July 2, 2012

My interview with actress Jane Kaczmarek and best selling author Ellyn Spragins and their participation in a project that helps educate and bring awareness of ways to deal with the problem of joint pain !

The opportunity to interview the three-time Golden Globe, and seven-time Emmy nominee actress Jane Kaczmarek was more than special to me since we both are from the state of Wisconsin.

My video interview with actress Jane Kaczmarek and best selling author Ellyn Spragins will be presented at the close of this article. , but first I’d like to share with you a bit about the project that brought Jane and Ellyn together for this venture.

DePuy Orthopaedics , (Quote) “founded in 1865 was the first commercial orthopaedics company in the U.S.) DePuy has sponsored a complimentary booklet written by Ellyn Spragins titled, “Had I Known Then” ~ A collection of letters from former joint pain sufferers to their younger selves.

This internet booklet, courtesy of DePuy, includes a variety of letters with different perspectives from six patients who have had joint replacements including actress Jane Kaczmarek, and how each of them approached the pain they had dealt with, their frame of mind, each expressing different feelings, outlooks and how they handled their joint pain surgical commitment.

Even if you don’t personally suffer from joint pain, I bet you know someone who does. Possibly they are taking medication for the pain and hoping it will go away. Maybe they believe they will be able to work through their pain.

My Mom was a great example! After injuring her knee when she slipped on water in a food store while shopping, she kept putting off going to a doctor, and when she did she was given anti-inflammatory prescriptions and the advice to have her knee fixed. She took the medication for years but chose not to pursue further steps in surgically fixing her joint pain. As a result, in her later years she had a very difficult time getting around and doing all of the things she had enjoyed. She became more sedentary and finally had waited too long, as her now fused knee caused constant pain, and could no longer be fixed! She ended up in a wheel chair, and still extremely vital and wanting to be active, realized her fear and lack of education regarding joint pain had won the game.

Ellyn Spragins booklet is wonderful. Her concept of writing a letter to “your” younger self truly opens the mind, and can help a person see things from a different perspective in respect to many of the challenging decisions that we are faced with throughout our lifetime. With “Had I Known Then”, a collection of letters from former joint pain sufferers to their younger self”, the challenge addresses joint pain!

Also in the booklet, Ellyn Spragins interviews board certified orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Steven Barnett. Dr. Barnett is an extremely qualified doctor with his practice (Quote) “specializing in joint replacement, and Adult Reconstruction for arthritic conditions.” An educational, easy to understand pictorial presentation is in the booklet interview and it’s very through, and informative!

I encourage you to visit the website now and either read the interactive version of the booklet online or download and print a copy of the booklet to read.

Now it’s time to watch the video of my very down to earth interview with actress Jane Kaczmarek and best selling author Ellyn Spragins and hear their commentary that pulls everything together about this great endeavor to educate and help people with joint pain make decisions about their health.

Enjoy the interview and read the booklet! It provides a wonderful tool with so much information and a great concept for getting to the issue, making a commitment and getting on with your life free from joint pain!

Watch the video here: https://itsaglamthing.com/video