Ever since I got back from the Orlando Hair Show, I have had a new outlook on my whole career. I am more confident in how I do hair and how I address my clients sitting in my chair. I have noticed that my clients like my passion for what I do and that makes them want to come back and see me.
You know we all have people who inspire us. Someone we look up to who helps us realize just what it is we love to do. When I was at the show I got to meet my inspiration to become a hairdresser, Nick Arrojo. When I was in high school I always made it point to watch “What Not To Wear” on TLC. Next to “I Love Lucy” it was and is my favorite show. The best part about the whole makeover was seeing what hairstyle Nick would come up with. At the time I had no idea that hairdressing was what I really wanted to do but I did know that I loved fashion.
I was soooooo happy to meet Nick and tell him just what an inspiration he is to me. In high school I was interested in acting and singing. I loved being on stage and being seen my many people. At the show I saw Nick doing just that (minus the singing and acting). He was in front of people showing off his amazing skills and in his own way, he was “performing” for a big crowd of people. That is my dream, to be a platform artist.
After high school I was just like many other young adults. I had no idea what it was I wanted to do as a career. I jumped from thing to thing but could never settle on one particular career. It wasn’t until 6 months after I graduated did I know that the beauty industry was my calling. I always knew I was artistic but I knew I could not draw or paint. I decided to give hairdressing a try. While in beauty school I realized my love for hair. With the help of Nick Arrojo and my teachers hairdressing has become my passion and I would not give it up for the world. Thank you Nick Arrojo for being my inspiration.