School kids help distribute food to the needy for Thanksgiving
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving yesterday, filled with love, family, friends and lots of great food! There were about 16 at our table, but as always, there are plenty of leftovers to last the rest of the week.
It’s always such a treat to get the chance to catch up with family that I haven’t seen for a while. But as much fun as that was, what I’ll remember most about this Thanksgiving is what I did the day before the holiday. The Loaves and Fishes program is a non-profit organization that collects and supplies food and groceries to people in crisis over the holidays and throughout the year through local area churches. Through that organization, I had the opprtunity to help distribute food to more than 40 families in the area on Wednesday. The experience absolutely made my Thanksgiving! The gratitude that I saw from those receiving AND giving out food was overwhelming.
If you ever need of a reminder of how lucky you are, I highly suggest volunteering with one of these organizations. Giving is a beautiful thing!