June 25, 2014

MAI COUTURE is the Solution for a Glowing Complexion


I just received my first lesson on how to use blotting papers. My 18 year old daughter Adrienne purchases them every now and then, but I never actually saw them in action. She told me they are great to have on hand, especially on the days she is wearing makeup and her skin gets a little sweaty or oily. The blotting papers remove oil from the skin, leaving the makeup in tack.

She was really excited when she discovered  Mai Couture 2-1 Oil Blotting Bronzing Papier. These blotting papers not only mattify your skin, but each Oil Blotting/Bronzing sheet is lightly powdered with a bronzing pigment which adds a subtle glow to your skin. The powder is paraben and talc free, adding just enough color to give you a subtle sun kissed glow.


Each book of Mai Couture 2-1 Blotting Bronzing Papiers contain 100 sheets and are available in 3 shades. They easily fit in a make-up purse or handbag. Mai Couture also carries wallets specially designed to fit your bronzing paper booklet and will protect them from getting damaged.

The Blotting sheets are easy to use and only one sheet is needed for one blotting session. As you can see from the image below, which can also be found on their website http://www.maicouture.com/, “gently press and roll the colored side of the papier around the face concentrating on the areas that the sun would normally hit (not sure? It’s usually the cheekbones, top of the forehead, the bridge of the nose, chin and décolletage).” Still not sure? An informative how-to video can be found at their website.

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Treat your complexion to Mai Coutre today http://www.maicouture.com/