January 15, 2013

My Aunt Loves Her Face and Now You Can To with faceLOVE

 My Aunt Gale tried and loves faceLOVE. Here is what she has to say:

Face Love is an amazing product. I can now say I love my face. I had a few lines around my left eye and mouth. A very small amount of Face Love does wonders.  The serum goes a long way. I only wish I had known of this product last summer before my daughter’s wedding.   We have the pictures back and I see lines.  If I had used this product then there would be a different face in the pictures.  I like a natural look and Face Love allows me to use less make up. I have always disliked that heavy feel of products on my face.     My advice to you is to get Face Love before the big event not after like I did. Then you will love your face in those big event pictures.