We tend to think beauty is all about how we look to others on the outside. However, I believe that true beauty is much more than that. In fact, it’s about how we feel on the inside as well. After all, we are all embodied human beings, and we experience our lives through our bodies. Of course, what that means is we should be more focused on finding things that boost our beauty because they make us feel good. A topic you can read more on below.
Treat yo’ selfÂ
Makeup is a great way to boost how you feel and your beauty at the same time. In fact, treating yourself to a few new products, and topping up your makeup bag can really help you to feel lifted and updated. Of course, the idea here is not to go for the products you usually do, but to play around with colour a little.
To that end, treating yourself to a new palette, perhaps one of the ones with neon or bright colours will be a good idea. Alternatively, you could try giving a different shade of lipstick like a bright pink a try. In fact, often just the experience of buying makeup, which comes in gorgeous packaging can feel like a treat. Something that can definitely help to boost your spirits and make you feel more beautiful in an effortless way.
There are now many augmentations and procedures that are designed to boost beauty. These can be controversial, however, because it is assumed they are done for the benefit and approval of others observing the person in question.
This isn’t necessarily the case, though, as such procedures can actually affect how we feel about our bodies as well. In fact, many women that go to a breast implant doctor for augmentation cite the fact they are doing it for no one but themselves. Something that means these types of options are no less valid than any other beauty-boosting activity. After all, they change our embodied experience into a more positive one.
Nourish your skinÂ
Your skin is a pretty amazing organ. In fact, its the largest organ in your body and not only does it protect your insides, but it helps you to moderate your temperature as well. Of course, our skin and its condition is often linked to beauty. Therefore it is no surprise that there are many things we can do to improve the look and tone of it across different places on the body.
(Images: pixabay.com, pexels.com)
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