May 8, 2014

A wonderful Mother’s Day special for M❤M from emerginC

Now through Mother’s Day, receive a free emerginC crease ease gel ($135 value) with the purchase of an emerginC crease ease emulsion at:

A great gift from emerginC for your M❤M this Mother's Day!

A great gift from emerginC for your M❤M this Mother’s Day!

The crease ease gel and crease ease emulsion from emerginC are intensive, no-needles, line-relaxing creams that target fine lines and creases all over the face. Using clinically studied peptides and herbal extracts, the crease ease products significantly reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

To receive this special offer, type “MOM” into the customer notes section when checking out.
Treat your Mother with a special gift from emerginC this Mother's Day! Treat your Mother with a special gift from emerginC this Mother’s Day! Visit: http//

(Quoted and/or Paraphrased information in this PR article was obtained from a provided PR-Fact sheet.)

May 1, 2014

Keep your “cool” with Total Refresh™ cooling body cloths from Ban®!

Most of us can relate to a busy lifestyle and hectic daily agenda! How would you like to be able to get a quick “total cooling and refreshing” pickup “anywhere or anytime” during your active day?

Ban Total Refreshing Cooling Body Cloths

Ban Total Refreshing
Cooling Body Cloths

Well here’s your solution…. Ban® Total Refresh™ Cooling Body Cloths! These amazing portable cooling cloths are different than any “wipes” you may have tried in the past. They contain the unequaled, exclusive
PowderSilk™” technology that’s imported from Japan! The minute you apply the cloth to your skin you’ll feel a wonderful cool sensation with an instant “PowderSilk” finish that leaves your skin feeling soft, smooth, and energized! My hands even feel that “silky” sensation after using the cloths! Total Refresh Cooling Body cloths can be used anywhere on your body or face whenever you need to freshen up and get a nice “recharge” throughout the day!

I really love the feel of these cloths, and I believe you will too!! In fact, here’s what other women have said they felt after trying Ban® Total Cooling™ Body Cloths:
“100% instantly refreshed”
“Three times cooler in one swipe”
“The cloths instantly remove sweat to freshen and revive”

I couldn’t agree more, and personally, I’ve noticed that I maintain a fresh clean revitalized feeling throughout the day, similar to the way I feel in the morning as my day begins.

Ban® Total Refresh Cooling Body Cloths are very affordable ($3.49), and you have three scents to choose from. They are all very subtle and appealing!
Enliven – a fresh spring scent
Restore – a light powder scent
Invigorate – a soft clean scent

Ban® Total Refresh™ Cooling Body Cloths are available across the nation in the deodorant isle at :
Mass retailers
Grocery stores


“Kao USA Inc. is a leading manufacturer of premium beauty care brands that are recognized around the world for their innovation and quality. The Kao USA Inc. portfolio includes Ban® antiperspirant-deodorants; Jergens® and Curél® hand and body lotions; Bioré® facial care; John Frieda®, Frizz-Ease®, Root Awakening®, Luxurious Volume, Sheer Blonde®, Brilliant Brunette®, Radiant Red®, Full Repair™, Precision Foam Colour and Luminous Color Glaze® professional hair care. Founded in 1882, Kao USA Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kao Corporation.”

(“Quoted and/or Paraphrased” information in this article was obtained from a PR-Fact sheet. Any personal commentary was my own opinion from using the product provided to me.)

April 29, 2014

An enlightening interview with reproductive endocrinologist Dr. Robert Anderson

An enlightening interview with reproductive endocrinologist Dr. Robert Anderson
During National Infertility Week I recently received an amazing opportunity to interview an extremely dedicated double board certified specialist in Obstetrics, Gynecology, Reproductive Endocrinology, and Infertility, Dr. Robert Anderson. Dr. Anderson is the Founder and Director of the Southern California Center for Reproductive Medicine.

Timing couldn’t have been more perfect as our interview would coincide with the 25th anniversary of National Infertility Week Awareness.

Who better to address and educate us regarding infertility and the latest advanced treatments than a very successful specialist in his field, and dedicated in,“helping couples become families“, like Dr. Anderson.

Dr. Robert Anderson  Founder & Director of The Southern California Center for Reproductive Medicine

Dr. Robert Anderson
Founder & Director of
The Southern California Center for Reproductive Medicine


1. VICKI: You’ve been a practicing reproductive endocrinologist for over 25 years and are double board certified in obstetrics , gynecology , reproductive endocrinology, and infertility. That’s quite an impressive track record… Congratulations ! What motivated you to pursue this particular field of reproductive medicine?

DR. ANDERSON:”I think it was a couple of factors. One, it’s very dynamic field that is changing all of the time and it still is relatively young. The first IVF baby was born 1978 so it hasn’t been around for a long time. Scientific advancements seem to happen almost every year and continue to improve our ability to help our patients. It’s a challenging field, an ever changing field, and one that is a lot of fun to be in. Secondly, what we do make such a huge impact on patients’ lives. My patients aren’t sick, they’re not dying, but their ability to go from a couple to a family when they weren’t able to do that before just transforms them in way that I think very few other fields can do. Certainly having my four children I see that more than ever.”

2. VICKI: I believe you made a great choice with reproductive medicine for all the right reasons, Dr. Anderson. That being said, with the ultimate outcome to have child , what are some of the challenges facing a couple that might bring them in to see you?

DR. ANDERSON: “Well the biggest one is age. Now more than ever age is a tremendous factor, if not probably the most important factor, but there are certainly other causes such as male problems, ovulation, blocked fallopian tubes, structural problems, and things like that. Age, however, transcends all of them! In any factor that we see that causes infertility, the older a woman is the more difficult it will be to correct.”

3. VICKI: You are experiencing encouraging results within a wider age range. How does this affect an older gal who would like to have a child ?

DOCTOR ANDERSON: “Well we are, but you know one of the things , and this ties into the whole perception of age not necessarily being a factor in fertility, is that women of virtually any age can get pregnant if they are willing to use an egg donor. I’ve had women get pregnant up to the age of 54 but they are using eggs from somebody who’s 20 to 25 years old.

You see in the public, celebrities in their mid to late 40’s and some of them in their early 50’s getting pregnant, and most of them are using egg donors and just aren’t saying they did.

You could be 48 years old and get pregnant…. No big deal….Well it is no big deal if you’re using eggs from a 22 year old!! A lot of our patients do believe that it doesn’t matter, and you can wait as long as you want, and “so & so got pregnant with twins when they were 47″…etc.

Well I can tell you this… I’ve been doing this since 1986 and I’ve never seen a woman over 45 get pregnant using her own eggs. The reason for it is that when we test their embryos they are all abnormal. The incidence of abnormality is 100%.”

4.VICKI: Wow! That’s some very interesting data for one to consider! I’m very curious about your successful “One Embryo, one Baby”via your “SET” Technology . Could you please share a bit about that with our readers?

DR. ANDERSON: “Sure… The thing that’s really changed everything is our ability to test embryos for their genetic makeup before we put them back into the mother, and that’s made everything that we’re doing now possible!

“In the past when you did in vitro fertilization going way back to the beginning, the early pregnancy rates (when I got into this 27 years ago) were about 10 to 20 percent positive. Obviously technology has changed a lot since then. In those days because we didn’t know if the embryos were genetically normal or not we had to put in more than one in order to even get that not so great pregnancy rate. Even as things got better over the last 25 years, or so, we still put in multiple embryos because we just didn’t know if we were putting normal ones in or not. The older the person was the more we put in so occasionally you’d have a situation where more than one of those embryos was normal. When that happens you end up with a multiple pregnancy. A lot of times it was twins. Probably, most frequently twins, but we all had triplets, quadruplets, and sometimes even more! Those are obviously undesirable outcomes.

Now, because we can test the embryos, and we know that they are genetically normal, if we only put one of those in and it’s normal the pregnancy rates we’re getting in women under 40, for instance, are about 85%! It’s almost a total reversal from when I got into this field, and it’s simply because we now know which embryos to use and not to use! It’s like nothing I’ve seen in the field!!! That’s HUGE!”

5. VICKI: What a wonderful advancement for the field of reproductive medicine! That is quite amazing, as is your sought after Southern California Center for Reproductive Medicine which is staffed with a variety of exceptional professionals with varied expertise that compliments your mission in helping a woman to bring about a healthy pregnancy. Is it a “team work” approach that helps your endeavor and deals with some of the challenges we’ve addressed in this interview to achieve such successful outcomes?

DR. ANDERSON: It’s essential! First of all, we have an exceptional team put together in that regard. From our clinical staff , being my nurses who are the primary educators for our patients who tend to the large amount of teaching that we need to do both in terms of the helping patients understand the treatment, process and why we’re doing the the things we’re doing and instructing them how to give the injections, managing medication and all of that.

Then we have our laboratory staff, especially the ones that work in the invitro fertilization lab that do some very technical and specialized procedures that are really amazing when you think of what they are able to do…

Along with all of our support staff... nutritionists, acupuncturists, counselors… everything you can image to help the couples along because there’s many components to their needs and treatment plan, and we think that its best accomplished by a lot of specialists who are able to do their particular part.. very well!

6. VICKI: No wonder you, your incredible staff and clinic are known world wide! With your amazing 85% success rate “in helping thousands of women achieve a successful pregnancy”, and personally after viewing all of the heartfelt videos of some of your patients, I can see why you have treated women from all over the world. How might a person from another state or country, who is dealing with infertility be treated by you, and are there suggested places where they might stay while being treated?

DR. ANDERSON: We’ve had patients virtually from every continent come to us over the years, and certainly from other states is not as difficult, but what usually happens is now I’ll conduct an interview with them like they were here via SKYPE. We do our new patient visit that way. I get all of the information and they send me all of the records if they have some and then often times the treatment can be coordinated with a doctor in their home town. If we need to start and do some tests or even do the very beginning of there treatment that they can begin it at home and then they’ll come out here for the critical part.

We actually have a concierge service dedicated to helping them set up anything they can think of like transportation, places to stay, things to do while they’re here, giving them shots, helping them with places to eat, or whatever they want…everything ! We’ve made it very easy for them, plus it’s a nice place to come. People love coming to Southern California!

In fact, yesterday I had one of those patients from Rhode Island who had done an IVF cycle and it hadn’t worked. I looked at the way it was done and I spoke with them and made some suggestions, especially regarding the genetic testing. I asked her if her physician had talked to her about that and she said that “he doesn’t do it, and that he doesn’t think it’s necessary!” I said that it certainly isn’t necessary, but it sure has made things work a lot more frequently….why wouldn’t you want to do that! But the point is that we do some things that people aren’t doing! We focused on staying on the cutting edge and keeping track of the developments in the field that are most significant !

I go to the European Fertility Society Meeting every summer because the Europeans do things a whole lot differently than we do and a lot of times they’re able to do things before we can and use medications before we can because they don’t have as many of the regulations in some of those countries as we do.

If you’re not really kind of keeping your finger on the pulse of this field , you’re not going to be able to do the things that we’re doing, and then there are people who live in parts of the country where they just don’t have a lot of these services available just because of location.

VICKI: In closing , Dr. Anderson, I really can’t thank you enough for your time and wish you continued success with your wonderful endeavor in helping women be able to experience the miracle of child birth! All the best to you, your staff, and the Southern California Center for Reproductive Medicine, which, by the way, has two beautiful locations in Newport Beach and Mission Viego.

All of Dr. Anderson’s conversation was so good to hear, and very encouraging with the knowledge that things can work out, and not only is there another chance but another choice to look into with Dr Robert Anderson and the Southern California Center for Reproductive Medicine.

I encourage you to view Dr. Anderson’s website:

View the wonderful testimonials, and whether you are experiencing reproductive problems, or know someone who does, be proactive with the available information and reach out to Dr. Anderson and his staff. You’re only a phone call away…..

Southern California Center For Reproductive Medicine:
• Mission Viejo
• Newport Beach

(Information included in this interview with Dr. Anderson was obtained from an interview I had with the doctor. Much gratitude to Dr. Anderson for his time, wonderful commentary, and “up to the minute” information regarding reproductive medicine and infertility. May this be very inspiring to all who seek assistance in overcoming their challenges in starting a family.)

April 18, 2014

Join The Party ~ It’s A Nordstrom Beauty Trend Event !

NB Beauty Spot Logo

This weekend – April 18th & 19th – swing by your local Nordstrom for their Beauty Trend Event!

Join Nordstrom Beauty for one-on-one time with their savvy beauty experts and industry insiders. They will share the latest beauty tips and tricks while you’re pampered with a free makeup or skincare consultation. Afterwards, get access to FREE deluxe samples and exclusive gifts with purchase (while supply lasts). Admission is free — so don’t miss it!

To RSVP or for special accommodations, simply call or stop by your favorite cosmetics counter, located within Nordstrom.

Join The Fun This Weekend At:

Nordstrom Barton Creek
2901 Capital of Texas Highway South
Austin, TX 78746

Nordstrom Christiana
100 Christiana Mall
Newark, DE 19702

Nordstrom Corte Madera
1870 Redwood Highway
Corte Madera, CA 94925

Nordstrom Dadeland
7239 North Kendall Drive
Miami, FL 33156

Nordstrom La Cantera
15900 La Vantera Parkway
San Antonio, TX 78256

Nordstrom Montgomery
7111 Democracy Boulevard
Bethesda, MD 20817



(Quoted and Paraphrased information in this article was obtained from a provided PR-Fact Sheet)

April 14, 2014

Mother’s Day is right around the corner and Spa Sonic has some terrific deals for your mom’s special day!

Pretty soon you’ll need to start thinking about what to get your mom for Mother’s Day!

Here’s a great opportunity to purchase something that your mother will not only be able to enjoy each day, but the benefits for her skin will be something she’ll appreciate forever!



Used and recommended by spas and dermatologists, the Spa Sonic Face and Body Polisher is the essential first step in a healthy skin care ritual. The waterproof device can be used on both the face and body to deeply cleanse while removing impurities, exfoliating, tightening and minimizing pores. With four brush head attachments included, the Spa Sonic makes a great gift for every mom.

The Spa Sonic is available in :
* White
* Lavender
* and Pink

With the following three new colors debuting in MAY:
* Orchid
* Tangerine
* and Optic Yellow

Spa Sonic Mother’s Day deals can be found at the following :

TARGET ~ April 16th through May 12th:
* Spa Sonic – Regularly $54.99, on sale for $37.99 ($31% off)
* Face Effects (Cheetah, Zebra, Polka Dot) – Regularly $59.99, on sale for $49.99 (25% off)
* Dermalight – Regularly $169, on sale for $129 ($40 off)

WALGREENS ~ April 20th through May 12th:
* Spa Sonic – Regularly $64.99, on sale for $34.99 (46% off)
* Face Effects (Gold, Silver) – Regularly $59.99, on sale for $44.99 (33% off)
* Dermalight – Regularly $159.99, on sale for
$129.99 ($30 off)

DRUGSTORE.COM ~ April 20th through May 12th:
* Spa Sonic – Regularly $69.99, on sale for $39.99 (43% off)
* Face Effects (Gold, Silver)– Regularly $59.99, on sale for $45.00 (25% off)
* Dermalight – Regularly $159.99, on sale for $129.99 ($30 off)

Sonic Spa This is the gift that keeps on giving ! Each day your mom pampers herself in a relaxing “spa like” atmosphere in the privacy of her own home, she’ll think of you and your thoughtful Mother’s Day gift of SPA SONIC.

(Quoted and Paraphrased information in this PR-Article was obtained from a provided PR-Fact Sheet.)

April 9, 2014

This Weekend You’re invited to a Beauty Trend Event at Nordstrom

NB Beauty Spot Logo

This weekend – April 11th and 12th – swing by your local Nordstrom for their Beauty Trend Event!

Join Nordstrom Beauty for one-on-one time with their savvy beauty experts and industry insiders. They will share the latest beauty tips and tricks while you’re pampered with a free makeup or skincare consultation. Afterwards, get access to FREE deluxe samples and exclusive gifts with purchase (while supply lasts). Admission is free — so don’t miss it!

To RSVP or for special accommodations, simply call or stop by your favorite cosmetics counter, located within Nordstrom.

Join The Fun This Weekend At:

Nordstrom Northpark
8687 North Central Expressway
Dallas, TX 75225

100 Southcenter Mall
Tukwila, WA 98188

603 D Street
Anchorage, AK 99501

Downtown Portland
701 SW Broadway
Portland, OR 97205

City Creek Center
55 South West Temple
Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Mall of America
1000 NW Court
Bloomington, MN 55425

6 Woodfield Shopping Center
Schaumburg, IL 60173

Irvine Spectrum
101 Fortune Drive
Irvine, CA 92618

Thousand Oaks
346 West Hillcrest Drive
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

The Westchester
135 Westchester Avenue
White Plains, NY 10601

Nordstrom Beauty Trend Event!  This Weekend! March 28th & 29th ! FREE ADMISSION

Nordstrom Beauty Trend Event this weekend!
April 11th & 12th

(Quoted and Paraphrased information in the PR-Article was obtained from a provided PR Fact-Sheet.)

April 4, 2014

Celebrate spring at Nordstrom with this season’s hottest beauty trends !

What a perfect time to experience the latest beauty trends for spring! Nordstrom will help you put your best “face” forward at one of their Nordstrom Beauty Events near you!

Here are a couple of the “trending” looks for spring 2014!

Midnight Bronze

Midnight Bronze

Midnight Bronze: It all starts with a flawless complexion, and bronzer adds a warm glow for an overall radiance. Hints of gold on the eye and even lips add a cool metallic touch. For a more dramatic effect, try a flash of blue on the eye or nail – a pop of aqua or cobalt is perfect for summer!

Pretty Striking

Pretty Striking

Pretty Striking: Bright pink or orange lips, endless lush lashes and faintly flushed cheeks steal the spotlight on spring beauty.

See these looks come to life at your local Nordstrom Beauty Trend Event. Join Nordstrom Beauty for one-on-one time with their savvy beauty experts and industry insiders. They will share the latest beauty tips and tricks while you’re pampered with a free makeup or skincare consultation. Afterwards, get access to FREE deluxe samples and exclusive gifts with purchase (while supply lasts).

Admission is free — so don’t miss it!

To RSVP or for special accommodations, simply call or stop by your favorite cosmetics counter, located within Nordstrom.

For additional details, dates/times and participating locations visit :

March 28, 2014

Avon’s ANEW Clinical Infinite Lift Targeted Contouring Serum

As a makeup artist, I generally create a subtle contour on the faces of my clients by way of cosmetics. These products give the face a nice illusion of an enviable classic “chiseled” look that enhances the shape of their face and creates a younger appearance.

Contouring is quite popular again, but the technique I use is with makeup, and washes off when removed!

What if you could actually achieve that firm and lifted look with a treatment product ?

That’s what women are looking for, and Avon’s ANEW Clinical Infinite Lift has delivered!

Avon’s ANEW Clinical Infinite Lift Targeted Contouring Serum

Avon’s ANEW Clinical Infinite Lift Targeted Contouring Serum

Avon’s ANEW Clinical Infinite Lift Targeted Contouring Serum has arrived to “tighten, firm, and contour the appearance of your skin.” ANEW’s Clinical Infinite Lift was developed with “advanced lifting benefits” that key into the four places in the facial area that are subject to sagging:
• Chin
• Jowels &
• Jaw

Here’s The Breakthrough:
“Understanding women want tighter, firmer more lifted looking skin, the anti-aging pioneers at Avon developed an advanced lifting product that targets visible signs of sagging and provides a multi-dimensional looking lift that tightens, defines, firms, and contours the look of skin. The specialized treatment in ANEW Clinical Infinite Lift helps with an overall lifted look to leave skin looking visibly tighter and younger”.

What actually happens to our skin?:
“Over time, key dermal building blocks begin to diminish in skin which can cause it to lose its natural elasticity and firmness – one of the most tell-tale signs of aging. ANEW Clinical Infinite Lift was developed by Avon scientists and the result is a revolutionary new way to counteract the look of how skin naturally sags and deliver a more lifted appearance. The product addresses contouring – for dramatic yet natural looking results.”

The Technology:
“In the search for an anti-aging ingredient that would help give multidimensional looking results, Avon scientists turned towards peptides, a compound consisting of amino acids naturally found in skin. The result is the patent-pending PolyPeptide Lift Complex found in ANEW Clinical Infinite Lift”.

The Product:
“ANEW Clinical Infinite Lift Targeted Contouring Serum sells for $39.99, and features a unique massaging applicator to target the four key facial zones listed earlier where skin is most likely to lose it’s firmness. This effective serum combines the PolyPeptide Lift Complex with a high concentration of seven instant skin-tighteners including a pharmaceutical grade one for fast acting, fast lifting results.

From the Expert:
“The ANEW Clinical Infinite Lift is a targeted very advanced, highly effective way to dramatically lift the look of skin. Powered by the innovation of PolyPeptide Lift Complex, this is a game changer.” Dr. Cheryl Karcher, NYC Board-certified Dermatologist and Professional Consultant for Avon.

This product is available exclusively through Avon Representatives. To locate an Avon Representative call 1-800-FOR-AVON or visit:

(Quoted or Paraphrased information in this PR-article obtained from a PR-Fact Sheet. Commentary about Makeup artistry is my personal opinion.)

March 28, 2014

Beauty expert and celebrity manicurist Skyy Hadley shares tips on how to get your feet “summer-ready” !

Spring is finally here, and even though we are still feeling the winter chill, it will soon be time to swap out our snow boots for sandals. Below please find some insider tips from Skyy Hadley, beauty expert, celebrity manicurist and owner of As U Wish Nail Spa, on how to get your feet summer-ready in no time!

SKYY HADLEY  Beauty Expert, Celebrity Manicurist & Owner :

Beauty Expert, Celebrity Manicurist &
Owner :

Image 14
Rehydrate and prevent your heels from cracking…

In order to get feet ready for the warmer months, it is important to add moisture back into the heels and skin that have become dehydrated from the winter months.

• Milk pedicures will save the day. Mix a half cup of hot water with one cup of milk and add a spoonful of sugar – this will moisturize and prevent calluses. Soak feet for at least 10 minutes.

• Working a foot scrub into your heels is a great way to remove dead skin. Avoid using pumice stones since they trap bacteria and try using a diamond file instead.

• After feet are fully exfoliated, rinse, moisturize with a non-greasy lotion, and begin painting.

• Shea Butter, light oil, or Vaseline can be used to moisturize the heels and help prevent cracking.

If you have blisters, leave them for the professionals (you’ll end up doing more harm than good if you try to pop them).

Ensure long-lasting color and shine…
A clear top coat is your best friend. Be sure to apply a top coat on the third day of your pedicure (or manicure)

Never use a protein enriched and strengthener product together. Using both will cause your polish to crack. Try to only apply a nail protein to bare nails.

Apply a cuticle oil to the base of your toenails (or even when they are already polished), focusing around the cuticle area to hydrate and bring moisture into the skin, helping the polish last longer.

How often to get a pedicure… You can never care for your feet too often, but it isn’t necessary for weekly pedicures either. Once every 2 weeks is sufficient during the warmer months .

For more information be sure to visit :

(Quoted and Paraphrased information in this PR-Article was obtained from a provided PR-Fact Sheet.)

March 26, 2014

This Weekend – March 28th and 29th – Nordstrom has a Beauty Trend Event you’ll want to attend!

Nordstrom Beauty Trend Event!  This Weekend: March 28th & 29th ! FREE ADMISSION

Nordstrom Beauty Trend Event!

This weekend – March 28th and 29th – swing by your local Nordstrom for their Beauty Trend Event! Join Nordstrom Beauty for one-on-one time with their savvy beauty experts and industry insiders. They will share the latest beauty tips and tricks while you’re pampered with a free makeup or skincare consultation. Afterwards, get access to FREE deluxe samples and exclusive gifts with purchase (while supply lasts).

Admission is free — so don’t miss it!

To RSVP or for special accommodations, simply call or stop by your favorite cosmetics counter, located within Nordstrom!

Join The Fun This Weekend At:

Nordstrom Menlo Park
449 Menlo Park Drive
Edison, NJ 08837

Nordstrom Beauty Trend Event!

Nordstrom Beauty Trend Event!

(Quoted and Paraphrased information in this article was obtained from a provided PR-FACT SHEET.)