Did you know that Jane Austen was much more than just a famous female novelist from the 19th century? As an observer of human behavior, her telltale ability to predict the future was uncanny. Especially when it comes to hair and fashion!
“The power of doing any thing with quickness is always much prized by the possessor…. “ The infamous Mr Darcy is quoted to have said in Pride and Prejudice.
Well, Jane couldn’t have been more on point when she wrote that – especially with the amount of time, it seems, we all have in our worlds full of activity, networking, work, children, sports, cocktail parties, movies, you know, the usual spin. Now, the makers of Unite – which is actually quite environmentally responsible I might add (their trademark saying at the bottom of the bottle is UNITE AGAINST ANIMAL TESTING, which is kinda cool). In a 7 second interval, you can shake up the bottle, spray it into your hair, comb it through and literally, VOILA!
Some of you know that my hair can, at times, be quite, let’s say – BIG. We are talking Monica from FRIENDS when she’s in the Caribbean – BIG. This product smoothed down my hair and in less than 10 seconds, my hair was ready to go. Here’s an example. I arrived at a friend’s house – okay – ready to chill. My hair was in a ponytail and honestly I don’t think I had washed it in a day or two. Normally, this works well for me because as a …. Um . . . blond . . . my hair can get dry and brittle if I wash it too much. But then there’s that third day when it’s the point of no return…or so I thought.
By the time I had gotten there, the friend had revived himself and was ready to go out to a movie. When I say I was barely fit for human eyes I am not exaggerating. I ran into the bathroom and searched through my bag.
Out comes the UNITE – 7 SECOND Refresher DRY SHAMPOO – brushed it through and I was completely styled and ready to go. Not only did it look good – it looked great. Somehow even the bumps from my all day ponytail were gone as well after brushing through the shampoo. I mean, amazing, VOILA….etc.!
One funny caution: First, if you are against animal testing, this is a great product for you. If you are against ingredients that might not all be natural, you might not want this one. The main ingredient is some sort of starch and then everything else is the process they had to use to get it to spray onto your roots and beautify! Second, be aware that if you spray too much of this near your ears, you may end up slightly spraying what looks like powder all over your ears. Just do an ear-check before you go out and you’ll be fine. I was quite surprised when I looked in the mirror later that evening and saw white powder on my ears – luckily I hadn’t put my hair behind my ears!
The end of Jane Austen’s quote doesn’t quite apply here though – in which Mr. Darby proclaims that when something is done hastily no one really pays attention to how well it is done. In this case, that is not the case – and in fact, UNITE is very well done! Well done, UNITE! Thank you for a terrific 7 second dry hair shampoo! uniteeurotherapy.com/
Julia is a writer, blogger, book author
and mom from Boston, Massachusetts