Many of us start our days with coffee in our cup, but coffee on our skin? For as popular as coffee ground skin products are, they do beg many questions that the wise consumer has every reason to ask themselves. Do coffee ground skin products work? Are they safe?
It is on the basis of these factors (and more) that we now dive into the guide below. Read on to learn all about the benefits of coffee ground skin products! First, Fact or Fiction?
Let’s just address this matter right at the top. Do coffee ground skin products actually work? In short, yes, they do. Coffee grounds are full of antioxidants that naturally carry many health benefits, including some pertaining to the skin.
So with that out of the way, let’s now think about the direct benefits you can expect to enjoy with a coffee ground-oriented beauty regiment.
1. It Mitigates Cellulite: One of the main (and certainly most desirable benefits) of coffee oriented beauty products is that they can naturally reduce cellulite.
It’s not entirely clear why it works that way, though many believe it is thanks to the caffeine that is present in coffee grounds.
Caffeine naturally dilates blood vessels, causing your skin to contract. When you apply caffeine to a targeted area on your body, it exacerbates this effect, which can have positive results on cellulite reduction.
2. It is Associated with a Calming Effect
That’s weird, right? When you think about coffee, calmness is not usually what comes to mind, and yet in the world of topical skin creams, the association is strong. This is likely a product of the antioxidants that are present in the grounds. Antioxidants are positively associated with reducing stress and anxiety in people that are exposed to them. The extent to which you will actually experience these benefits is difficult to say, but the association is certainly a strong one.
3. May Prevent Skin Growths
Once coffee beans have been roasted they develop a chemical property called “Niacin”. Niacin is positively associated with reducing the risk of skin cancer, and other harmful growths that can result from lifestyle factors such as excessive exposure to the sun.
4. Acne Protection
Coffee grounds may also be able to protect against acne and the bacterial infections that are associated with it. This is thanks to the fact that it has both antibacterial elements, as well as anti-inflammatory properties that protect against the main factors that cause acne outbreaks.
Coffee ground skincare products are a great way to protect against potential outbreaks and treat ones that have already occurred.
So that leads onto the next question. Should you make your own coffee skin products from scratch or buy the ones that are already made for you? We asked Amanda from, and her answer is clear. She mentions that she has already tried to make coffee grounds skin products herself, but that it’s a waste of time to make them yourself when you can quickly pick them up from a store or from Amazon.
You probably noticed that the words “may” or “might were used a lot in this article. Everyone’s experience with coffee ground skincare products will be a little bit different. There are no guarantees that this will be the miracle product that you’ve been looking for.
Still, historical results are encouraging, and coffee grounds are certainly rich enough in nutrients and antioxidants that they (at least in theory) should be up for the task of giving you the results you are looking for.
If you’re looking for a natural, versatile skincare product, consider something that makes use of coffee grounds.
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