April 25, 2019

5 Tips On Caring For The Skin

Caring for the skin “How To”

The skin is the largest and fastest growing organ in the body that keeps all our insides in and protects us from the outside elements. It’s like a customized multi functional coat! And it’s important to keep it healthy and well maintained from the inside out.

pretty eyed woman

For busy bees, it can be quite a challenge set aside time for a skincare routine. When you’re exhausted all you want to do is do a quick wash and doze off. Like everything else that needs maintenance, regular upkeep is crucial. Making time to include a skincare regimen in your busy life will pay off. You will reap great benefits for the efforts you have sowed. Here are tried and tested tips for keeping your skin healthy and beautiful:

Get adequate sleep

The effects of sleep deprivation are real. It can have ill effects not only to your skin but your overall health too. A lack of sleep causes a decrease in blood flow to your skin so it becomes dull. Two hours of napping a day wouldn’t really qualify as beauty sleep. Your body needs more time to repair and recover from hours of wakeful activity. On average, adults are recommended to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each day. An indication of a good night’s sleep is waking up feeling refreshed with your skin glowing. 

Eat a healthy well-balanced diet

Include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Research shows that maintaining a varied diet rich in healthy fats, fiber and antioxidants provide wonderful effects to the skin! The nutrition you get from a quality meal will be processed and utilized by your system efficiently. Saturated and highly processed foods wreak havoc on your skin over time. Being conscious of what you fuel your body with is a sure way to get that glowing skin and boundless energy.


Drink an adequate amount of water all throughout the day. Keeping yourself hydrated is like watering your insides and skin to make them function at their best, like a well-oiled car. Water aids in digestion, circulation, absorption and excretion. Moisture is key in keeping the skin soft and supple, more resilient and less prone to wrinkling. Aside from water intake, hydrating the skin by using moisturizers is also key.

Stick to a good skincare routine

Sometimes washing your face with a cleanser isn’t enough. Dirt can sometimes get in really deep into your pores and can accumulate, making your skin look dull and lifeless. Try the simple 3-step process for cleaning your skin: wash, tone and moisturize. Use a good quality cleanser, toner and moisturizer that matches your skin type. Skin irritation due to a bad product is always bad news.

Occasionally seeking professional help will help you address problem areas that self-caring can’t address. If in Pennsylvania, a Delaware county dermatologist can address skin care needs and bring health back to your skin.

Use sun protection

Too much sun exposure ages the skin by burning through the epidermis, which can damage and kill the cells and over time reduce its elasticity. Frequent and prolonged sun exposure can also cause skin cancer. Always use sunscreen and sun proof clothing and hats whenever possible to protect your skin from the direct effects of the sun.

 Incorporating a skincare regime into your daily life is important for keeping your skin looking and feeling its best.Remember that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

(Image Unsplash.com)


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