By Robyn Karney
This is a perfect time of the year to settle in your comfortable chair in front of a warm fire place and read a good book! I’ve given this book a 5-star Review , and I personally recommend it as a book you’ll not only enjoy reading, but viewing the exceptional illustrations over and over again.
REVIEW : “Audrey Hepburn – A Charmed Life” by Robyn Carney”
“Audrey Hepburn – A Charmed Life” by Robyn Carney takes you through the life of this stunningly beautiful actress who prevailed over her difficult childhood in Nazi-occupied Germany to move forward and capture the hearts of fans world wide in her films, (quote) “establish herself as the fashion icon of the century” with her flair for fashion and style, then with a gentleness of spirit that was so endearing, dedicate herself to helping the impoverished children of the Third World as a special “Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF”. After her year as Goodwill Ambassador, she decided to continue devoting her life to these needy children who she dearly loved.
Not only is the Audrey Hepburn story so well written and compelling that you will not be able to put the book down, but the illustrations are thoroughly outstanding ,and make the story come alive with each turn of the page! Author Robyn Karney does an outstanding job of filling in all of the details of Audrey Hepburn’s movie career and personal life throughout the years. This is one of those books I know you’ll want for your personal library!
You may purchase “Audrey Hepburn ~ A Charmed Life by Robyn Karney for $24.95 by going to :
A 5-Star Review for the delightful presentation of this true story of the beloved actress and humanitarian, Audrey Hepburn!
(Any “quotes” or paraphrased information in this article provided from the book and/or press release-fact sheets)