Archives for May 2018

May 23, 2018

Elizabeth Colen Shows Her Love for Lay-N-Go In This Video

Elizabeth Colen with Lay-N-Go Cosmo

Elizabeth Colen with Lay-N-Go Cosmo


Elizabeth Colen, Fitness Expert with It’s a Glam Thing and Health Coach, also known as Ms. Fit One, really enjoyed unveiling her Lay-N-Go in a recent video.

Refer back to this Lay-N-Go intro post, give it a read and than watch Elizabeth’s video. 

Follow Lay-N-Go



Follow Elizabeth




May 22, 2018

NightLift Bra by Dr. Randal Haworth, The Only Bra To Sleep In

NightLift Bra



Here I will be talking about breasts, so before I even get in to this post, I want to remind you of the importance of doing regular breast self-exams, mammography’s and regular visits with your ob/gyn. Read about breast health at the Mayo Clinic HERE.

Now, let’s talk about sleeping in a bra. Is sleeping in a bra bad for your boobs? There are lots of yes and no answers on this. The internet is chock-full of them. I will tell you from my experience, sleeping in a bra has kept my boobs “looking” great! For this article I am going to stick with aesthetics and not get into the medical aspect of this. Let’s save that for another time.

I was as flat as a board when I reached breast maturity age. My breast buds never bloomed. I was body shamed in both elementary and high school. One of the most memorable comments I recall is “You would fit under a door but your nose would get stuck”.  “Flat as a pancake” was a common phrase I would hear.

In my late twenties I got a boob job, not because of anyone else or because of lack of confidence but just because, I wanted boobs. I was not going for a stealth boob job but just an average look for my body type. I got my boobs. I love my boobs. I still have them, many, many years later. It sometimes amazes me to think about the age of my implants and how great they still look.  My surgeon was Dr. Brent Mollekon  in Beverly Hills.

A soon as I finished up with the Dr. Instructions, and my breasts settled, I began the practice of sleeping in sports bras, well fitting comfortable ones.  After time, I added a second sports bra, yes I sometimes slept in two sports bras.  I have no personal medical evidence or documentation on this but I truly feel this has helped my breasts stay “up” and perky and look great after all these years.

Not too long ago I heard about The NightLift Bra by Dr. Randal Haworth , expert surgeon in the field of plastic surgery. This bra is amazing! It’s a sleeping bra that has replaced my “sleeping” in sports bras.

It is important to say, this is not only for women with breast implants but for women with natural breasts too. It’s sleep support lingerie to help keep your cleavage area smooth, your breasts from sagging and drooping (gravity especially pulls on the breast tissues) and keep you comfortable while sleeping. It keeps the breasts perfectly immobile but in the most comfortable way.

These is much you will want to know about The NightLift Bra and how Dr. Haworth designed it. You have got to take some time to check out the website HERE.  You can find out about the long term affects of gravity on the breasts, B.U.S.T.® patented Bilateral Uplift Support Technology, learn more about Dr. Haworth, get caught up on the NIGHTLIFT blog, learn about your bra size and size conversions and SHOP!

I have the NightLift BoudNoir Bra, $98.00 but I must get another or a few more. Dr. Haworth explains that like all bras, the same NightLift bra shouldn’t be worn night after night because the fabric needs to rest and breathe. He recommends alternating at least 3 different NightLift Bras. According to my knowledge of bras in general, this is the best rule of thumb.

It’s certainly an investment but I do plan to add the Lace Lift and the Nudatitude Bras to my lingerie drawers soon. The Nightie NightLift Baby Doll  & The Camisole (both $128) are  on my wish list.

Thank you Dr. Randal Haworth. I have been waiting for NightLift and I am so happy these designs are available!




Follow NightLift on Instagram.



May 21, 2018

Friends, Is Your Best Friend YBF Beauty? You Might Want to Get to Know Your Next Best Friend

ybf Lip Stick and Lip Gloss Duo

ybf Lip Stick and Lip Gloss Duo


Friends, Your Best Friend, ybf Beauty!

You will want to refer back to the post (Annie Hatcher Looks Stunning in YBF Cosmetics) before continuing on to Annie’s ybf Beauty video feature below.

Shop with me!  Purchase ybf Beauty products HERE to get 15% off your first order girlfriend! You can also order from HSN or at  Amazon

Follow ybf Beauty on Instagram and Face Book

Annie Hatcher Looks Stunning in YBF Cosmetics

And now, here is Annie’s ybf Lip Stick and Lip Gloss Video (shades Bloomin’ Berry & Passionate Pink):

May 21, 2018

Top 5 SkinCare Tips To Tighten Your Skin Safely And Effectively

Loosening of the skin is one of the most visible signs of aging. As a person ages, the skin progressively looses elasticity, a condition that results in sagging features around the face as well as on the neck. In order to maintain a tight and healthy skin, the following are five top notch natural treatment methods that you can apply.

Avoid the sun as much as possible

Much of photoaging results from over exposure to the sun. Research has proven that the best method to avoid skin cancer and the general degradation of the skin is to keep away from direct sunlight. The sun contains two harmful ultraviolent radiations:

• UVA rays.
• UBV rays.

Exposure to these rays lead to the damage of the skin, whereby collagen loss by the body is sped up, thus increasing one’s chances to contacting cancer. Although most sun rays are beneficial to the body, you should carefully avoid much exposure so as to contain development of these health conditions.


You will be surprised by how much facial exercises can do to maintain your skin in a tight, young and healthy condition. As you exercise, unused muscles, which normally sag, are tightened. These muscles then maintain their tight, health form, which translates to the whole body looking good. You ought to learn some simple exercises that need to be practiced routinely, preferably on a daily basis. This is another simple and easily available remedy for keeping the skin in appealing conditions even with age beckoning.

Eat a healthy diet

What you eat directly translates to your physical condition. If you eat healthy foods, your body will remain healthy, and your skin will also look more appealing as it is properly nourished. Make certain that you eat enough vegetables and fruits, especially colored fruits. These contain high quantities of vitamins and are antioxidant rich. Berries as well as proper amounts of proteins and omega-3 fatty acids are also good in maintaining a healthy skin.

Consume a lot of water

Water is well known for tightening of the skin alongside the many other benefits. A person should drink between 10 and 12 glasses of pure water every day. This ensures that the body is properly hydrated at all times, and the skin maintains a firm, tight and moisturized condition. It is also a well known phenomenon that water helps in eliminating toxins that are harmful to the body. You should then make a point of having a glass of water every now and then as it is easily accessible and also beneficial.

Natural creams and oils

These are natural products that could be used in keeping your skin in check. Some notable skin oils include grape seed oils and avocado oils, which have properties that facilitate the elimination of wrinkles and skin sags. There are also various natural creams that help to keep the skin healthy and tight. However, before using any oils and creams, get professional advice on the right products and those with no side effects.

It is important to know what are the top collagen pills to use. This is important in helping you to tighten your skin in the healthiest way.

May 20, 2018

Your Carolina TV, Tune in Monday for a New Spring Summer Beauty Haul

BioSilk Color Therapy Intensive Masque

BioSilk Color Therapy Intensive Masque










Your Carolina TV, WSPA. Tune in tomorrow as I present more of my favorite beauty finds, some from the past and some brand new, but all fabulous and all It’s a Glam Thing Favorites! You’ll get to see and learn about the following beauty products.

  1. Chi Air Spin & Curl Hair Tool
  2. BioSilk Color Therapy Hair Care products
  3. Vera Moore Cosmetics Signature Collection Peptide + Serum with Vitamins C & E
  4. LUK Beautifood 100% Natural Lipstick
  5. OMG BOTANICALS Serum and Cleanser Duo

I’ll see you then!




May 19, 2018

GADGIT GIRLZ Are Keeping It Covered & Swig Is Keeping It Cold and more.

Lizzie Scarf

Lizzie Scarf


GADGIT GIRLZ, Alita & Celeste, are right on target with their Lizzie Skin Wear for “Anti- Lizard skin”.  Chest and neck wrinkles and skin cancer are caused due to excessive sun exposure.  This fabric is UPF 50+ for neck and decolletage sun protection. Wear the Lizzie while enjoying a game of  tennis or golf,  walking your doggie, sitting in the sunny outdoors or just because it looks good on!

This GADGIT GIRLZ scarf has got us  covered. It is one size fits all. The fabric helps keep you cool. It will keep skin dry in hot and active environments. It is treated with MICROBLOK Technology, an anti-microbial that prevents odor and growth of bacteria, fungi and mold for better health and hygiene.  It’s great to know that a small piece of pretty fabric can do so much good. It has a button closure in back and is available in multiple patterns and colors. I posted a photo of my Lizzie on Instagram awhile back and have worn it many times since, most especially when I am gardening. It helps to keep my neck and decolletage from getting bug bites too. Shop Lizzie at GADGIT GIRLZ HERE.

Remember May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month. Use a sunscreen also. Note also the Lizzie Scarf will keep you warm in the cooler seasons also.

Swig Drink Ware in Hydrangea

Swig Drink Ware in Hydrangea


Now, I think it’s time for a Swig . The summer season is right around the corner and we all want a good reusable insulated bottle or tumbler to keep our summer beverages of choice cold. Swig designs are premium, classy, fun and colorful and sweat free drink ware that keep beverages oh so cold, seriously cold ( hot in the winter too, but that’s for another time).

You’ll find an array of drink ware like bottle, tumbler, wine and flute designs. There is even a 12. oz combo cooler. Swig frequently introduces new colors and sizes and featured collections. You will want to follow Swig on Instagram and Facebook for any new additions.

There is much technology behind the Swig drink ware. You can find out about that at their website HERE. You can learn about Tracee Mathes who launched Swig in 2017. You can shop and pick your color. Oh my gosh, the colors are fabulous. You’ll see designs in Pearl, Maroon, Crimson, Orange, Berry, Hydrangia, Ocean, Mint Pink and so much more. There are stainless steel and glitter colors too. Some are designed with a word or a phrase. These are definitely “Worth a Look”. Raise your champagne filled flute to a friend, exchange a word of cheer and take a Swig.

I’ll top this post off with a mention of 4Ocean. The story of 4Ocean can be found HERE . In less than 2 years, 4Ocean has removed 629,942 pounds of trash from the ocean and coastlines. 4Ocean currently operates out of multiple countries and employs over 150 people worldwide. They have cleaned the ocean and coastlines in 27 countries so far.

4Ocean Whale Bracelet

4Ocean Whale Bracelet


Right now you can purchase a Whale Bracelet (pictured above) available only through May. So you will need to hurry. It’s $20. It’s a limited edition. When you purchase the 4Ocean Limited Edition Whale Bracelet, 4Ocean will remove one pound of trash from the ocean and coastlines as well as help save whales. Support the 4Ocean cause. The Whale Bracelet is available in partnership with Whale and Dolphin Conservation.

My niece Rachel proudly wears her 4Ocean Coral Restoration Bracelet in support of helping to restore the coral reefs. Find out about The Coral Restoration Foundation HERE.

Check back to the WEBSITE to find out which organization and cause the 4Ocean June partnership will be.










May 19, 2018

Want to Grow Younger? Here Is How

Attitude determines the level of everyone’s success. Aging is something that no one can overturn and so you can only embrace it. The effects that come with age like the sunken face and the wrinkles are what many loathe. It is crucial to adopt behavior that will make you look young, as you grow old.

What to keep off:

Quit smoking. When the cigar smoke is exposed to the skin, there are chemical changes that alter the skin cells. Both the collagen and elastin found in the skin layers are damaged. That leads to the sagging and wrangling of the skin. The smoke also thins the blood vessels supplying nutrients with oxygen to the skin tissues. Thus, there is the low production of the skin cells. The behavior of puffing the cigar will lead to seemingly deformed appearance, manifested in the eyes and the lips.

Watch your diet. Food rations and nutrients concentrations vary, as you grow old. Some foods combat the aging process by the nutrients they contain. One needs to take foods rich in antioxidants like vitamin C, E, and carotene. Because these are consumed through food, there is a less chance for the free radicals to damage the skin cells. Foods rich in these antioxidants are colorful vegetables, cold water, trout, and salmon.

Avoid too much exposure to direct sunshine. A key neurotransmitter called melatonin is produced from vitamin A when stimulated by ultraviolet (UV) rays obtained from the sun. However, too much of this radiation will lead to the destruction of collagen and elastin resulting in skin wrinkles. Therefore, it is recommended that you use sun block when going out to the sun.

What to embrace

Treat acne. Acne is a skin disease caused by inflammation of skin gland and hair follicles. Different supplements that can treat acne are available in the market and you read their reviews on Gradedreviews.Com.

Massage your skin with Sesame oil: This enables the blood to circulate freely. The oil is useful for hydrating the skin hence making it look healthy. This oil is applied a few minutes before going to bath. It naturally washes away the dead skin and therefore giving you a smooth sensation and a glowing look.

Consider Omega 3: This is an anti-inflammatory agent, which is found in fish oil. It is known for repairing skin tissues. It makes the skin look supple. When choosing one, consider the brands that are molecularly distilled for purity or pesticide free.

The list of the things you can do to age gracefully is endless. However, one’s behavior in response to live and daily occurrences is essential. Adopt a positive attitude toward everything and everybody. Even in the difficult of the situations, take it easy and move on. Avoid things that will lower your esteem. Above all, smile. When you smile, a glow of beauty surrounds you. You look more attractive and younger. Smile all the way; the world is watching and smiling back at your beauty.


May 17, 2018

Jasmine Tookes Really Loves Gabriel NY Jewelry!

Jasmine Tookes shared a photo on Instagram, stacking her Gabriel NY 14K Yellow Gold Diamond Bangle ($825) and 14K Yellow Gold Diamond Bangle ($965) from the Bujukan Collection ( The model also wore the same Gabriel NY bangles out for a dinner date in West Hollywood last week, and at the airport in Cannes, France recently.






May 17, 2018

Coffee Concerns: Q&A With Dr. Ehsan Ali, Concierge Doctor to the Stars


Does coffee actually have an effect on your mood?

Yes, coffee is a stimulant, which typically elevates your mood, making you feel good. However, with some patients, overstimulation of the nervous system can cause a boost in adrenaline, leading to anxiety.

Why does coffee make some people’s stomach hurt?

For the same reason it boosts adrenaline, coffee’s stimulant effect causes the stomach to contract and squeeze. In large amounts, this can cause stomach pain. Also, coffee increases the acidity in stomach, which can be painful for those with acid reflux.

If you’re like us, you can’t get by without that cup! Is there a way to drink coffee that’s easier on the stomach?

Absolutely! Drinking it very slowly – and with small sips – can make it easier on your stomach. Taking an antacid prior may also help.

Is there any other beverage that could wake you up that wouldn’t hurt your stomach as much?

Tea, especially green tea, is much milder and less likely to cause stomach issues. Matcha lovers, rejoice!

Does a regular coffee habit affect your sleep habits over time?

Regular caffeine users can develop tolerance over time, so though it might not immediately affect your sleep, you will find yourself needing more and more cups! However, caffeine can cause insomnia in some patients.

About Dr. Ehsan Ali: 

A house-call specialist to the stars, Beverly Hills Concierge Dr. Ehsan Ali is board certified in Internal Medicine and fellowship trained in Geriatric Medicine. Recognized as a Top Health & Wellness Expert byAngeleno Magazine, Dr. Ali has been named to several ‘Best of Beverly Hills’ lists and has appeared on Khloe Kardashian’s Revenge Body, as well as The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Dr. Ali  has active hospital privileges at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in LA. He also spends his spare time volunteering at free medical clinics in the area.

May 17, 2018

Lay-N-Go, Revisiting Lay-N-Go and a New Video Soon To Come!

Lay-n-Go Pink Chevron

Lay-n-Go 20 inch Pink Chevron


LAY-N-GO is a product worth revisiting! It’s a beauty essential. Elizabeth Colen, Fitness Expert and Life Coach, It’s a Glam Thing, featured the Lay-N-Go in a TV segment in Indianapolis a year or so ago.  The presentation was met with much enthusiasm about this simple but “oh so helpful” product.

Elizabeth has prepared a video spotlighting the Lay-N-Go. The video will be available soon. Stay tuned for that.  Elizabeth will showcase the Lay-n-Go® COSMO in Pink Chevron print. It is available in 20 inch, 21 inch, 22 inch and a mini size.

First though, I wanted to give you a refresher on the fabulous Lay-N-Go product.

What is it? ” The Lay-n-Go COSMO is a patented cosmetic bag that allows you to see all of your cosmetics at once, and clean up in seconds. No more digging and dumping in a traditional black hole make up bag. The raised lip keeps make up and brushes from rolling off the counter. The Cosmo is machine washable and wipeable!  Home or away!  Do your daily make up routine at the gym, or in your office, on a clean dry surface. Pull the drawstring cord and the Cosmo cinches completely closed to stow or travel. Pack the Cosmo in your suitcase, tuck it in your overnight bag. The Cosmo conveniently fits anywhere! COSMO is a smart and easy 4-in-1 solution, clean surface, quick cleanup, carryall, and storage.”

Here are some behind the scenes things to know.

  • Amy & Adam Fazackerley founded the company and the Brand.
  • Lay-n-Go’s first product was a play mat!
  • Press features includes product spotlights in ShopSmart, on the Today show, in Real Simple, in Parents magazine, on FOX News and so much more.
  • Did you know that your guy can have his own men’s Lay-n-Go too.

Stay tuned, and we will have a video for you soon! (Pictured below, a few available styles & sizes)