JOEY New York® has a line of fun, easy to use products that target special needs to help you achieve a more youthful and healthy looking skin!
Coconut Water is the “STAR” ingredient of the JOEY New York® new QUICK RESULTS product line! It has a wonderful history behind it that I’d like to share with you via this link:
Here you’ll read all about the many benefits of Coconut Water , it’s backstory, and how through modern technology, JOEY New York® has included it in their QUICK RESULTS products. Anti-aging, help with wrinkles, lines, and sagging skin are just a few advantages of the Coconut Water!
Quoting from the article, you’ll read in the above link,“Hawaiians call Coconut Water NOELANI which means “DEW FROM THE HEAVENS.”
Let’s begin the JOEY New York “Double Feature” with:

JOEY New York QUICK RESULTS PEEL-OFF MASQUE with Young Coconut Water and Indian Ginseng Extract Complex.
I like a peel-off masque, and the JOEY New York masque is great! You only need to use it once a week, and your face and skin will feel so fresh, clean, and renewed. Start with a clean face. Do your best to apply an “even” layer of the clear peel-off masque on your neck and entire face except for the eye area!! I’ll usually start my application at the lower area of my neck and work upward to my forehead. I also like to brush my hair back and away from my face while I’m doing any kind of facial treatment!
In about 10-15 minutes the masque will be dry and ready to remove. This is the fun part! Start at the bottom of your neck and roll the edges of the dry masque as you start to peel upward to your forehead. If you applied your masque evenly, it should “lift” off in one piece. Don’t fret if it doesn’t!! Practice makes perfect. If it doesn’t lift off in one piece, just start at the lower edge where you left off peeling. Roll and continue to move in an upward motion till the Masque is removed!
Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be in awe when you see the imprint of your skin on the masque. I was surprised to see the all the dry areas on mine! The awesome result is how your clean smooth and glowing skin looks and feels after the Joey New York Peel-Off Masque! This is one of those instant gratification products!
Now your skin is clean and all set for the second product in our JOEY New York “Double Feature”:

JOEY New York®-QUICK RESULTS- KEEP IT UP imparts a Lifted, Tightened, and soft youthful look with Coconut Water, Indian Ginseng Extract Complex and peptides..
Would you like a firmer feel to your skin? Then KEEP IT UP is a product you’ll want to add to your daily regime! All you need to do is apply this very light weight serum to your neck and face. (Once again, avoiding the eye area.) Make sure you let it dry completely before applying makeup, or just wear it alone and watch your pores, sagging skin, and wrinkles diminish ! The feel to me is “energizing”, lifting, and a real confidence builder as it “wakes” up my tired skin!
The peptides in KEEP IT UP give you instant firming as well as long term benefits! I apply KEEP IT UP in an up and outward lifting motion. Starting at the base of my neck and working up my neck and behind my ears, I then lift the serum around my jawline, up the sides of my face and in an upward motion across my forehead.
Read more about JOEY New York’s -QUICK RESULTS- KEEP IT UP for more information and results you’ll achieve with you use this product:
JOEY New York has a wonderful variety of Quick Results products that target specific skin concerns, and contain the amazing young coconut water to not only help you achieve a more youthful appearance, but protect you skin with it’s natural anti-oxidants!
I hope you enjoyed this “Double Feature” presenting The Peel-Of Masque for lines, wrinkles, and glow, and Keep-It-Up for a lifted and tightened look, and will give them a try!
Here are some of the places where you can purchase the JOEY New York® Products:
(Quoted and Paraphrased information in this article was obtained from provided PR-Fact Sheets,and Any personal commentary about these products were my opinions from using the products provided to me for review.)