June 17, 2013

Ateevia Botanica is my New Best Friend


There is nothing better than rubbing a pain reliever on your sore joints and have it actually work. Ateevia Botanica is my new best friend. I have been using Ateevia Botanica 2 or 3 times a day, usually in the evenings for achy joints, and lower back pain.  I must say, I am actually seeing signs of relief.

What is Ateevia Botanica? as stated at their website, “Ateevia Botanica is an all natural topical treatment for the long-term relief of persistent joint aches and muscle discomfort. The deeply penetrating botanical formula is safe and fast-acting. Recommended by physicians, physical therapists, and chiropractors to soothe joints, muscles, and tissues”.


What I like about Ateevia Botanica is that it has the consistency of  a thin oily paste, oily enough that you can easily massage a small amount into the skin where your troubled spots are but does not leave your skin greasy. It absorbs into your skin after a few minutes of massaging.

Ateevia Botanica is  an all  natural formula that is one of the most therapeutic topical analgesics existing today. As taken from their website, “PRIME Therapy contains commonly occurring plant antioxidants, such as flavonoids, lignans and certain fatty acids that are anti-inflammatory in nature, which we derive from a patented extraction formulation of oils including borage, pumpkin, sunflower, grapeseedand safflower“.

I never thought of having a topical anesthetic as a staple in my medicine cabinet. As I am getting older, I am noticing more aches and pains so Ateevia Botanica will be a staple from now on.

My husband is even using it at night for his achey sore wrists from Carpel tunnel Syndrome. Ateevia Botanica works best for artheritic joints, tendinitis, plantar fascitis, bursitis, sports strains and lower back pain. You can learn more about these conditions at http://www.ateevia.com/ and see if Ateevia Botanica might be a good choice for you.

Enter to win your own tube of Ateevia https://itsaglamthing.com/giveaways/ateevia-botanicas-phytonutrient-rich-inflammation-minimizing-extract-prime/