Vitaminwater zero, the healthy hydrator that has taken water to a whole new level has two new flavors for you to enjoy. Dragon Fruit (power-C) and Fruit Punch (revive) join the the very popular line of flavored water that not only provides a terrific source of water needed for the necessity of our health and well being, but a real flavored treat you can consume daily with no calories, a natural sweetener , and (Quote) “each bottle serves up an excellent source of c and b vitamins, as well as a unique blend of vitamins and electrolytes.”

vitaminwater zero ~ No Calories & Naturally Sweetened with two new flavors:”power -C” ~ Dragon Fruit Flavor & “revive” ~ Fruit Punch Flavor!
I consume a lot of water each day, and am thrilled with these two new flavors of vitaminwater zero! They taste terrific! I went shopping the other day to purchase some more flavors of vitaminwater zero to try. I had fun looking at, not only, the nice variety of choices that were available with the varying blends of vitamins, but the eye catching colorful display that the selection of these healthy flavored waters presented! I look forward to eventually trying all of them with confidence in knowing I’m getting the hydration I need with a natural sweetener, and some healthy vitamins to boot! You can’t beat that!
I was impressed with the refreshing, flavorful, “good for you”, and calorie free vitamin water, but I wanted to go to one more source for a “professional” opinion! Who better than my son, Dr.Jay, who is a Chiropractic Physician and very knowledgeable about nutrition and wellness. I dropped off a bottle of power-C- Dragon Fruit flavor for him to try.
Here are his thoughts about vitaminwater zero :
(Quote) “I had the Vitamin Water Zero “revive” fruit punch flavor. I thought it tasted good. It had a nice flavor, with subtle sweetness. I appreciated that even though it was flavorful, it was light enough to be non-bloating. I’m not a big fan of artificial sweeteners, but feel much more comfortable about this product’s use of Stevia, which in some studies has been shown to possibly have some beneficial health effects. Regarding some of the vitamin and mineral content, I loved that it contained a large amount of Potassium (880mg), which is something we tend to not get enough of in much of the processed foods and drinks we consume today”.
I’d say that pretty much sums it up! Vitaminwater zero receives a 5-Star review! If you haven’t already tried this flavorful, naturally sweetened, vitamin infused water, I recommend that you consider doing so! You’ll be able to find vitaminwater zero and other vitaminwater drinks at stores throughout the country for a suggested retail price of $1.49.
For more information visit :
You may also go to the vitaminwater website where you will be able to view all the colorful bottles with full information for vitaminwater zero and other vitaminwater drinks!
Water is so important and a necessity for all of us. Are you in the habit of drinking water on a daily basis? If you are, treat yourself to vitaminwater zero! You’ll love it!!! If you’re not, get started now, and you’ll appreciate the flavorful taste, vitamin benefits, and better yet , you’ll start a wonderful habit that I know you’ll be glad you did!!
(Ouotes and paraphrased information in this article obtained from provided PR information , commentary from Dr.Jay Romant, Chiropractic Physician,,, and my personal experience with vitaminwater zero.)