July 26, 2013

Healing From the Inside Out – The Three Most Incredible Healing All-Natural Cremes from BA6 Botanicals


“You are what you eat,”  –  that’s what they say, right? Have you ever thought about what you put on your skin as being ‘eaten’ or ‘consumed’ by your body – this is an interesting thing to consider when picking out skin products, as I found out this week from Christine Laureano, founder of BA6 Skin care. She has a unique set of completely natural, extremely effective products that you can buy directly from her website – which not only contain very few chemicals but also work very effectively.


It’s summer so I am going cowgirl on ya!

“BA6 started when my kids were little. I was giving them a bath, pulled out the baby lotion, looked at the ingredients, and said – oh my god. I started doing research into the lotion and said – oh my god this is not good for my baby’s skin!  I couldn’t believe it. So I went to Whole Foods and started researching the ingredients of all sorts of products, and came up with my first product which I made at home – Camomile and Lavender All over body lotion. This is a nice, light everyday moisturizer.”

Once Christine realized that she could make the moisturizer and sell it a relatively inexpensive price point, she started to create a business. The lotion was great and not only did it help the babies’ skin but the lavender smell would calm them. “Sweet almond oil and jojoba are the main oils. Almonds are very nutritious. Jojoba are the oils that are closest to our natural skin oil. My mission was all about looking at the deeper oils. Nutritious, rich and really good for your skin,” she said.

In reality, Christine points out, your skin really is absorbing 60% of what goes on it. She is a certified essential oil therapist as well as a Reiki Master, Reiki Master Healer, and a Certified Chocolatier too! (Meaning that she makes really great chocolate lavender truffles!). Next, Christine created the Cocoa Shea Body Lotion. Now, if you follow my blog at all you know that I suffer from horribly dry scaly skin and I am always reviewing products in light of how they will hurt or help my crazy alligator scales. The Cocoa Shea Body Lotion contains cocoa butter and shea butter – the makeup of both of those are so full of vitamins and things that are so good for your skin. According to Christine, this product is for people who have severely dry skin – who have been in the sun, who need something heavy duty. So, like, for people like me.

Not only is this product full of antioxidants – but it is deeply moisturizing. It actually helps to stimulate your collagen under your skin. I can’t believe how good my skin feels. It doesn’t feel tight, it’s really smooth, I cannot believe that my skin is no longer scaly. According to Christine, this product works because it has such healing properties – with antioxidants really pouring the nutrients into the skin. Just putting some waxy thing on your skin from Rite AID or something like that – it isn’t going to do the deep healing work into your skin. These products have healing properties, and her attitude is that your skin consumes them.

And then came the Booby Balm!  Not long after creating the Ba6 Cocoa Shea lotion, Christine had a lot of people saying they had eczema, and asking for help. She started to develop a dense concentrated cream based on a rich thick cream base. As part of her healing work Christine had started working with the patients at Southampton Hospital in the Breast Health Center, and one day, a nurse asked her to look at one of the radiation patient’s skin. “I looked at the irritiated skin. It was damaged, burned, trying desperately to heal,” she said. Booby Balm was born. Christine added in Halocrstytom and German Camomoile Oil, Avocado, Shea Butter, Lavender Essential Oil, and more.

Booby Balm is strictly for Burns or Super Dry Skin. This creme is highly specialized and concentrated, and well worth the slightly added cost.  “Booby Balm is now in the hospital’s Pink Ribbon bags – which all breast cancer patients receive at Southampton Hospital in Long Island and many other healthcare facilities,” she said.

Every product manufactured by BA6 has been the result of an investigation into the root cause of what’s going on with the skin, what the skin system is doing, how your body is going to react, how the skin will behave….and what will your skin needs at its core in order to begin to truly heal. I am a believe in BA6!

For more information go to store.ba6botanicals.com

0-34Guest Post by Julia Tanen

Julia is a writer, blogger, book author

and mom from Boston, Massachusetts