestions? Lets hear from you, who knows, perhaps a movement for the wiser, the graceful and the stylish’ will be put into place. I have a good friend that compares aging to the feline world. Babies are kittens, 20s are kitties, 30s are cats, 40s are cougars, 50’s-70’s lioness, 80’s the sphinx (The wise one who simply looks back upon history with

candor and interest). We can also change the dynamics of the word by simply adding a few letters:

“Old becomes Gold with Untold tales of adventure and Bold stories of glory and wonder.”

Life is longer than ever…enjoy,live,love,hug and pass along wisdom. Be young in your mind. We still have a lot to do…there’s still time… Like I have always said…old is someone else! It’s just another “O” word!

Judith August is the author of “Gotcha Covered – The Compact Guide to Camouflage Makeup”. It’s the perfect at home manual for everyone who wants to cover and conceal cosmetic challenges. From simple annoying flaws to serious coverage, this colorful book is the educational “go to” for learning the art of camouflage makeup.

Be sure to take a moment to visit:
Here you’ll be able to peruse Judith’s wonderful camouflage makeup! You may also pick up a copy of “Gotcha Covered” while you are there! This colorful, and very informative book is a real “winner, and I give it a well deserved 5-STAR rating !

November 9, 2013

Pamper yourself at home with the Face & Body Polisher – Spa Sonic®

Experience the relaxing atmosphere of a visit to the spa right in the comfort of you own home with Spa Sonic®

    Spa Sonic Skin Care System •With 4 Attachments•1

Spa Sonic
Skin Care System
•With 4 Attachments•

With a price point of only $60.00 , you’ll be able to relax and indulge yourself with this compact, waterproof, and portable “Face and Body Polisher” that includes four bonus attachments and a long lasting AA battery four pack- with no need to charge!

About the bonus attachments:
A SMALL BRUSH – This brush is for use on your face. It’s very soft, just like your delicate facial skin, and will easily “reach” all of your facial contours. To exfoliate, just put some of your cleanser right on the brush, or directly apply it to your skin. Using circular motions lightly work the brush around your face for truly clean and refreshed skin.

A LARGE BRUSH – You may use this brush on your entire body. The Spa Sonic unit is waterproof and perfect for bath or shower use! Just apply soap or cleanser to your body and, once again, gently work the brush over your skin in a circular motion, for a relaxing and thorough cleansing.

A FACIAL SPONGE – This is a soft sponge that provides a massage that will not only “stimulate the skin cells, improve elasticity, but will allow better absorption of your skin care products that you use to diminish lines, dark spots, and tighten pores. After you cleanse and/or exfoliate, put the product you’d like to use, on the sponge and apply it to your face.”

PUMICE – For me, this is the BEST ! Soak your feet soak in warm water for several minutes. “After you wipe them dry, apply the pumice to any rough areas to exfoliate skin and reduce those annoying calluses. Also use pumice on your rough, dry knees and elbows.”

With these great attachments designed by dermatologists, you’ll have the ultimate system that is so versatile for deep cleansing and penetration of your treatment products without irritation!

Spa Sonic was initially sold “exclusively across North America” in the “finest” salons and spas before it was launched at Target stores nationwide!

In beautiful shades of pink, white, and Lavender, you can purchase your Spa Sonic at:, as well as “many additional online and in-line retailers nationwide”.

    Spa Sonic Skin Care System •With 4 Attachments•

Spa Sonic
Skin Care System
•With 4 Attachments•

(Quoted or paraphrased information in this article was obtained by a provided Fact Sheet. Any personal commentary about Spa Sonic was my opinion from using the provided Spa Sonic Skin Care System.)

November 3, 2013

Precision M.D. Celfix DNA™ Youth Recovery Facial Serum makes a “groundbreaking” discovery that will help delay future signs of aging skin!

I’m really fascinated with all of the studies that are done with the new technology that’s available using the latest finds with ingredients and developing products that are keeping our skin healthy and looking younger at any age.

Celfix DNA™ is one of those products that I had an opportunity to try, really liked, and am looking forward to sharing it with you.

I knew with the Celfix study results, and with an earlier similar study that was done in Italy, that Celfix DNA™ was a product that would really get some attention when it became available in the marketplace.

Here is some of the interesting data:

Celfix DNA™ was actually part of a study that was published by Board Certified dermatologist James Spencer, the Journal of Drugs and Dermatology.

Precision M.D. Celefix DNA™

Precision M.D.
Celefix DNA™

Dr.Spencer studied the “effects of sunscreen plus Celfix DNA Youth Recovery Serum”, and the results were quite noteworthy! Regarding anti-aging and the results of this study, Dr. Spencer said “This research makes a strong argument for daily use of Celfix DNA and sunscreen for patients who want to delay the signs of aging.”

Earlier, a similar “clinical study” comparable to Dr.Spencer’s was done by Dr. Enzo Berardseca, an eminent Italian dermatologist” using Photolyase , which happens to be a “key component” in Celfix DNA Youth Recovery Serum! This study revealed that “sunscreen alone is NOT enough to protect your skin!”

Photolyase is a “naturally occurring” enzyme, and when it was combined with a sunscreen, quoting the clinical study, “there was a major reduction in the appearance of the signs of aging caused by UV radiation (measured by pyrimidine dimers), almost as if the skin was never exposed in the first place.” Now, that’s quite a finding!!

Consider these “Facts” regarding the care of your skin:
• Did you know that 80% of “the visible signs of aging are the consequence of UV radiation”?
• Are you aware that your body tries it’s best to deal with UV radiation, but can handle about only 50% of the harm that it’s doing to your skin in 24 hours. That’s insufficient, and your skin needs some more help!

Well, here’s where Celfix DNA Youth Recovery™ comes into play! It’s the only product that “features Celzyme Technology™ “! Celzyme Technology™ happens to be a combination of three dominate enzymes including Photolyase that was mentioned above as the enzyme that was used in Dr.Berardseca’s very successful study!

Celfix DNA Youth Recovery™ is a light weight, non-greasy serum that will not only help you fight your “future signs of aging”, but any skin type can use it!

The other two enzymes in Celfix DNA Youth Recovery™ are endonuclease, and OGG1 that also focus on indications of aging skin. This potent Celfix DNA serum also contains “antioxydants” to protect your skin from free radicals that cause aging, and hyaluronic acid to help increase hydration levels in your skin.

Bottom line, Celfix DNA Youth Recovery™ will fit nicely into your treatment routine! As the above studies concurred, it does take more than an SPF to protect your skin from sun damage, and Celfix DNA™ serum has all the right components to compliment your SPF, provide the advantage of protecting your skin, and help resist aging.

You may purchase Celfix DNA™ Youth Recovery™ at physicians’ offices across the nation. Read more about this fine product and find a doctor near you to purchase your product at:

(Quoted and Paraphrased information in this article was obtained from provided a PR-Fact sheet. Any personal commentary was my opinion from using Celfix DNA™ Youth Recovery™ Facial Serum that was provided to me.)

October 29, 2013

Children’s Health Month brings awareness to CPP !

Children’s Health Month offers the opportunity to bring attention to health issues regarding children.

This article is about Central Precocious Puberty (CPP). I wasn’t familiar with CPP ,in fact, I believe many of us who are parents generally believe that “our children normally seem to grow up too quickly.” However, when it comes to central precocious puberty, you’re dealing with a condition where a child literally undergoes an early puberty experiencing abnormally fast development that can be not only alarming, but an unhealthy situation, as well. As a result, it’s important for parents to become aware of what to look for as far as signs of CPP !

CPP is an early onset of puberty that occurs in boys before age 9, and girls before age 8″.

“CPP occurs in one out of every 5,000 to 10,000 children.”

“Children with CPP often have no underlying medical problem or identifiable reason for an early puberty onset.”

“CPP is especially a challenge for children since they may not be prepared psychologically prepared for the physical and hormonal body changes.”

“CPP is often not diagnosed, and may lead to emotional issues as these children don’t understand what’s happening to their bodies.”

“Parents who are aware of the signs and symptoms of CPP will be able to recognize the problem and be able to dialog with their children to help them with fear or confusion about their early puberty.”

“By delaying CPP diagnosis, the more a child’s body will develop.”

• “Early CPP treatment is essential, and can stop the advancement of the puberty and bone maturation.”

What type of Specialist treats CPP?
A pediatric endocrinologist will be able to diagnose and treat Central Precocious Puberty.

Meet Dr. Joel Hahnke, M.D., FAAP:
“As a pediatric endocrinologist at Southwest Pediatric Endocrinology in Scottsdale,Arizona, Dr. Hahnke is board-certified, and concentrates his clinical research and treatment of:
• Pediatric Diabetes
• Endocrine Disorders
• Central Precocious Puberty”

Dr.Hahnke was kind enough to offer the following commentary to further educate and make aware some very import information regarding CPP.

“Awareness about the condition, including the physical signs and symptoms, is the first step in identifying the problem. As in most disorders, the earlier a diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the better the outcome will be.”

“Children with CPP are also frequently embarrassed by their physical changes, and they become easy targets for bullying or teasing, increasing the risk of depression. Because CPP increases the rate of bone maturation, this causes these children to tall for their age during the time of puberty, but because they actually have a shorter time to grow, this means that are at risk for being short adults.”

“Any parent who thinks their child may be showing signs of early puberty should speak to their pediatrician, who may then refer the family to a pediatric endocrinologist. The pediatric endocrinologist will conduct a thorough review of the child’s medical history and a physical examination to help determine whether a child has CPP.

FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT Central Precocious Puberty:

(Quoted or Paraphrased information in this article was obtained from provided CPP Fact Sheets, & thanks to Dr.Joel Hahnke for his commentary,)

October 27, 2013

Have you tried MOLTON BROWN Hair Care Products from London?

This was my first opportunity to try MOLTON BROWN products, and I’m so glad that I did!

I have fine wavy hair, and am always on the lookout for products that will give my hair more body!

The MOLTON BROWN Kumudu Volumising Shampoo for fine hair, and the Kumudu volumising conditioner did the trick!

MOLTON BROWN  Kumudu Volumising Shampoo & Conditioner for fine hair

Volumising Shampoo & Conditioner for fine hair

MOLTON BROWN thoroughly cleanses your hair leaving it smooth and silky, and the conditioner is a perfect blend that really adds body without weighing down your hair! The fragrance truly was “exotic”!

My short hair was so manageable and shaped into place with ease. MOLTON BROWN Volumising Shampoo and Conditioner gets a 5-star review from me , and now I definitely look forward to “checking out” some of the other selection of goodies MOLTON BROWN creates!

To find out more about the MOLTON BROWN hair products go to:

MOLTON BROWN-London has been around for 40 years, and has quite a well respected status world wide! This “cruelty free” store “blends” all their sought after products in London and offers a wide array of products that share a “touch of London eccentricity for bold fragrances and bright colours that stand out on the shelf.”

Take a moment to read more about this unique store and all of their products at: !

You’ll be able to order MOLTON BROW right on their website or locate a store near you that carries MOLTON BROWN at:

MOLTON BROWN Volumising Shampoo & Conditioner for fine hair

Volumising Shampoo & Conditioner for fine hair

(Quoted or paraphrased information in this article was obtained from,, My commentary regarding MOLTON BROWN was my personal opinion from using the provided MOLTON BROWN Shampoo and Conditioner for fine hair.)

October 25, 2013

Spa Sonic Daily Deal: Sunday, October 27th

This Sunday on, Spa Sonic is available for a Daily Deal! Regularly $59.99, purchase on for $34.00.


Spa Sonic Face and Body Polisher is not only budget-friendly, it includes four brush head attachments unlike other spin brushes on the market today. A small brush for the face, a large brush for the body, a pumice pad for rough areas, and a facial sponge for microdermabrasion and reduction of fine lines are all included with the device. The multiple attachment options for the waterproof device make deep cleansing, exfoliating, tightening and minimizing of pores possible for both the face and body. Daily Deal! Sunday, October 27th! Daily Deal!
Sunday, October 27th!

With gentle, Clear Skin Technology, Spa Sonic is specially designed with anti-irritating comfort bristles and can be used daily. Other brushes can be harsh on sensitive skin, leaving it red and irritated.

Available in white, lavender and pink shades. Four bonus attachments included. Long lasting AA battery four pack, (No need to charge).

(Quoted or Paraphrased information in this article was obtained by provided a PR-Fact Sheet.)

October 25, 2013

Join L’OCCITANE and YouTube Personality JESSICA HARLOW For A Glam Holiday Shopping Event In NEW YORK CITY!

If you live in New York or will be there on November 7th, this is one event you won’t want to miss!!

L’OCCITANE will throw its first Glam Holiday Party with a special meet and greet hosted by YouTube Personality, Jessica Harlow, who will share her holiday beauty and shopping tips! Guests shopping the L’OCCITANE flagship boutique in New York’s Flatiron District will be treated to custom cocktails (with any $25 purchase) and enjoy complimentary signature L’OCCITANE beauty rituals such as hand massages, mini-facials and fragrance layering. With any $65 purchase, shoppers may also receive a L’OCCITANE Glam Survival Kit filled with L’OCCITANE favorites like Almond Shower Oil, Shea Butter Hand Cream, NEW! Fleur d’or & Acacia Lip Gloss, Verbena Eau de Toilette and Magic Key (a very clever accessory, made to savor every drop of the beloved Shea Butter Hand Cream). So stop by L’OCCITANE and celebrate this holiday season the Provençal way!

WHO: L’OCCITANE and YouTube Personality Jessica Harlow

WHERE: L’OCCITANE Flatiron Boutique – 170 5th Avenue @ 22nd Street

WHY: Celebrate the season and get a jump-start on holiday shopping at L’OCCITANE’S Glam Party!

WHEN: Thursday, November 7th 5:00PM-8:00PM


October 21, 2013

ZENSATION® the sense of luxury Skincare and the 3-in-1 Skin Rejuvenating Device for a more youthful look!

ZENSATION® Introduction:

Vicki Fischer ~ Beauty Editor-It’s A Glam Thing

Taking care of your skin is a #1 priority. That being said, I’m going to begin by sharing a sampling of the ZENSATION line of products to care for your skin.

ZENSATION provides you with a thorough product line of skincare from Switzerland. These products couple perfectly with the ZENSATION 3-in-1 Skin Rejuvenating Device, by delivering ongoing care for your skin as you enjoy your PhotoTherapy treatments.

ZENSATION products are developed and created under “pharmaceutical GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice)” and sterile conditions.

An allergic response to ZENSATION skincare is not often experienced due to ingredients that are natural “Swiss Alpine plant extracts, fruit extracts, biotechnology complex and neuro stimulating molecules.”
Simply stated: “no harmful preservatives are used in ZENSATION’s skincare products!”

I was able to try a number of the ZENSATION skincare products, and found that they work very well, and provided a nice synergistic effect when used with the ZENSATION Skin Rejuvenating Device.

Here is a sampling of some of the products I used. I encourage you you to visit the ZENSATION website where you’ll be able to experience your personal very tranquil and relaxing trip through their informative, beautifully presented menu of all the ZENSATION offerings to care for your skin!

Whatever your skin type ZENSATION has developed products that will cater to your skincare requirements including, cleansers, toners, brightening products, a moisturizer with an SPF for day, a Nourishing Silky Night Cream for evening, products to improve Oily Skin, and an impressive variety of masks!

For more specific needs, ZENSATION even carries two products that you can customize, to address your specific skin.

The first is ZENSATION Glycolic Acid Essence 10% for exfoliation:
This is a regenerating Serum with Liposomes & Matrxyl® to improve dry skin and wrinkles.

Zensation® Glycolic Essence 10% for Exfolliation

Glycolic Essence 10%
for Exfolliation

The second is ZENSATION Super Tripetide Enhancer to increase your skin’s hydration.

Zensation Tripetide Enhancer 10% Increases the level of hydration

Zensation Tripetide Enhancer 10%
Increases the level of hydration & improves the appearance of fine lines!

You may use either of these products the following ways:
• As a massage
• As a personal blend with other ZENSATION® products
(Find complete directions on the ZENSATION® website)

Here are some of the ZENSATION products that I used and really liked:
ZENSATION Rose Hydrating Water Gel Cleanser:
A “Zensational” feel with a soft rose scent that really cleans your skin, and leaves it feeling so healthy!

ZENSATION Rose Hydrating  Water Gel Cleanser

Rose Hydrating
Water Gel Cleanser

ZENSATION Collagen Rose Facial Toner:
The aroma is captivating and the toner revitalizes your skin!

Zensation Collagen Rose Facial Toner

Collagen Rose Facial

ZENSATION Super Redefining & Firming Eye Cream: A “must have” to protect the delicate skin around your eye area!

ZENSATION Super Redefining  & Firming Eye Cream

ZENSATION® Super Redefining & Firming Eye Cream

ZENSATION Hydrating Moisture Cream SPF15 PA+ : The perfect way to start your day!

ZENSATION Hydrating Moisture Cream SPF15  PA+

Hydrating Moisture Cream

ZENSATION Nourishing Silky Night Cream:The final step that will care for your skin while you sleep!

ZENSATION Nourishing Silky Night Cream

Nourishing Silky Night

To see all of the ZENZATION products, their ingredients, and directions for use, go to:

Now I’d like to introduce the innovative 3- in-1 Skin Rejuvenating Device from ZENSATION® ! “This is a PhotoTherapy in-home LED Device for fine line periorbital wrinkles!

Image-161 2
The Zensation® 3-in-1 Device is easy to use. I find it relaxing, and from the first time I used the device, I liked the healthy look my skin had after the treatment.

There are directions and a video with your ZENSATION® Device. It has a lot of information, and offers various options for its use.

I was so happy to get all the details about this 3-in-1 Skin Rejuvenating Device via an interview with the Beverly Hills Skin Specialist, Judy A. Let’s head over to Beverly Hills and take a look at the absolutely breathtaking ZENSATION Beverly Hills Beauty shop!

ZENSATION  Beverly Hills Beauty Shop

ZENSATION Beverly Hills Beauty Shop

My interview with the extremely knowledgeable Beverly Hills ZENSATION Skin Specialist, Judy A.!

1.VICKI: Is there a certain way to prepare your skin before you start your treatment with the ZENSATION® 3-in-1 Device?

JUDY A.: Your skin might feel dry if you use the device without a moisturizing product. We therefore advise to apply a thin layer of ZENSATION gel products on your cleansed face before the treatments. The formulations of the gel contain beneficial ingredients that will enhance treatment’s effectiveness, thus giving you smoother, more toned skin, and diminishing fine lines. The gel will also help to move the device with smoother motions and glide better as you are massaging your face. One thing to remember…the treatment light will not turn on if the stainless steel does not maintain contact with your skin.

2.VICKI: Regarding the protocol for use of the device, the training book gives Day 1 to Day 24 alternating Infrared and Red Light 20 Minute treatments, and the Video suggests twice a week for four weeks. Will either of these achieve the same results?

JUDY A: They will both produce similar results, but each light therapy treatment is essential to get these results.

The infrared has slightly stronger wavelength (830nm) than the red light, which is more focused to reduce periorbital wrinkles.

The red light (633nm) helps skin redness, age spots and inflammation.

This is why we recommend alternating using both light therapies!

In addition, you may also use the sonic vibration mode to keep your skin supple.

Abbreviated RE-CAP:
• Decreases skin redness and inflammation
• Normalizes dermal oil production
• Reduces Pore Size
• Diminishes fine line wrinkles

(Remarks: Infrared is invisible to the eyes, you will be able to see two orange-colored indicators that are visible in the lens area, which provide Infrared light when the Infrared treatment mode has been selected.)
• Improves elastin and collagen
• Improves skin firmness and elasticity
• Enhances skin tone and texture

3.VICKI: During the 20 minute session do you work on one area of the face, eg: eyes, jaw, nasal labial folds by the mouth, or forehead, or… can you divide your 20 minutes on different areas in one session?

JUDY A.: The 20-minute treatment is best for all over the face massage. The 5 mode treatments explain the best procedures. You can also do spot treatments, within the 20-minutes. On problem areas you may hold the device up to 5 minutes and then continue to massage all over until you finish your 20 minutes.

4.VICKI: Would two times per week be the Maximum you should ever use the device?
JUDY A.:If you are doing the 20-minute treatments, twice a week is optimal. You also can choose the other options listed on the modes.

5.VICKI: In the video it appeared the model, during General Massage, used the device without lifting it from her face but lightly moving it around her whole face. It seemed to be in the Red Treatment Mode. Can you massage in the Infrared Mode, as well?

JUDY A.: Yes, you can massage on both treatment modes, you can also do spot treatments on both.

6.VICKI: I know you should not use the device around the thyroid area, but can you use it “just” below the jawline where looser skin might be an issue?

JUDY A.: It is safe to use under the jawline and around the sides of the neck. Just avoid the thyroid area.

7. VICKI: Is this a device that you can use daily as a general massage, once you have done your initial protocol? If so, what is the maximum time it should be used per session?

JUDY A.: The treatment modes 2 and 4 have a daily massage protocol to follow. You can achieve optimal results using it everyday for 5 minutes.

8. VICKI: Can you use the device on your hands for wrinkle treatment?

JUDY A.: Yes, you can use it on your hands and follow same mode treatments.

VICKI: Judy, it was so nice of you to take the time to answer some of these technical questions about the ZENSATION 3-in-1 Device. I know your schedule is so busy in Beverly Hills. It was so easy to understand, and I like all of the options that are available with this device! Thank you so much. It was almost like having a private consultation with you in Beverly Hills!

Now here’s the fun part of this feature! The Before and After pictures:

Before using ZENSATION 3-in-1 Rejuvination Device! Crows feet by eye area...

Before using ZENSATION 3-in-1 Rejuvination Device!
Crows feet by eye area…

After:  ZENSATION 3-in-1Rejuvination Device! Crows Feet are diminished...

After using ZENSATION 3-in-1 Rejuvination Device!
Crows Feet are diminished…

Picture - Before using ZENSATION® 3-in-1 Skin Rejuvination Device - Eye area lines and darkness!

Before using ZENSATION® 3-in-1 Skin Rejuvination Device Picture- Eye area lines and darkness!

After using ZENSATION® 3-in-1 Rejuvination Skin Device!  Eye improvement is amazing!

After using ZENSATION® 3-in-1 Rejuvination Skin Device!
Eye improvement is amazing!

ZENSATION  Sense of Luxury....

Sense of Luxury….

For more infromation about Zensation® go to:

Sense of Luxury

(Any quoted or paraphrased information in this article was obtained from ZENSATION-information & brochures,A ZENSATION DVD,,and other provided PR information. Any personal commentary was from my personal use of the ZENSATION 3-in-1 device and product samples provided by ZENSATION. Many thanks to Judy A. for her interview in this article.)