Let me introduce you to Raina C. Smith, the author of this compelling religious thriller, The 13th Apostle.

Author, Raina C. Smith :”The response from readers across the country and abroad has been tremendous! It’s amazing to hear from fans of The 13th Apostle all over the world who connect with my story. Everyone seems to be able to relate to this story in one way or another.”
About Raina:
As an only child, and native New Englander, Raina used her imagination and natural storytelling abilities to entertain her family and friends while growing up. It’s no wonder she graduated as a “proud” Rhode Island College Communications Major! Raina moved forward into a professional career in broadcasting, putting her skills to work as a news reporter, radio talk show co-host, and producer. It was here that Smith was able to fine tune her “storytelling, research, and writing skills.” As a result, she was able to craft the dynamic “characters and scenes” in what turned out to be her first book, The 13th Apostle .
The 13th Apostle , part of a trilogy series that is currently being written, has certainly brought Raina C. Smith into the writing arena as an up and coming successful author you’ll want to keep your eye on!

The 13th Apostle by Raina C. Smith
“The 13th Apostle is about the inherent nature of man and the forces of good and evil at work within the human soul.”
Here is a great interview with Raina that will give you a brief synopsis about her book and enlighten you as to why The 13th Apostle is getting such a wide spread responsive interest both here and abroad!
Amazon (paperback): http://www.amazon.com/The-13th-Apostle-Raina-Smith/dp/1463558643/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1351291776&sr=8-1&keywords=the+13th+apostle
Amazon (kindle) http://www.amazon.com/The-13th-Apostle-ebook/dp/B0051UA5JA/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1351291816&sr=8-2&keywords=the+13th+apostle
Barnesandnoble.com (NOOK) : http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-13th-apostle-raina-c-smith/1106355958?ean=9781463558642
Make sure you check out the vast array of reviews about The 13th Apostle on:
Questions addressed by author Raina C. Smith :
1. How long did it take you to write, The 13th Apostle?
RAINA: “It took me approximately 6 years to write, The 13th Apostle, however, I did not write every day for 6 years. At one point, I took an entire year off. Another time, I took 3 months off. I only write when I’m inspired.”
2. “This novel is fiction, but is there anything from “real life” in the storyline?
RAINA: “Yes, there is actually one dramatic scene in the book that I witnessed in real life and use it for my storyline. No one would ever know that scene is borrowed from real life, but it is. When you read, The 13th Apostle, see if you can find out which scene I am referring to!”
3. There are some interesting character names in the novel, how do you come up with interesting character names?
RAINA: “Some of the character names in my book are in honor of family and friends, while others were researched. For instance, one of the things I sometimes do, is walk through an old graveyard and look at the interesting names on gravestones. Oftentimes in cemeteries which have tombstones from the 1800’s, you will find names you’ve never heard of before, that are rich and full of intrigue.
Another time, while interviewing someone for the news, I noticed the man I was speaking with had an interesting accent, and when he gave me his Russian name, presto, a new character name was born!
This one is funny! I was trying to name an animal character in The 13th Apostle and couldn’t come up with one, so I went through my eyeshadows and named my animal character after one of my favorite eyeshadow colors!”
That was some terrific commentary from Raina! It really gives us an appreciation of her personal approach to creating a story!
One more thing, Raina has a Boston Terrier named Buster who she calls, “The best Boston Terrier ever !” Buster spent a lot of time “sitting on her lap” as she wrote The 13th Apostle! Here’s a little “Trivia you’ll enjoy”: When you look at back cover of Raina’s book, there’s a picture of a dog. You guessed it… It’s Buster, Raina’s Boston Terrier!
Ongoing success with The 13th Apostle , Raina , and we look forward to your upcoming books in this Trilogy Series.
Connect with Raina at:
Website : www.rainasmith.com
Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/The13thApostlebyRainaC.Smith
Twitter : https://twitter.com/RainaCSmith
You Tube: rainasmith1
(All quotes, video, images and paraphrased information in this article were acquired from promotional data obtained from the author of The 13th Apostle.)