How to Understand The Differences Between A Fake Designer Handbag From The Original
So, your dear friend was flaunting a Gucci handbag the other day and ranting about how costly it was and it would take years to buy another designer handbag like that but you had a gut feeling that the bag was not an original. Either your friend was duped or he/she was lying about the handbag. But how will you understand if a designer handbag is a fake? There is hardly any difference that you can spot but once you see the differences, you will not be able to unsee them again. They will be the first thing that you will look for whenever someone tells you that they have bought a designer handbag. Here is a guide that will help to find out if the designer handbag is an original or fake.
- The details are in the stitching
Not many people are aware of this but you can spot a fake designer handbag from the quality of the stitching. Branded or designer handbags have very neat stitching. Not even a shred of thread will slip the line of stitching and it is important that you check this detail first before moving on to the other critical parts of the handbag. Fake designer handbags will have a slip up in the stitching. Some of the areas may have a slanting or uneven stitch that creates a small bump in that part. Although this is negligible to the naked eye, you can definitely find the fault if you can look through the lines. Be very careful to inspect the margins of the handbag, especially the areas where there are joints of leather or other materials. It is tough to maintain the smooth line of stitching when the materials overlap but that is why you pay such a huge amount for a designer bag. You wouldn’t even understand whether two layers of leather is overlapped if the stitching is up to the mark.
- The weight of the bag
Designer handbags are mostly available in leather and the quality of the leather is another factor that you should keep in mind to spot the difference from an original designer handbag from a fake. Fake designer handbags or the copies of originals will be made from poor quality leather. It is possible to understand the difference in the quality of leather by touching the surface of the handbag. Fake leather handbags have a slightly harsher surface compared to the originals that have a very smooth touch. You can take the bag in your hand and bend it slightly and then feel the touch of the leather. This will help to understand if the surface is smooth or there is some unevenness in the leather.
Original designer handbags tend to be slightly heavier than their counterfeits because of the superior quality leather that is used. Another way to judge the authenticity of the designer handbag is by comparing the weight of the reinforcements and hardware that is used in the bag. Fake handbags have an inferior quality of hardware that will tarnish after a few months. Moreover, the original designer handbags that use good quality hardware have the ability to retain the color. Suppose, you are comparing an original designer handbag with gold colored hardware to its copy; you will notice that the fake handbag has a slightly different color of hardware than the original. The gold color is not an exact match. Probably one of the most striking differences is the weight of the hardware. Originals have heavier hardware because they have to maintain the quality standard to maintain the brand image. But fake designer handbags can use lighter hardware that can tarnish or become rusty after a few months.
- Spot the differences in the logos
What if the fake handbag is almost a close match to the original and you are not able to understand the difference between the two from the quality of stitching or the hardware? How will you still spot a fake from an original? Well, check out the logo of the bags and you will definitely find something there. Copied bags are not able to copy the exact logo of the originals; that is the ultimate truth. This is one area that you need to look into very carefully. Also, the finishing and the material of the logo will be different in the fake handbag. Original designer handbags have a unique finish that is obtained after numerous polishes and shines. So, that is one aspect you have to keep in mind.
Also, the material of the logo is another factor that you can check. Like the weight of the handbag, there will be a noticeable difference in the weight of the logo as well. Although it is difficult to understand the weight of the logo individually, you can always touch the logo and understand its strength by pressing around the sides of the logo.
- Lining and smell of leather
Last but not least, you can check the lining of the designer handbag in question to understand its authenticity. Original designer handbags have a very superior lining that will be noticeable once you touch it. You can also inspect the stitching of the lining on the inside to understand the quality. If you can compare an original and a fake handbag, you will see the difference in the quality of the lining. Most of the branded handbag companies opt for cotton linings as compared to the fake ones that normally have a synthetic lining.
In addition to the lining, the smell of the leather also indicates whether the handbag is original or a fake. Hold the leather close to your nose and take a deep breath. If you feel that there is a plasticky smell, then it means that the handbag is a fake. Original designer handbags have a slightly raw smell of leather that is toned down during the dying process but they don’t emit any plasticky smell.
So, there you have it! You can now understand if your friend is faking it by claiming that the designer bag is an original or if indeed it is a copy of the original.
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