I had the opportunity to not only meet, but interview New York Times Best Selling Author, Brenda Novak and her editor, Paula Eykelhof, just before the launch of Brenda’s newest book INSIDE. We are featuring that interview on www.itsaglamthing.com right now, and I’m also going to include it in this article for you to enjoy.
We are very excited to offer one lucky winner not only an autographed copy of INSIDE, but a lovely, limited edition silk designer scarf by Hayden-Harnett with a romantic passage from INSIDE. The scarf has a retail value of $120.00, and that is truly exceptional, but along with an autographed book from Brenda Novak… Now that is priceless!!
You may enter to win at either www.itsaglamthing.com or right here at: https://itsaglamthing.com/winit-6.php
I’d also like to invite you to go to www.brendanovak.com and find out more about INSIDE. In fact, you will even be able to read the first chapter of the book online.
I promise that once you read that chapter you won’t be able to wait to get your copy of INSIDE.