Summer is right around the corner, the weather is warming up, and all those wonderful sandals are waiting in your closet to be worn! I don’t know about you, but I panic when I take a look at my feet! Glam Gals….It’s time to whip our “winter feet”, into summer ready shape!
Thank goodness beauty expert and celebrity manicurist and pedicurist Skyy Hadley has the perfect at-home recipe to give your feet a relaxing experience while soothing and exfoliating the skin for super soft results!
Skyy Hadley’s Recipe for a Light Cucumber Shell Mask:
• Start with 2 whole cucumbers (one per foot), 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of olive oil; mix in a blender until pureed.
• Pour the mixture into a bowl and heat it up to warm. Place half of the mixture into a large Ziploc baggie, and half in a second baggie.
• Slide feet right into each baggie, rubbing cucumber mask until each foot is fully soaked.
• Leave on for 5-10 minutes then rinse with warm water.
• The cucumber is extra refreshing and reviving for tired toes, the lemon helps exfoliate and the olive oil deeply moisturizes for super softness.
Mission accomplished! Thanks Skyy, for this great revitalizer for our feet !!
Now all “you” need to do is polish your toes with your favorite summer polish, confidently slip into your comfy summer sandals, and “summer here we come”!
my fave combination. What’s yours? Be creative, enjoy and really express yourself! It’s the perfect way to show off your beautiful soft, smooth feet and accent whatever sandals you choose to wear!
Finally…Get ready for the compliments, and let the summer begin!
For more information about Beauty Expert and celebrity manicurist Skyy Hadley go to:
(Quoted and Paraphrased information in this article was obtained from a provided PR-Fact sheet. Any personal commentary was my own opinion regarding suggestions for polishing techniques. Special thanks to Skyy Hadley for sharing her terrific “at home recipe for getting our feet soft and smooth” for summer…..or anytime! ,Skyy Hadley –