ATTENTION HAT LOVERS, and I mean men, women and children, check out the Wallaroo Hat Company’s 2012 Collection. Not only are these hats trendy and affordable, many of their styles can be worn throughout the year.
The “Aubrey” style, appearing in the W collection, which my daughter loves, features a side buckle and two color choices. Many of the hats feature a hidden drawstring tie inside the hat which allows for just the right fit so my daughter and I can both enjoy wearing it.
ATTENTION SUN LOVERS: You can’t beat the UPF 50+ Ultra violet protection factor feature. To determine which hats are UPF 50+, the hats are marked with a sun icon throughout their site. According to their website, “These fabrics are tested by the Australian Radiation Protection Agency and block 97.5% of the sun’s ultroviolet rays. Ultraviolet radiation, or UV, is present in sunlight. The Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) shows how well a fabric protects your skin from solar UV. But remember, a Wallaroo hat only protects the skin it covers. Safeguard the rest of your body by wearing sunglasses and sunscreen.”
Wallaroo hats also come in a fabulous assortment of fabrics including canvas, microfiber, tweed, angora and wool to name a few. A must see for both children, teens and adults. Check out the cute and trendy styles now. Visit their website at Wallaroo hats are a must see !!!!!
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