Dr. Jodie Gruenstern:
Holistic Veterinarian with her “love” Jetson…A Pomeranian mix rescued from euthanasia due to aggression.
Photo credit: Joyce Paisley-Photography
Be part of this wonderful celebration as Dr.Jodie introduces her non-profit organization, iPAW!

Mark your calendar to attend,“Comedians for Critters”, and Pet Benefit !
Where: Historic Shank Hall – 1434 N. Farwell Ave. – Milwaukee, WI.
When: Sunday, October 5th, 2014
Time: 2pm – 5pm
Price: $10.00 at the door
*Arrive early as entry and seating are not guaranteed
Look forward to a great comedy show featuring “award winning“ Dobie Maxwell from the Dented Can! There’ll be drinks, appetizers, a raffle, silent auction, and you’ll even get to meet “spokes pet” Sadie in person and view a video montage of many other beautiful pets in need! Don’t miss out on the fun!! It promises to be a memorable afternoon event to benefit iPAW!
Dr. Jodie is well known and respected for her knowledgeable holistic approach and loving care for the animals she treats at her Animal Doctor Veterinary Complex in Muskego, Wisconsin. With a top-notch staff who always takes the time to assist with any needs or questions you may have, Animal Doctor presents a comfortable, friendly atmosphere for you and your pet.
I was curious to find out more about Dr. Jodie’s holistic veterinary approach, and was delighted when she was able to take some time from her busy schedule for the following interview.
My Interview with Dr. Jodie Gruenstern:
1.VICKI: What inspired you to become a holistic veterinarian?
DR. JODIE:”I decided to become a veterinarian when I was five years old. I vowed I would help all the animals in the world! About ten years into my conventional veterinary practice I realized I was not attaining that lofty goal. I was not satisfied with the tools in my conventional toolbox. I heard from technicians and pet guardians that there were other modalities, such as natural foods, herbs and acupuncture, which I could learn to use, to help pets better!”
2.VICKI: Would you share some of the additional training you’ve received in holistic treatment and therapy.
DR. JODIE: “I have attended educational national holistic conventions and seminars across the country to learn holistic modalities including western herbs and essential oils. Additionally, the Chi Institute in Florida for acupuncture and Chinese herbals and food therapy, A Time to Heal in Illinois, the Canine Rehab Program in Tennessee, also chiropractic seminars to learn whole food nutrition.
3.VICKI: What are a few of the unique services you can provide at your Animal Doctor Holistic Veterinary Complex?
DR. JODIE:“These services do not seem so unique to us anymore, as we do them every day and feel that the word is out, and they are becoming more mainstream, but pet guardians are now aware that they should not over vaccinate their pets! We have been encouraging titre testing instead, for many years. I am certified in veterinary acupuncture and food therapy, so I focus a lot of my time on these. I have a lot of experience with helping pet guardians convert their dogs and cats to safe, and effective raw meat diets. Our results are fantastic! We do still offer full service which includes radiology, dentistry and surgery. I have an experienced associate for this. We also have an amazing ultrasound specialist who provides his mobile service to us on a regular basis. Our in-house blood work service rivals the emergency clinics! This diversity and availability of services has made us the go-to clinic for some of the most challenging cases. Unfortunately, this means we see a lot of pets with severe illness including allergies and cancer.”
4.VICKI: Will you be developing additional Dr.Jodie’s Natural Pets products in the future?
DR. JODIE: “Absolutely! But we are growing so quickly I need to keep my creative mind on the back burner so that we can develop systems to keep up with our current growing demand. My ideas are secret! But they all stem from the needs I see in my practice for better natural products to serve pet needs. Our best seller, N-Trail Mix, has been called “kitty crack” by pet guardians who realized their cats cannot live without these addictive, healthful organ bits. Pets don’t get enough organs in their diets; so, this treat really fills a need! The tiny bits are perfect as high-value training aids for dogs as well.”
5.VICKI:What is your wish for the ultimate goal of iPAWs
DR. JODIE: “I see iPAW as an umbrella organization and again, as filling a gap. There are a lot of organizations out there who rescue, foster, shelter. We want to be a coordinator, a matchmaker of sorts. Potential benefactors often do not know how to choose. Guardians with needs often cannot get help because they do not have a non-profit status. Veterinary clinics have personnel and skill, but not unlimited funds to help! We want to bring that all together. For example, Pierre is a cat in Pennsylvania whose “mom” contacted us. He has a cleft palate and needs surgery. We are verifying the need and contacting the potential surgeon to facilitate the connection and provide funding. If it weren’t for this type of intervention, many pets are euthanized unnecessarily in veterinary practices every day. Personally, we have saved hundreds of pets from euthanasia; another great example is reaching for modalities, such as acupuncture for paralysis, when surgery is not a financial option. One of my employees has a little dachshund living with her and running like the wind every day due to this intervention. Her name is Zayda and participants at our October 5 event will see her current pictures!”
VICKI:Thank you Dr. Jodie for your endless work in offering the best care to the dear animals who provide us with such unconditional love and happiness. Continued success to you with all of your ongoing endeavors…
DR. JODI:“Thank you Vicki! I really appreciate your time and effort in helping us to get out the word on these topics!”
Informational sources for you to peruse:
•Find out more about iPAW by visiting: http://www.ipawaid.com
•To learn more about Animal Doctor Holistic Veterinary Complex go to:http://www.animaldoctormuskego.com
•Discover the exclusive line of Dr. Jodie’s Natural Pet Food Products by going to:
It’s your “Go-To” website for just about everything you’ll want to reference about “Promoting Ideas and; Products for the Natural Health of Pets™.”
On Facebook:
• https://www.facebook.com/animaldoctormuskego
• https://www.facebook.com/AnimalDoctorApprovedProductCollection
Two women of iPAW with their iPAW Pals:
Kati Gingras is one of the many generous women of iPAW. She helped rescue Bubba from euthanasia and was instrumental in his recovery from diabetes. He now thrives on raw food!
Dr.Jodie and veterinary assistant Monique Misfeldt administer an acupuncture treatment to Zayda, who was once paralyzed.
Monique is a woman of iPAW who has adopted the dachshund, Zayda who now runs and plays with brother, Peanut!
There’s no time like the present to visit iPAW online : http://www.ipawaid.com It’s such an incredible source that offers so much information , and provides visual images of the sweet animals who have already been helped by iPAW, along with their stories: In addition, it enlightens readers how they can help, and offers contact information where readers will be able to leave a message for iPAW: http://www.ipawaid.com/#!whowevehelped/c6mv
You’ll be so glad that you did, and so will the animals who need “You” !
(Any Quoted or Paraphrased information in this article was obtained from:
Special gratitude to:
Dr.Jodie Gruenstern
Animal Doctor Holistic Veterinary Complex
Photo Credits:/Joyce Paisley-Photography/Digital Artistry:
http://joycepaisley.com )