I’m really fascinated with all of the studies that are done with the new technology that’s available using the latest finds with ingredients and developing products that are keeping our skin healthy and looking younger at any age.
Celfix DNA™ is one of those products that I had an opportunity to try, really liked, and am looking forward to sharing it with you.
I knew with the Celfix study results, and with an earlier similar study that was done in Italy, that Celfix DNA™ was a product that would really get some attention when it became available in the marketplace.
Here is some of the interesting data:
Celfix DNA™ was actually part of a study that was published by Board Certified dermatologist James Spencer, MD.in the Journal of Drugs and Dermatology.

Precision M.D.
Celefix DNA™
Dr.Spencer studied the “effects of sunscreen plus Celfix DNA Youth Recovery Serum”, and the results were quite noteworthy! Regarding anti-aging and the results of this study, Dr. Spencer said “This research makes a strong argument for daily use of Celfix DNA and sunscreen for patients who want to delay the signs of aging.”
Earlier, a similar “clinical study” comparable to Dr.Spencer’s was done by Dr. Enzo Berardseca, an eminent Italian dermatologist” using Photolyase , which happens to be a “key component” in Celfix DNA Youth Recovery Serum! This study revealed that “sunscreen alone is NOT enough to protect your skin!”
Photolyase is a “naturally occurring” enzyme, and when it was combined with a sunscreen, quoting the clinical study, “there was a major reduction in the appearance of the signs of aging caused by UV radiation (measured by pyrimidine dimers), almost as if the skin was never exposed in the first place.” Now, that’s quite a finding!!
Consider these “Facts” regarding the care of your skin:
• Did you know that 80% of “the visible signs of aging are the consequence of UV radiation”?
• Are you aware that your body tries it’s best to deal with UV radiation, but can handle about only 50% of the harm that it’s doing to your skin in 24 hours. That’s insufficient, and your skin needs some more help!
Well, here’s where Celfix DNA Youth Recovery™ comes into play! It’s the only product that “features Celzyme Technology™ “! Celzyme Technology™ happens to be a combination of three dominate enzymes including Photolyase that was mentioned above as the enzyme that was used in Dr.Berardseca’s very successful study!
Celfix DNA Youth Recovery™ is a light weight, non-greasy serum that will not only help you fight your “future signs of aging”, but any skin type can use it!
The other two enzymes in Celfix DNA Youth Recovery™ are endonuclease, and OGG1 that also focus on indications of aging skin. This potent Celfix DNA serum also contains “antioxydants” to protect your skin from free radicals that cause aging, and hyaluronic acid to help increase hydration levels in your skin.
Bottom line, Celfix DNA Youth Recovery™ will fit nicely into your treatment routine! As the above studies concurred, it does take more than an SPF to protect your skin from sun damage, and Celfix DNA™ serum has all the right components to compliment your SPF, provide the advantage of protecting your skin, and help resist aging.
You may purchase Celfix DNA™ Youth Recovery™ at physicians’ offices across the nation. Read more about this fine product and find a doctor near you to purchase your product at:
(Quoted and Paraphrased information in this article was obtained from provided a PR-Fact sheet. Any personal commentary was my opinion from using Celfix DNA™ Youth Recovery™ Facial Serum that was provided to me.)