March 19, 2019

Ways to Determine What Mouthwash You Need





很多人對牙齒都有同樣的憂慮,就是擔心牙齒會變黃; 雖然不少人的牙齒天生就有點天然黃色,但牙齒變色主要是由於牙齒衛生不良而造成的,例如沒有每天刷牙、表面污漬也會導致牙齒變色,特別是在食用高度色素的食物時,如咖啡,漿果,紅酒,番茄醬和薑黃等黃色香料。隨著時間的增長,吸煙也會導致牙齒表面出現污漬。





牙齦炎是由牙垢積聚引起的常見口腔健康問題,通常是由於口​​腔衛生太差而引發。牙垢是一種在牙齦周圍形成的堅硬物質,使牙齦腫脹並引起牙齦疼痛。當牙齦周圍粘稠的細菌膜(稱為斑塊)漸形成牙垢後,牙菌斑會積聚在牙齦之間; 這是因為日常刷牙和使用牙線不足以到達牙齦之間的空間。雖然牙垢只能由牙醫去除,但您亦可以通過維持日常口腔護理程序來防止牙菌斑積聚,強烈建議您使用抗菌漱口水。







Ways to Determine What Mouthwash You Need

Mouthwashes come with their own list of features and benefits. With dozens of different mouthwash variants sold in the market today, it can be difficult to choose which one is the best for you. In selecting the right Mouthwash, the best place to start is considering your current oral health care needs.

Here’s a guide in selecting mouthwash products to suit your oral hygiene needs:

  1. Whitens Teeth

Many people are concerned about stained and discolored teeth. Although many people are born with naturally yellowish teeth, teeth discoloration is mainly caused by poor dental hygiene, such as not brushing one’s teeth daily. Surface stains also cause teeth discoloration, especially when eating highly pigmented foods like coffee, berries, red wine, tomato sauce, and yellow spices like turmeric. Smoking also contributes to surface stains over time.

To prevent and control teeth discoloration due to surface staining, you can try using a whitening mouthwash to help remove surface stains and seal your teeth enamel from future stain discoloration.

  1. Freshens Breath

Having bad breath is an embarrassing experience that can be mitigated with proper diet and oral hygiene. Bad breath, or halitosis, is mainly caused by germs and bacterial build up in the mouth. Oftentimes, it is temporarily caused by eating pungent foods like onion and garlic, and some medical conditions such as acid reflux.

To prevent bad breath, you may cut out pungent and acid forming foods from your diet. However, if your halitosis is caused by oral bacteria, you should upgrade your dental hygiene by using a therapeutic mouthwash containing fluoride to kill bad breath causing germs and bacteria. Keeping a clean mouth keeps your breath fresher for longer.

  1. Prevents Gingivitis

Gingivitis is a common oral health issue caused by tartar build up, often due to poor oral hygiene. Tartar is a hard substance that forms around the gums, making the gums swollen and causing gum pain. Tartar is formed when sticky bacterial films called plaques compact around the gums, and this happens because ordinary brushing and flossing cannot reach the spaces in between the gums, where plaque builds up. Although tartar can only be removed by a dentist, you can prevent plaque build up by maintaining a daily oral care routine, and using an antibacterial mouthwash is highly recommended.

  1. Soothes Dry Mouth

A dry mouth is an uncomfortable experience that happens when your mouth does not produce enough saliva and may be caused by many factors, such as dehydration, catching a cold or flu, smoking, or as a side effect of medications. Having a chronically dry mouth can make you susceptible to mouth sores and can cause difficulty in swallowing, chewing, and speaking.

Although you should check first with your dentist to identify the root cause of your dry mouth, using an alcohol-free mouthwash may help soothe your dry mouth, by killing off germs and bacteria without the burning and drying sensation that comes along with alcohol-based mouthwashes.

  1. Children’s Mouthwash

Choosing the right mouthwash for children can be difficult because although they might have the same oral health care needs with adults, most available mouthwashes are not suitable or children. When buying a mouthwash for your child, always take safety precautions with the alcohol content and ensure proper rinsing.


Choose the right mouthwash products that target your specific oral health care needs. If you need more help in selecting the right product for you, make sure to consult with your dentist for further recommendations. There’s a special mouthwash that you can use for your specific need.


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