Tell me what is the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear someone say, “I live a healthy lifestyle?” Wait, let me guess. Life is too short! You only live once! I love food too much! Way to hard! I can keep going but I think you see where I’m going. Living a Healthy Lifestyle does not have to be so hard. As a matter of fact I would like to go out on a limb and say it is easier ….let me clarify. Life is short so enjoy it! You only live once so why not make your health as best as it can be. I LOVE FOOD!! In fact, I eat a lot (every 3 to 4 hours), but the secret is what I eat. I feed my body the things it can use to fuel me. For example, pizza. Do you like pizza? Have you ever thought about pizza as a food that can fuel your body? Why not, do you think you are cheating or breaking your diet when you have it? Oh wait, you sacrifice all week so you know you save it for that cheat day. I am going to let you in on a secret I like pizza and eat it whenever I want, it’s not a cheat thing it’s a treat thing, I am fueling my body. I just make my own healthy pizza and I am going to share with you my recipe for this delicious healthy pizza you can eat with no guilt, no regrets.
Remember life is too short, you only live once and you love food; just like me! I live a healthy lifestyle and so can you. All you need to know are the simple ways you can do so without sacrificing taste! This video will give you all the ingredients need to make yourself a delicious healthy pizza, you can eat without the extra weight of shame and regret!
<a href="http://[youtube]” target=”_blank”>
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