It has been said that a woman’s hair is her crowning glory and I agree. Hair is VITAL for a female. Thick, long healthy hair exemplifies youth. The length and style signify clues to your age, health and overall attractiveness. The key to hair is to try and make it appear as healthy as possible. This can be accomplished by taking the proper vitamins, proper conditioning and regular trims and covering any grays. Also a deep conditioning monthly is recommended especially in summer months.
Internally is where you must start to build great hair. A vitamin such as Biosil will benefit your hair, skin and nails. Christy Brinkley recommends this product and I have followed in her steps.
It is said to promote healthy bones and joints as a side bar plus. I also eat jello which has a lot of protein.
Bad hair can be a huge detriment to a woman’s look. If your hair is less than healthy looking, you can add extensions, wig lets or a wig. A lot of celebrities and models utilize these options. When I go on stage, I love extensions that clip in. I even have wigs when I want dramatically different looks. Clip on extensions are fairly easy to put on. You need to match the color as close as possible. Start at the bottom of your head and clip in the first row of hair. make another row an inch or two above that from one end of your ear to the other and clip in another row as so on. the last row should be put on top but having enough hair on top so that you are unable to see the extension. If you need side extensions you can attach those as well for desired styles. After that brush lightly at ends and style with your fingers. Extensions give length and or volume. I am not a fan of permanent extensions as i feel that they ultimately damage the hair. The clip ins should be taken out before you go to bed. Wig lets can be clipped on also as well as pony tails. The key is to blend your natural hair into the style. If you wear a wig this is not necessary. Get a wig cap, some bobby pins and place the wig cap on. When it is secured place the wig on your head. Secure the wig to your head and you are good to go. Make sure none of your natural hair is poking out.

It is important that all the frizz is taken out to seal the hair. This can be done in sections or only the places that need it.
Flat irons and curling irons can create dramatically different looks. Curls tend to be viewed as very feminine. The flat iron can make hair smooth and take away frizz. I find that when I get a blow out I can then do either curls or smooth depending on the look I’m attempting to attain.
If you wear hair spray, make sure it is light and doesn’t stick in place. Too much hair spray is often associated with old ladies and it’s just wrong. Stiff hair that doesn’t move isn’t attractive.
Long hair is sexy and can help you look more glamorous. Short hair works for some people, but make sure it is not too short. The finer your features and the thinner and younger you are, the easier it is to pull off short styles. If you are overweight — don’t go too short.
Now let’s delve into hair color and roots. In life we have to brush our teeth, floss, shave, clean ourselves, etc., and when someone lacks the motivation to do these things, they start to deteriorate their self-presentation. Keeping up with your hair is the same thing. There is nothing worse than a girl with roots. Not only do long dark roots look cheap, but they convey a lazy attitude and lack of interest in presenting one’s self in the best way possible.
Some hair issues are harder to take care of than others. Hair color is important and can affect your beauty routine depending on how much maintenance it requires. Remember if you choose a color that is difficult to maintain, it could wreak havoc on your hair if it has to be done too often. Damaged hair is not attractive.
Curly hair can be especially hard to deal with, and this one I know firsthand! It can get frizzy and look unkempt depending on the weather and texture of your hair. Curly hair needs lots of conditioning.
Great over-the-counter products:
Moroccan Oil
Kerastase Bain Satin Shampoo (1, 2 or 3)
J.F. Lazartique Vita-Cream with Milk Proteins
Fekkai’s Serum
Bumble and Bumble Big Shine Serum
Redken All Soft Heavy Cream
Philip B. Rejuvenating Oil
Palvin-Bid Capillary Mask Deep Conditioner and Reconstructor
AG Ultramoist Treatment
Joico Moisture Recovery Intense Treatment
Home remedies for great hair are wonderful. You will find many examples in my chapter specifically devoted to practical applications using items you have in your home. Healthy smooth hair is a sign of beauty. It is important to protect it through good diet , vitamins if necessary and regular conditioning treatments. It is not necessary to wash your hair every day. I usually go a week without washing my hair, but if your hair gets greasy fast then of coarse you may not be able to go that long. If your hair is curly then it will need extra care as it can get frizzy and dry. If it is color treated then it will also need more conditioning especially if it is bleached. I recommend deep conditioning treatments whenever your hair needs it. Here are some home remedies that you can use for your hair. Washing your hair- If your hair is very dirty you can add baking soda to your shampoo. If you want to go chemical free then you can make a paste out of baking soda and massage it into your head or you can get a cup of water and put one table spoon baking soda and stir then massage that into your head to clean it. After that rinse and put 2 tablespoons spoons of apple cider vinegar to one cup warm water and let it sit for a few minutes. After that rinse.
It is important to comb hair gently with a wide tooth comb. You do not want to yank it. The hair should be combed at the ends and work your way up to detangle after washed.
Hair Masks conditioning treatment-
olive oil
almond oil
coconut oil
I keep my hair on the longer side so that it does not kink up. After a good wash, always comb your hair right away. If you put product in it and work it through with your head upside down and scrunch it with your hands it can make nice natural curls. Do not brush it. For smooth styles it pays to go to a blow dry bar. I can leave my hair for a week with a professional blow dry. The other option is Brazilian Blow out. My friend actress business woman Esther Marie is always on the go and loves this option. It makes her hair smooth and shiny. She says its easy to maintain.

Esther Marie with the Brazilian Blow out
If your hair is wavy or straight, a professional blow out can be nice to put body in the places that you want it. Blow dry bars have become very popular. They specialize in blow drying and styling hair, are much more cost effective than full service salons and offer great service. Their employees are quite skilled at doing a great job. As a rule a person cant do as good of a job on their own hair than these people can. The hair comes out smooth and nice and tends to stay that way unless it gets wet. If you aren’t going in for a cut or color but just want a stunning style, opt for a blow dry bar!
Sometimes getting your hair done professionally is not an option so use these tips for the best blow out you can give yourself.
When blow drying your own hair, spray on a heat protector first. If you have curly hair you will need to put some tension on the brush and make sure the hair is completely dry so it does not frizz up! Section off the hair and dry each piece separately until the whole head is dry.
Donna’s Diaries- My hair is naturally curly so it takes some work to make it behave and keep it properly conditioned. I really like to spend my money on my hair including professional deep conditioning at a salon but you can do this yourself at home also.
It is important to have a style that suits your personality, but it should also be current. Since a mane of hair can make all the difference in your look, it is important to make time for regular trims. Sometimes it is fun to try on wigs of various colors and styles to see what looks best on you. I even think it is fun to have wigs to wear on those days that you want a totally different look. Beauty is all about putting things together to make the style and look that best fits you. Don’t make drastic changes! Always experiment slowly. But if you do make a mistake, there are always extensions…
Hair Extensions
There are many different types of hair extensions that can look quite beautiful when added to the natural hair; however, this choice is high maintenance and usually very expensive. The plus side is you can shower with them in and carry on as if they are part of your natural hair. The downside is that it sometimes causes damage to your natural hair. This can result in breaking and potential hair loss.
Professional Falls, Wigs and Clip-ons
Today, we have many choices when it comes to clip-ons and hair pieces, which can create a quite glamorous look when added to our natural hair. I like clip-ons because they are easy and low maintenance. I use them to enhance my natural hair when I want more dramatic styles. They do not damage your hair, so they are essentially risk free. Plus, you can get top notch human hair clip-ons for a reasonable price. If you get synthetic ones they are not expensive and great for occasional use. DO NOT TRY TO CURL THEM WITH A HOT IRON! The manufacturer already has them straight or curled. They will melt if you try.
Natural hair clip on’s are wonderful but cost much more. The bottom line is to make sure your hair is as healthy as you can get it to look and if it needs help then move forward with both internal and external choices. Do not ever leave clip ons on constantly. I wear mine for a night or day then remove them so my hair does not get pulled out.
My girlfriend who is a Beauty Queen & actress, Shanna Olson says that she uses these clips for easy styling.

Beauty Queen, Shanna Olson
All of these options will help make your hair look better if utilized properly!
If you have any further questions you can email me below! Thank you Donna Spangler 🙂
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