March 2, 2015

Expand your awareness regarding skin cancer and melanoma in a very informative interview with Joel Schwartz, DO


Recently held, World Cancer Day 2015 took ” a positive and proactive approach to the fight against cancer.” I was thrilled when the opportunity came about for me to ask some questions, and get the viewpoint regarding skin cancer and melanoma from:
Joel M. Schwartz, DO
Board Certified in Radiation Oncology
Illinois Cancer Specialists, a practice in The US Oncology Network

Here is my interview with Dr.Joel M.Schwartz:

#1: VICKI: Dr. Schwartz, a lot of people want to know: what is melanoma and who is prone to getting this type of cancer?

DR. SCHWARTZ: Each year there are more new cases of skin cancer than breast, prostate, lung and colon cancers combined. Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. There are about 120,000 new cases of melanoma each year and melanoma kills an estimated 9,710 people in the U.S. annually. These tumors originate in the pigment-producing melanocytes. Melanomas often resemble moles and some develop from moles.

There are several factors that can put someone at a higher risk of developing a melanoma.
Early sun exposure – a research study involving nurses reported in 2014 found that white women who get five or more blistering sunburns between the ages of 15 and 20 have an 80 percent increased risk for melanoma.

Tanning bed usage – A 2014 study estimated that more than 400,000 cases of skin cancer may be related to indoor tanning in the United States each year—causing 245,000 basal cell carcinomas, 168,000 squamous cell carcinomas, and 6,000 melanomas.
Moles – atypical moles, (also known as dysplastic nevi) can be precursors to melanoma, the more moles you have, the greater your risk for melanoma.
Skin type – Fair-skinned people are at much greater risk than those with darker skin. This is because darker skinned people produce more melanin, the pigment that gives color to skin and hair, and protects the skin from damage from ultraviolet radiation.
Eye and hair color – people with blue or green eyes and red hair or blond hair are at increased risk for developing melanoma.
Genetics – About one in every 10 patients diagnosed with the disease has a family member with a history of melanoma. Each person with a first-degree relative diagnosed with melanoma has a 50 percent greater chance of developing the disease than people who do not have a family history of the disease.
A person with both an atypical mole and a family history of melanoma is at “high risk” for melanoma.

#2: VICKI: Other than melanoma, are there other types of skin cancers people should be aware of? How common are they?

DR. SCHWARTZ: The most common types of skin cancers are Basal Cell Carcinomas (BCC) and Squamous Cell Carcinomas (SCC). They are much more common than melanoma. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer with an estimated 2.8 million diagnosed annually in the U.S. Squamous Cell Carcinoma is the 2nd most common form of skin cancer. An estimated 700,000 cases of SCC are diagnosed each year in the U.S. About 2% percent of SCC patients – between 3,900 and 8,800 people – died from the disease in the U.S. in 2012

#3: VICKI What are the common warning signs and symptoms that people should bring to their doctor’s attention?

DR. SCHWARTZ: For melanoma, there are the classic “ABCDE signs.”
This includes moles with:
Uneven Borders
Multiple Colors
A Diameter greater than an eraser
An Evolving or changing appearance.
Also, any mole that appears to be different or is changing differently than other moles, may be a warning sign for melanoma (this is referred to as the “Ugly Duckling” sign).

With regard to BCC and SCC, these cancers often appear as:
An open sore that does not heal
A shiny-pearly bump
A pink bump with edges that are rolled in appearance.

#4 VICKI: Why do malignant skin lesions and other skin spots seem to suddenly appear as people get older?

DR.SCHWARTZ: As people age, two things happen. First, the body becomes less able to police itself and correct genetic mistakes (i.e. mutations) which occur all the time as the body is making new cells. Since the body of an older person is less savvy at correcting these genetic mistakes, they are more likely to survive, become incorporated into our bodies and develop into cancers.
In addition, sun cumulative exposure is a risk factor for skin cancer. The longer a person lives, the more sun exposure he/she has and the possibility of developing skin cancer increases as well.

#5 VICKI: Other than regular use of sun protection, are there any other preventatives that we can do to lessen the chance of getting skin cancer?

DR. SCHWARTZ: This is a very interesting topic since risky and voluntary over-exposure to the sun (or a tanning bed) is very preventable. This is particularly concerning regarding teenagers and young adults. With regards to the prevention of skin cancer, I believe society has a real responsibility to help individuals enhance their self-esteem and thereby help people appreciate their unique, tremendous inner value.
There is a growing body of evidence that for many people, tanning has become an addiction.
Like other addictions, it is often associated with:
A desire to escape
A dissatisfaction with one’s self-image

Research suggests that this self-destructive behavior (i.e. excessive sun or tanning bed exposure) is correlated with low self-esteem scores and an unhealthy self-image.

By helping people improve their self-esteem, an individual’s obsession with a “beautiful dark tan” will hopefully be replaced by solid feelings of inner self-worth and a life of purpose and meaning.
As I see it, improving someone’s self-esteem is an important avenue of skin cancer prevention.

#6 VICKI: That certainly is a very interesting point, Dr.Schwartz!Are there any new medical breakthroughs in dealing with melanomas or skin cancers?

DR. SCHWARTZ: For a long time, we have known that early-stage melanoma can usually be cured with surgery. With regard to more advanced and metastatic melanomas, the prognosis had been much more bleak.

In the last few years however, we have seen enormous breakthroughs in the area of new pharmaceuticals for advanced melanoma. This includes drugs which are targeted to specific genetic mutations (i.e. BRAF inhibitors and MEK inhibitors) which attempt to “turn off” the growth process within melanoma tumors.

Another group of new drugs are “immunotherapy” drugs. These medicines (T-cell simulators and anti-PD1 agents) try to activate and recruit the body’s own immune system to recognize and to destroy melanoma tumors.

In the area of BCC and SCC, surgery has also been the traditional mainstay of therapy (with a 90-98% cure rate). An exciting new area of treatment for BCC and SCC is non-surgical Skin HDR radiotherapy. Skin HDR treats BCC and SCC with a tiny radioactive seed that briefly rests on top of the skin cancer.
These treatments are:
Fast (5-10 min) they are
Precisely targeted and very effective (they have a 90-95% cure rate)
Since these treatments are non-invasive, there are no surgical scars, they require no anesthesia, and there is no need for subsequent plastic surgery to repair a hole left by prior cancer surgery.

Recent research indicates that surgeons commonly underestimate the importance which patients attribute to their appearance. This same researcher has found that scars (especially on the face) tended to have a negative impact on patients’ psychosocial functioning.

I believe that surgery will always be used for the treatment of BCC and SCC. In the current era of “minimally invasive procedures”, Skin HDR offers people an effective and less disfiguring skin cancer treatment option.

#7 VICKI: Do you recommend that your family physician, internist or PCP provide regular skin check-ups? Should you ask for a referral if they do not provide them, and how often should you have your skin checked?

Patients with:
Multiple moles
Atypical moles
A history of melanoma
A 1st degree relative with melanoma
A known genetic predisposition for melanoma should perform self-examinations and should be checked regularly by a Dermatologist. Dermatologists have special tools and training to track and follow patients at high risk for skin cancers. These tools include Dermatoscopy and Total Body Photography.

At this point, the CDC and the US Preventative Task Force have concluded that there is not enough evidence to recommend for or against routine screening (total body examination by a doctor) to find skin cancers early..

In my experience, patient’s always know their bodies better than anyone else. If a person feels that he/she has a skin lesion that has changed or is acting strangely, I believe that one should trust their instincts and have it evaluated.

#8 VICKI: Is there anything else that you’d like to share? This a very important and interesting topic.

DR. SCHWARTZ: Medicine is entering a new era that demands a more holistic approach to patient care. The field of skin cancer treatment is certainly no different. Physicians need to use the best, state-of-the-art-treatments to target and cure skin cancers. This is just the tip of the iceberg however. We also need to be looking for the root causes and behaviors that promote skin cancers. We need to spend more time focused on “preventative medicine” (including sunscreen education, tanning bed education, taking preventative medicines such as aspirin, as well as providing psychological support and addiction support to our patients when necessary). We need to do dietary assessments of our patients and provide advice for supplementation (i.e. Vitamin D supplementation) when necessary.

In addition, patients are looking for treatments that are less invasive and less destructive. Just as the lumpectomy has allowed women with breast cancer to avoid the disfigurement of a mastectomy, some patients with skin cancer will benefit from the completely non-surgical treatment delivered with Skin HDR. I believe that a holistic approach in medicine should attempt to leave every person as whole as possible.

We know that skin cancer patients aren’t always given all of their treatment options. Accordingly, I feel a responsibility to provide my patients with ALL of their treatment options including options which allow them to keep their entire ear, nose, finger, etc.
“Survivorship” is a new word in the lexicon of cancer medicine and it is a very important word in the eyes of patients. It’s a term that describes how each person is going to live and survive with the lifelong effects of their cancer and with the effects of their cancer treatment. Survivorship has to be important to physicians too.

Thank you, Dr. Schwartz, for taking time to provide the readers with such valuable information and websites to further educate, empower, and expand their cancer awareness regarding Skin Cancer, Melanoma and “Survivorship”!

For more information about Dr.Joel Schwartz visit:

(Commentary and websites within this interview were provided by Dr.Joel Schwartz. Quoted Reference to World Cancer Day, and additional data at:

February 20, 2015

Move over toners! Heaven Skincare’s self healing hydrogels deliver an innovative alternative!

We’ve all used toners in conjunction with our skincare regimes. They’re usually applied after you cleanse your face to ready your skin for additional treatment products.

I’m happy to share a state-of-the-art product with you that goes beyond traditional skin toners!

Deborah Mitchell, “known as skin therapist to the stars” , has developed Heaven by Deborah Mitchell Hydrogels. “This self-healing hydrogel is technically made up of a cross-link network of organic polymer type molecules with a netlike composition!”
What this means for your skin is that hydrogels will:
hydrate your skin!
"Heaven by Deborah Mitchell Hydrogels do everything a toner does and much more." “Heaven by Deborah Mitchell Hydrogels do everything a toner does and much more.”

Heaven Skincare’s self healing hydrogels provide so many benefits, and are available in three formulations to choose from for your particular skincare needs.

Chamomile Desensitising Hydrogel

Chamomile Desensitising Hydrogel

Hydration is the key in this anti-allergenic, desensitizing and anti-inflammatory hydrogel. Your sensitive skin, with Chamomile and Rose essential oil, will feel smooth and calm , while organic Witch Hazel freshens your skin as it improves the appearance of enlarged pores. As a “red-reducing” hydrogel, the Chamomile Desensitising Hydrogel is a great choice for extremely sensitive skin!

Peppermint Clarifying Hydrogel

Peppermint Clarifying Hydrogel

This hydrogel is appropriate for all skin types including oily and dry. It’s offers a boost while cooling distressed skin and helps refine the pores. The effect of peppermint and spearmint essential oils is very calming to the skin, and while lavender will soothe the skin, coconut will moisturise. Peppermint Clarifying Hydrogel is a good blend to normalize oil and encourage a Ph balance.

Orange Flower Cell Renewal Hydrogel

Orange Flower Cell Renewal Hydrogel

This was the product that I had the opportunity to actually use. I’m always looking to keep my skin as youthful as possible, and I certainly was not disappointed with the Orange Flower Cell Renewal! It has a cooling and firming feel after I apply it each morning and evening after cleansing. It’s an anti-aging and pigment scar hydrogel! It also speeds cell renewal addressing exactly what I like to target in skin care products. One of the benefits listed is an “increase in firming action”. After applying the Orange Flower Hydrogel, the product penetrates my skin quickly, and I’m able to apply any other products or cosmetics that complete my finished look.

The hydrogels come in three sizes to fit any budget, and the smaller size is a perfect “travel size” or “Try Me” option to experience how well this product works! $78 (120ml)• $37.50 (30ml) • $19.50 (10ml)!
You may purchase them at the website listed below and find out more about Deborah Mitchel and her Heaven Skincare Products by going to:

(Any quoted or paraphrased information in this article was obtained from a provided fact sheet. My personal commentary is my opinion about the Heaven Skincare Hydrogel product from using the product that was provided to me.)

February 12, 2015

Medicine Mama’s Apothecary has a “must have” nourishing Ultra Beauty Balm for all skin types

Ultra Beauty Balm is a thorough hydrating and moisturising product. After I cleanse my face, I take a small amount of the Ultra Beauty Balm on my fingertips. Using my normal routine of upward motions, I start applying Ultra Beauty Balm on my décolletée, working the product up my neck, jaw, and face. I then lightly apply some product to my under eye area, and on my lips.

My dehydrated skin took very well to the Ultra Beauty Balm. It penetrated my skin yet maintained a soft, moist feel all day long. I like the look of my makeup now, as it doesn’t become dry looking in the afternoon! It’s also nice to see on the packaging, all of the positive results you can look forward to from Ultra Beauty Balm:
Instant deep nourishing moisture
• Addressing redness, acne and irritation
• Toning and smoothing appearance of fine lines
• Safe for all skin types

Ultra Beauty Balm gets a 5-Star review! Not only does it impart an ongoing hydrated feeling on your skin, but its natural healthy glow provides you with an enviable youthful appearance! It also uses healthy ingredients!
“No Perfumes • Chemicals, Dyes or Synthetic Additives • 100% Bio-Active Biologique • & No Animal Testing” (Also on the packaging)

You’ll find Ultra Beauty Balm ($32) and all of the other great Medicine Mama’s Apothecary products at:

Be sure to visit and “LIKE” Medicine Mama’s Apothecary on Facebook:

In conclusion: The whole concept and ideas behind founder, Donna Steinmann’s Medicine Mama’s Apothecary and their products is very interesting. Take a moment to read the backstory that addresses the topics listed below at:
Learn about the:
• Philosophy
• Founder
• Miracle
• Apothecary and
• Ingredients
Then meet founder, Donna Steinmann, as she shares a lovely video that takes you:
Inside Medicine Mama’s Apothecary

(Any quoted or paraphrased information in this article was obtained from, and information included with the product. Personal commentary was my opinion from using (provided) Ultra Beauty Balm.)

February 9, 2015

Jessie J and Rihanna work the Red Carpet at the 2015 Grammy Awards with help from JERGENS® Skincare

Jergens® BB Hand Perfecting Hand Cream with Suncsreen

Jergens® BB Hand Perfecting Hand Cream with Suncsreen

Celebrity manicurist Kimmie Kyees turned to Jergens® BB Hand Perfecting Hand Cream with Sunscreen to beautify and give top artists Jessie J and Rihanna, who’s hands are always in the spotlight, red-carpet worthy skin at this year’s Grammy Awards!

To create flawless looking hands for these two women as they waved for the camera, raised a glass to the evening’s winners, and showed off their custom manicures, Kyees made sure to start with a base of youthful, luminous looking skin.

To create five times more youthful looking hands on any skin tone, Kyees first applies Jergens® BB Hand Perfecting Hand Cream with Sunscreen before beginning her manicure routine. Since hands are the first place to show signs of aging, Kyees relies on Jergens® BB Hand Perfecting Hand Cream with Sunscreen to hydrate, smooth, and protect skin instantly. and evens, refines and corrects , over time, ensuring that the hands seen on the world’s biggest stages always look their best.


WHERE TO FIND IT: Grocery, mass retailers and drugstores nationwide

(Any Quoted or Paraphrased information in this article was obtained from a provided PR-Fact Sheet.)

February 4, 2015

A Valentine’s Day Hair “How-To” from Celebrity Hairstylist José Eber

A Valentine's  Day  Hair  design from José Eber

A Valentine’s Day Hair design from José Eber

We all know that sometimes love can get a little messy. This Valentine’s Day, keep your love life on track and your hair a little undone. Combining a romantic and casual feel, the Undone Knot beautifully frames features, while drawing eyes to your face.

Get this perfect Valentine’s Day hairstyle with a step by step from celebrity hairstylist José Eber.

STEP 1: Create a side part with your fingers. 

STEP 2: Curl your entire head loosely. Pick whichever size iron works best for your length of hair.

STEP 3: Tease the crown, starting from the back 1/3 of your head. Then smooth the top layer.

STEP 4: At the nape of your neck, off to the side, pin medium sections to create a loose, imperfect knot. 

STEP 5: Arrange loose pieces in the front around your face.

STEP 6: Spray all over with hairspray to hold style. 
José Eber has a full line of professional quality hair tools for salon quality results at home. For more information, please visit

(Quoted or paraphrased information in this article was obtained from a provided PR-Fact Sheet.)

February 3, 2015

Welcome To New York – Topganic Transformation Giveaway

image001Topganic is offering one lucky fan the chance to win a TOPGANIC TRANSFORMATION from a leading New York City stylist and beauty loot worth $1000!

Kicking off the first installment of their “Where’s Topganic Transformation Giveaway” series, is the hair care line’s hometown, New York City!

Topganic, the first hair care line to effectively combine natural oils, extracts and minerals from the Dead Sea, provides a truly natural approach to protect and nourish hair. The brand’s luxurious range of shampoos, conditioners, masks and oils work to prevent further damage from chemicals, heat styling and pollution.

For the chance to win, simply become a fan of Topganic’s Facebook page at
and comment on the corresponding contest post. Be sure to check back frequently for additional Topganic Transformation city contests. “Travel not included.”

(Any quoted or paraphrased information in this article was obtained from a provided PR-Fact Sheet)

January 30, 2015

Support iPAW at Fashionistas for Fur-babies on Saturday , April 11, 2015


Save the Date: April 11, 2015 11:00 am – 3:00pm

Attend Fashionistas for Fur-babies to support iPAW (Integrating People for Animal Wellness)

Fashionistas for Fur-Babies is a Fashion and Costume Show with food and fun for people and pets to benefit a charity that saves special needs pets from unwarranted euthanasia!

There’s going to be a very special bonus: the Brewers will be there to sign autographs and sports items!

You can participate by attending, becoming a vendor/sponsor, or by providing silent auction items.

Do you have a creative fashion-related business and love pets? Then this is the event for you!

Costumed models and pets in need will walk the runway to entertain and inspire you to donate to this worthy cause.

Also… Only participant pets are allowed; please do not bring your own pets to watch this event.

Visit for more information, and “Like” us on Facebook: Integrating People for Animal Wellness.

Fashionistas for Fur-babies – Saturday, April 11, 2015 from 11 am til 3 pm…


(Any quoted or paraphrased information in this article was obtained from a provided PR-promotional fact sheet.)

January 18, 2015

Butterfly Studio Salon senior stylist Stacey Guerra shares quick and easy tricks to freshen up your hairstyle!

No time to wash your hair? No problem!!

Stacey Guerra, Butterfly Studio Salon senior stylist has some simple style steps below that will easily take you from “grunge to gorgeous”! Using these quick and easy tricks from Stacy you’ll freshen up your hairstyle with minimal product, prep or time!


Pretty Pony Tail
1. Upgrade a worn ponytail from day to night by taking out that pony and shaking it as hard as you can just to create some body.

2. Grab your purse-size dry texturizing spray (key for reworking fullness into limp hair) and apply through entire head, roots to tips.

3. Shake hair out, using your hands as well to break up, lift, and activate your spray.

4. Pull hair back, taking one section at a time to create a super textured look (versus slicked back and smooth).

5. Secure above or at the curve of the head with a hair tie (the positioning makes it more playful.)

6. Gently pull on the hair to create height and adjust the look.

7. Wrap a small section of hair around the base of the pony and tuck for a messy, sexy ponytail or add a metallic pony cuff for a chic way to accessorize the look.


Effortless Top Knot
1.To create the perfect, no-frills top knot, you need a little grit or dirt in your hair which requires applying as much dry shampoo as you can.

2.In the AM, hold your breath and spray through hair before creating your top knot.

3.Then in the PM, release your work knot and shake it out by flipping your head over and mussing for volume and texture. The product will have prepped the hair and controlled the day’s oils.

4.Take a fine size amount of molding paste, like Oribe Rough Luxury between your palms and rub through your hair.

5.Follow with hairspray for grip and a shine finish and flip back over.

6.Recreate your morning knot, but placing it more forward, towards the front of the head. (TIP: On the crown is more for a day look whereas more forward is nighttime-ready!)


Glam Waves:
1. Go for the two pigtail twist trick.

2.Part dry hair into two pigtails and spray each one with a dry texturizing spray.

3.Take each pigtail and section into two braids, securing at the ends with a hair tie.

4.Twist braids tightly into two buns right above each ear, securing with a hair tie.

5.Sleep overnight and upon rising in the morning shake out and apply more dry texture spray for volume. Voila! Easy, beachy waves.

These are great time savers that look amazing! Thanks once again to Butterfly Studio Salon senior stylist Stacey Guerra for sharing her expertise with us!

For more information about Butterfly Studio Salon visit:

(Any quoted or paraphrased information in this article was obtained from a provided fact sheet.)

January 16, 2015

My interview with Dr. Holly Ray regarding permanent birth control for women

Permanent birth control is a personal decision each woman must make, and needs to take into consideration what would be right for her and her family.

Education and options are essential for women when making a choice about something like this.

I was looking for more information about permanent birth control options after reading the results in a survey taken by Bayer that included 1,000 women in the US.

Here are some of the survey highlights:

• The women were ages 25-45

• All of the women in the survey were in committed relationships

• The women were done having their children

• 44% were concerned about getting pregnant again

• 66% would consider a permanent method that did not involve surgery

I was delighted to be given an opportunity to speak with Dr. Holly Ray, DO, FACOG who has a general obstetrics and gynecology practice, including preventative care, in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Dr. Ray was the perfect person to answer questions regarding permanent birth control from a professional and personal perspective.
Dr. Holly Ray Practicing Board Certified OB/GYN - in Oshkosh, Wisconsin Dr. Holly Ray
Practicing Board Certified OB/GYN – in Oshkosh, Wisconsin]

Here is my interview with Dr. Holly Ray:

1.Vicki: Dr. Ray, regarding permanent birth control who should consider having this done?

Dr. Ray: Well that is the million dollar question. It’s only for women who are done having their children, have completed their childbearing, decided they the right number of kids in their family, and are ready to make that decision! They’re ready to make a choice that an unintended pregnancy doesn’t occur! You know, that’s different times for different women! Whether they come to that conclusion, if and when they come to that conclusion …..That’s the time they should consider to talking to their doctor about it.

2.Vicki: Ok, that makes a lot of sense! What is the name of this procedure, and how does it work?

Dr. Ray: It’s Essure and it’s pretty neat! It’s a device that causes your body to seal off the tubes and make a barrier against pregnancy occurring. It’s an office procedure… We take a little camera and go up into the uterus and place these little soft inserts. Over a period of time there’s a barrier that forms around these inserts. That is what blocks the tube off. It keeps the sperm from traveling down the tube and meeting up with the egg inside the uterus. It’s really slick!

3.Vicki: Wow! It seems like it’s minimally-invasive, as well. Dr. Ray, what are the benefits of a procedure like Essure?

4. Dr. Ray: Essure is done in the office. Patients come in like an office appointment, and the procedure is done in 10 minutes, literally, sometimes less. It’s done right the office under no incisions and under local anesthesia. The patient is watching, on the screen, while we do it. Most of them are too curious not to watch… Then they go home within 45 minutes and go back to normal activities in a day or two. Really, there’s a minimal down time for recovery. It’s non-hormonal, and actually over 99% effective in preventing pregnancy.

5. Vicki: If that’s the case, once you have the Essure procedure, are you able to go off the birth control pill?

6. Dr. Ray: Yes! Once you’ve gone through the procedure, we stress that you have to do something for 3 months while that’s “setting up shop” in the tubes and forming that barrier. Some form of alternate birth control is given, just so we know the patient will not get pregnant in those 3 months. They come back in 3 months and a physician will do a dye test or confirmation test that shows that the inserts are in the right place and the tubes have been sealed off. Once that’s done they don’t need to do anything else.

7. Vicki: It’s unbelievable what wonderful new techniques are available! Dr. Ray, is the Essure procedure reversible?

8. Dr. Ray: No.. I try to stress that when I’m talking to patients, that if there is ANY doubt in their mind they should NOT have the procedure because it is not reversible! Once you do it it is permanent.

9. Vicki: Essure seems like such a nice procedure, that I would think anyone who would choose to have it would be very happy with the ease of the whole experience.

10. Dr. Ray: Yes… As I talk to patients about it, I get pretty good feedback on the whole ease of it and how they would do it again. They are very happy with Essure.

11. Vicki: Dr. Ray, You have actually had the Essure procedure yourself. It must be wonderful for your patients to know that they can talk to their doctor about a procedure that she has experienced. As a result, do you find that your patients find Essure more of a “doable” option for them because of your personal experience?

12. Dr. Ray: Yes, I think they do. I certainly share that with most of them. You’re right, it’s empowering to know you have that control over your fertility. You know I’m in women’s health. That is the whole purpose of my life to be able to give these women that option. I think that’s the greatest thing we can do…to at least be able to give them the option to be able to control that (fertility).

Vicki: Thank you so much for your time, Dr. Ray. I wish you ongoing success with your Oshkosh, Wisconsin OB/GYN and preventive care practice. This was such an informative an enjoyable interview.

(Quoted and Paraphrased information in this article regarding the Bayer Survey was obtained from a PR-Fact Sheet. Gratitude to Dr. Holly Ray for taking the time for this interview.)

January 8, 2015

Avon Global Celebrity Makeup Artist Lauren Anderson creates Kat Dennings look for tonight’s People’s Choice Awards!

Isn’t Kat Denning’s look for tonight’s People’s Choice Awards Stunning!

Kat  Dennings Makeup by: Lauren Anderson for Avon

Kat Dennings
Makeup by:
Lauren Anderson for Avon

Avon Global Celebrity Makeup Artist Lauren Andersen worked with Kat Dennings for the People’s Choice Awards tonight. “The look we created tonight for Kat is all about modern romance. It’s feminine and sexy and complements the black lace dress she’s wearing,” Andersen said.

Here’s how to get Kat’s look:

Face: Lauren applied Chanel Perfection Lumiere Foundation with Koh Gen Do Maifanshi Aqua Foundation Illuminator to the face and added Chanel Powder Blush in Rose Petale to the cheeks.

Eyes: Lauren blended all of the shades from the Avon True Color Eyeshadow Quade -Mocha creating a brown smokey eye. Avon True Color Eyeshadow Quad
Lauren then lined the eyes with Avon Mega Effects Liquid Eye Liner in black

For a dramatic finishing touch, Lauren applied a strip of false lashes and two coats of Avon Big & Daring Volume Mascara in Blackest Black.width="283"
To complete the look, Lauren applied Avon Ultra Color Lipstick in Cherry Jubilee.

Shop all Avon products at:
Follow Avon on:
Facebook: htpps://
Twitter:: @AvonInsider
Instagram: @AvonInsider

(Any quoted or paraphrased information in this article was obtained by a provided PR-Fact Sheet.)