New York Times Best Selling Author, Brenda Novak’s 9th Annual Online Auction for DIABETES RESEARCH starts TODAY and runs through May 31!
Go to: where you’ll not only have the opportunity to bid on a wide array of unique items, events, and special donations from some of the “Best Selling Authors” in the literary field ,but be able to team up with Brenda in her ongoing dedication to help find a “Cure” for Diabetes!

Brenda and her son, Thad ,who was diagnosed with Type1- Diabetes at the age of five.
“Help me find a cure for this horrible disease and enjoy yourself while doing it.” ~ Brenda Novak
Here are just a few auction highlights:
• Readers and writers will be able to bid on items to “meet” their favorite authors!
• You won’t want to miss out on Brenda’s special “offerings”!
• There’ll be autographed celebrity and sports memorabilia waiting for your bid!
• Beauty, Fashion, and Jewelry articles are sure to catch your interest!
•”Once in a lifetime” experiences will certainly get your attention!
There is something for EVERYONE, kids too, at Brenda Novak’s “Annual Online Auction for the cure of Diabetes!!”
We at It’s A Glam Thing are big fans of our friend Brenda Novak’s amazing books, and also very supportive of her commitment and drive each year to present an Annual Online Auction of this magnitude to continue the ongoing research to find the cure of Diabetes !
I’m so proud to be a part of Brenda’s “Auction For The Cure” this year, and am offering a “personal interview” opportunity for an author to promote their book! That interview will appear on:
• It’s A Glam Thing
• Pretty City, and
• Examiner
I’ll also be including social media exposure on Facebook and Twitter!
“As a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author, Brenda has been able to count on her fans and her peers to support her annual online auctions, helping her raise over $1.6 million so far!” Let’s make this year the “Best” auction ever for the cure of Diabetes” !
Thank you for joining the effort and participating in Brenda’s upcoming Annual Online Auction for the Cure of Diabetes, starting TODAY!
BID OFTEN • HAVE FUN • SUPPORT A WONDERFUL CAUSE by visiting: and let’s make the “Magic” happen!!
(Any quoted or paraphrased information in this article from PR-Fact Sheets or website sources.)