August 5, 2021

New Zealand Skincare Brand essano officially Launches Best Selling Concentrated Serums Collection in U.S.

Consumers looking for a great natural skincare regime will love the new additions to essano’s U.S. product range. Each of the three natural concentrated serums have been developed to a premium, natural, high-potency formula that penetrates the lower levels of your skin. Safe for all skin types, this range as been designed for maximum results with minimal irritation and is suitable for sensitive skin.

But essano doesn’t stop there, the range of concentrated serums can fit into the everyday consumer’s current skincare routine without it being complicated or confusing. Each product comes with an information pack that breaks down the full range, how to correctly apply them and where to fit them into your current routine. Furthermore, essano’s premium, natural skincare products are also affordable and accessible to all.

“We’re thrilled U.S. consumers will now have an opportunity to experience all of the benefits of essano’s concentrated serums. The formulation strikes the perfect balance between nature and science by harnessing the most powerful ingredients that help to target specific areas of concern and deliver fantastic results,” said Co-Founder Anthony Gadsdon. “Essano is there to help women and men feel empowered to make fearless choices by arming them with honest, uncomplicated solutions in a category that often trades in confusion.”

For those looking to try essano’s best-selling collection of 16 hydrating and nourishing products, including Concentrated Serums, a Hydrating Rosehip Oil range, and a Collagen Boost range, they are now available in Rite-Aid stores, as well as a select number of CVS locations. Furthermore, essano can be found on social at InstagramFacebook or online at

About essano

Essano is crafted on the belief that everyone should be able to have gorgeous products and amazing results without harm to themselves, our planet and our furry friends. essano is proudly 100% cruelty-free all the way to the final production in its New Zealand-based factory. Caring for the planet and its people is at the heart of essano’s sustainable business model, and essano’s parent company has signed the New Zealand Plastic Packaging Declaration, which means by 2025, all its packaging will be 100% reusable, recyclable, or compostable.

August 5, 2021

An Arizona Transplant Family is Celebrating National Minority Donor Awareness Month

For more information about the Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA),

or to find a COTA family in your area, please email

August 2, 2021  August is National Minority Donor Awareness Month. This national observance (first a day and then a week) was initiated in 1998 to increase our nation’s consciousness of the need for more organ and tissue donors from multicultural backgrounds. Starting last year in 2020, this nationwide effort to engage and educate multicultural communities about the need for organ and tissue donors was expanded to encompass the entire month of August.

National Minority Donor Awareness Month honors communities of color who have been donors, and encourages others to register as donors. It is about empowering multicultural communities to save and heal lives. Although organs are not matched according to ethnicity, and people of different races frequently match one another, individuals waiting for a transplant will have a better chance of receiving an organ if there are large numbers of donors from their ethnic background. This is because compatible blood types and tissue markers (which are critical qualities for donor/recipient matching) are more likely to be found among members of the same ethnicity.

COTA Kid Alice Adams’ family of Yuma, Arizona, knows these facts all too well.

Tara Rivera vividly remembers finding out she was pregnant again. She was 37 years old, a Type 2 diabetic and had delivered twins some years before. While excited, Tara was also anxious knowing this would be a high-risk pregnancy from start to finish. The family (Tara, Sheldon, and teenage twins Cecelia and Ethan) counted on two incomes to make ends meet, which meant Tara continued her job as an in-home elderly caregiver until the day she delivered.

Tara was nearing the end of her pregnancy, which had been complicated. At a prenatal visit in July 2018 she heard the frightening news that the baby was not responsive. Tara was sent to the local hospital to be placed on monitors. While she was very scared, she was also concerned about the twins’ counseling appointment and lunch with her cousin that were supposed to be ‘her day.’ Instead, Tara delivered Baby Alice that afternoon three weeks ahead of her due date. The tiny infant was immediately rushed to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and Tara got to see her for only a brief moment. Alice was inpatient at Yuma Regional Medical Center for 11 days. She was a little jaundiced and needed platelets and white blood cells, but nothing seemed to be a major concern for the neonatal team. Alice was released from the NICU two weeks after being born; Tara and Sheldon were glad to be taking their baby home.

Tara took Alice to see her pediatrician for lab work four days after being released from the NICU. Tara was a little surprised when she was referred to see a liver specialist in Tucson, but she and Sheldon made the trip. Unfortunately their car broke down on the way and required an unexpected and unbudgeted overnight hotel stay, but they eventually made it to the appointment. Dealing with family issues, like finding someone to go to the house and stay with the twins and dealing with an older car that was unreliable, were going to be insignificant annoyances in a matter of days when on August 3rd the Tucson medical team told them Baby Alice had Biliary Atresia and would be immediately taken two hours away to Phoenix Children’s Hospital via ambulance.

Biliary Atresia is a rare childhood disease of the liver in which one or more bile ducts are abnormally narrow, blocked or absent. This sometimes deadly disease impacts one in every 10,000 to 15,000 children. Children are born with this disease and doctors do not know, as of yet, what causes it to occur.

That day in August 2018 was the beginning of an incredibly long and challenging transplant journey for this family … and their tiny warrior. “We knew NOTHING about Biliary Atresia. We were also told some of her organs were in the wrong place, she had multiple spleens, and her liver seemed to have anatomy problems. And then at Phoenix Children’s they had to completely open her up which was completely unexpected,” Tara said. The doctors found Alice’s liver to be damaged and performed the Kasai Procedure while the baby was in the operating room in hopes they could get some of the poisons in her liver to start draining. This would be just the beginning of much challenging news about Alice’s medical complexity.

She remained inpatient at Phoenix Children’s from August until mid-November. The family (primarily Tara due to Sheldon’s need to return to Yuma to work) endured nearly daily meetings with specialists, were faced with numerous medical challenges and decisions, and paced nervously during many surgeries their sick little baby underwent.

When they were finally able to take Alice home, Tara had to manage the baby’s complicated care routine. It was overwhelming, but Alice did get to spend her first Christmas at home in Yuma with her twin siblings. This was a huge gift for Tara. On January 8, 2019, Tara loaded up the car and once again made the three-hour trip to Phoenix Children’s with Alice for a regular clinic appointment — which they had been doing twice a month since she had been released from the hospital. At this visit it was discovered Alice had a virus that was further damaging her sick liver — her liver numbers had plummeted even further. Alice was immediately hospitalized and on January 10th she had her first transplant evaluation. This inpatient stay lasted about a month and was filled with complications, unexpected news and an increasing level of fear.

There was, according to Tara, a little light in a lot of darkness when a transplant social worker at Phoenix Children’s sat with her to talk about the journey the family was facing including potential financial considerations. She highly encouraged Tara reach out to the Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) to learn more about how they might be able to help ease some of the family’s stress and anxiety. Tara’s best friend, Julie, called COTA on January 19th to learn more. Julie called Tara right after hanging up to share the sense of hope she had received on the introductory call with COTA. She also volunteered to be the lead volunteer if Tara decided to move forward with a COTA fundraising campaign. Tara returned the paperwork on February 11th and Alice’s family officially became part of the COTA Family.

“Everybody at COTA is amazing on the telephone,” Tara said. “Shortly after we signed the paperwork, I received a call from COTA’s President Rick Lofgren. I will never forget it. When Rick shared even more information about COTA, I knew this was the right decision. Rick talked to me about other COTA kids who had Alice’s diagnosis. Rick taking the time to share their stories and good outcomes gave me hope. So many of our friends and family members had been telling us to set up a GoFundMe, but our transplant social worker disagreed and told me to join COTA ASAP. It was the best decision we made.”

The Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) uniquely understands that parents who care for a child or young adult before, during and after a life-saving transplant have enough to deal with, so COTA’s model shifts the responsibility for fundraising to a team of trained volunteers. COTA is a 501(c)3 charity so all contributions to COTA are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law, and COTA funds are available for a lifetime.

On March 22nd, a COTA fundraising specialist trained the family’s group of 17 volunteers in Yuma, Arizona. The COTA staff member talked to neighbors and family members about COTA’s fundraising process and shared information about fundraising templates, fundraising guidance and the no-cost website they would be provided. The team got to work planning fundraisers for COTA in honor of Team Alice to help with mounting transplant-related expenses.

While the COTA team was working hard in Yuma, Tara and Alice were still inpatient in Phoenix. Alice remained stable but continued to throw her medical team curve balls through the end of June. Alice underwent additional testing at the beginning of July due to a myriad of medical problems she was experiencing. On July 25, 2019, Tara was by herself at a meeting with Alice’s transplant surgeon. She was not expecting to hear what he said, “Alice is no longer a candidate for a liver transplant at Phoenix Children’s. There are no more options here.” Tara’s eyes filled with tears. The decision was made due to how Alice ‘was wired’ in terms of her liver anatomy. Tara was told they would make an appointment for her with palliative care.

Tara cried the entire drive home to her temporary transplant housing. Sheldon was unable to come to Phoenix due to his job, which they desperately needed him to keep, and his need to be at home taking care of the teenagers. Tara and Alice went to the palliative care appointment and were told they would do whatever would be necessary for the family to say good-bye to the baby. They would be monitoring and making sure the end of her life was pain free. Tara remembers, “I was hearing every other word because I was holding Alice and she was being crazy active. They were talking about hospice and Alice was smiling at me. It was unreal.”

Unable to give up hope, Tara requested a second opinion and they were granted a referral to Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford in Palo Alto, California … 626 miles … 10 hours and 14 minutes … away from their home in Yuma. Tara and Alice needed to get there in less than a week for the testing and consultation. She panicked, but then remembered her conversation with various COTA staff members and quickly placed a call. COTA’s Family Services Team connected her with the organization’s travel agency to help with booking a rental car (the family’s car did not have air conditioning, which Alice had to have for this long trip) and setting up safe and medically-child-friendly hotels that would also provide Tara food … all along the very long drive to California.

“COTA made getting to the second opinion possible,” Tara said. “There is no way we could have afforded to do this without COTA. COTA funds, and the amazing COTA staff members who worked with me, gave me peace of mind that maybe … just maybe … our little girl would get a second chance at life.”

Tara and Alice stayed in Palo Alto from August 5th through August 11th for numerous tests and appointments. Between the Lucile Packard team and the COTA team, Tara started to allow herself to dream just a little. Tara started thinking they might not actually lose their precious baby. Tara and Alice drove the 626 miles back to Yuma. It was determined that moving forward all testing, blood work, etc. would be done at Phoenix Children’s with all results sent to/decisions made at Lucile Packard. Tara and Alice were starting to settle into their new ‘home’ routine, with trips to Phoenix and phone calls with Lucile Packard. Finally, Tara started to relax a little.

During the afternoon of September 6th, Tara left their apartment to go to a resale shop to find some new clothes for Alice. She was finally growing and needed outfits that worked with her g-tube that was inserted into her abdomen for her feedings. Tara had just found the perfect Wonder Woman baby outfit with a cape in Alice’s size when she looked down and saw she had missed a call. She quickly called Sheldon who said, “Get home ASAP. They have a liver for Alice. There is a medical flight on standby ready to take us to Palo Alto right now.” Mom, Dad and Alice boarded the plane, landed in California and Alice was immediately prepped for transplant. The surgery was completed on September 7, 2019, and her new liver started working immediately. Sheldon had to return to Yuma to work once Alice was stable. Tara stayed at the Ronald McDonald House while Alice was inpatient recovering until mid-November.

According to Tara that entire time between the medical flight and Alice’s transplant recovery is a complete blur. While she does not remember very many details, Tara does remember being so very grateful for the transplant team, for the liver donor’s family and for the COTA volunteers back home who continued fundraising for transplant-related expenses.

Since arriving home from California on November 15, 2019, life with Alice has been good. According to Tara, “We celebrate everything with her. Every chance we get, we celebrate! Alice continues to have appointments and lab work in Yuma or sometimes back at Phoenix Children’s with results sent to Lucile Packard for review. So far, so good.”

Today, Alice is making big strides with her speech development. She has started counting out loud and is saying her ABCs. Alice is learning new words; she loves now being able to say family members’ names. Tara describes all of these development steps forward as super exciting! Alice is still holding family members’ hands to walk, but she enjoys the independence of cruising along using furniture pieces all by herself. She plays peekaboo endlessly and cannot hear someone sing “The Wheels on the Bus” too many times. All in all, Tara says it has been a great adventure to date.

“COTA allows me to dream about normalcy and makes so many things possible for us and for Alice,” Tara said. “We can get to all of her appointments (no matter where they are at) because of COTA. We cannot afford lodging when we need an overnight medical visit, and COTA makes that possible. COTA lifts every burden we have in regards to her transplant. If our family cannot figure something out, COTA always does. COTA is amazing — there is no challenge too big because COTA has a huge heart.”

“I have told so many transplant families about COTA! Sitting in the waiting room at Phoenix Children’s or Lucile Packard or participating in online liver transplant parent support groups, I always say to each and every family … COTA is the best decision you will ever make. Our family simply could not have afforded so many parts of Alice’s journey to date. COTA allows a transplant family to breathe easier and to have hope. COTA made Alice’s transplant possible. COTA saved her life. COTA will continue to be our lifeline … for a lifetime.”

August 2, 2021

Exfoliating Perfection! 5 Products to Get that Glow!



Love, Indus Amrutini (Comes with Copper-Crusted Silk Cocoons for effective exfoliation)

A promise in a bottle, this daily-use elixir works to enhance skin radiance. Its power lies in the fusion of precious botanicals from the Indian sub-continent like golden Muga silk (known for its exquisite luster), proven synthetics such as Hyaluronic Acid, and the precision of transformative technological processes like biotransformation. The accompanying copper-crusted silk cocoons complete the treatment – providing gentle, yet effective exfoliation.

REVY Skincare (The cleanser exfoliates and brightens)

REVY® CLEANSE is a natural and gentle foaming gel cleanser with toner that removes all traces of pollution and excess oil without stripping the skin and also locks in moisture. With a hint of grapefruit + lemongrass, this effective cleanser balances pH, exfoliates and brightens while soothing and hydrating.  All clean ingredients.

Lemon Verbena Body Scrub from Brandless

Price: $5

This sugar & salt lemon verbena exfoliating body scrub leaves your skin feeling soft & smooth with an uplifting, fresh & zesty lemon scent. Salt and sugar are natural abrasives to exfoliate skin for all skin types without causing irritation. It is gluten free and cruelty free.

Clear Skin Pumice Scrub 2.5 from Skin by Brownlee & Co

Price: $22

Buff away dead skin cells to reveal a smoother, brighter complexion with the Clear Skin Pumice Scrub! Made with acne-fighting benzoyl peroxide, it works wonders to cleanse and clear your pores, prepping them for treatment. Skin by Brownlee & Co is a black-owned skincare company from holistic acne specialist and esthetician Sylvia Brownlee. She is making a visible difference in the beauty industry with her inclusive brand geared towards bringing out the confidence and glow in each individual.

Eczema Honey Brown Sugar & Face Scrub

Price: $19.95

Eczema Honey has created a special formula that combines that soothing power of Light Brown Sugar with their  unique blend of high quality ingredients that delivers a treat to your skin. Made with Vitamin E Oil, Olive Oil and Grapeseed Oil, these are highly effective emollients that soothe dry skin. The Light Brown Sugar is more gentle than salt and softer than granulated sugar. Exfoliates dead cells from the outer skin and hydrates the skin, it gives the skin a shiny glow. The Beeswax acts as an intense moisturizer. And the Colloidal Oatmeal soothes itching, conditions and gently comforts skin while the Honey, a natural humectant, helps hydrate skin, leaving it soft, radiant, and glowing. Recently launched at Target!



July 29, 2021

Exclusively at Kohl’s, CHI x Barbie™ Malibu Barbie™ 50th Anniversary Collection

Exclusively at Kohl’s, the new CHI x Barbie™ Malibu Barbie™ 50th Anniversary Collection features a 1” Ceramic Rotating Curler, Travel Kit and 1.25” Hairstyling Iron. All three products are available in the Pastel Sunrise theme – a fresh pastel color palette with a modern take on the Malibu Barbie retro aesthetic. LOVE IT! AND…..It’s on sale now!





July 28, 2021

How to Save Money When Moving House

Moving house can be one of the most stressful parts of life, but like many different big moments, it can be deeply satisfying once finally pulled off. One reason that it is stressful is the large amounts of money that can be involved. Nonetheless, there are a whole bunch of different ways that you can save money when moving to a new location. To find out these top tips, it is worth taking a look at the expert guide that has been created for you below. Read on now for everything that you need to know. 

Find a Great Transportation Option

One of the biggest expenses involved in moving house is the amount that you are expected to pay on transportation. That’s why it truly helps to look around fully to find the best company that can transport your goods. This is especially true if you are moving to the other side of the country. To help you make the right choice when it comes to transportation, take a look at this truck loads board which offers you lots of great options when it comes to moving house. 

Do as Much Pre-Packing as Possible

If you do use the services of a third-party company to do the packing for you, then it is essential that you do everything that you can in order to minimize those costs. That’s why it’s worth doing as much pre-packing and unloading as possible in order to bring those costs down to something that you can manage. If you don’t do this, you could be paying far more money than you actually truly need to. This is worth cutting down as house prices around the USA are already extremely high

Get Friends and Family to Help 

When it comes to the important parts of life, it always helps to have as much help as possible Where better to look for this much-needed help, whether it comes to packing or transportation, than your friends and family? While it may seem daunting to ask at first, you will be surprised by how much they will be willing to help you, saving you a lot of money in the process. 

Find Free Cardboard Boxes 

When it comes to packing your items up, you shouldn’t actually need to spend money on cardboard boxes. For example, if you go to your local supermarket, you might find that they have a whole load of spare boxes that you can lend for free. This might just seem like a small point, but it can actually represent quite a significant saving. You don’t have to just use cardboard boxes, which are bad for the environment,  either. Try and be creative with the types of boxes that you use in order to save money. 

Be Smart With Insurance

It can be tempting to insure absolutely everything so you know that your items are covered when it comes to the big moving day. Nonetheless, make sure that you are not spending more money than you actually need to. Shop around for a reasonable insurance deal so you don’t lose out.

July 25, 2021

Brunette The Label Launches Collaboration With That’s So Sabotage

Female-Founded loungewear collection Brunette The Label has collaborated with EmmaSophie, and Nits of That’s So Sabotage to launch a collection inspired by the trio. The new styles include sweatshirts, hoodies, sweat shorts, and sweatpants in three colors.
That’s So Sabotage is all about being cute and comfortable in the trendiest sweatsuits on their off-days. They have been working long and hard on these custom pieces in the coveted Brunette The Label fabrics so that everyone can feel like a stunning queen.
The Best Friend Crew Neck Sweatshirt in Peach Cream, Stunning Queen Sweatshirt in French Vanilla and That’s So Sabotage hoodie in grey all feature unique graphics across the chest. Each style comes in a relaxed, slightly slouchy body with a dropped shoulder. The Best Friend sweat shorts and sweat pants have a relaxed leg with a high waist.
The collection ranges from $85 – $115 and is available now at
Brunette The Label, Founded by Miriam Alden in early 2014 is a clothing brand based in Vancouver, BC Canada. All products are passionately designed in Canada by the babes at Brunette Headquarters. The brand believes the word “babe” to be a way of life, and strives to create a community that is inclusive of all babes. Inspiring, strengthening, and elevating each other to be the best version of ourselves. #BABESSUPPORTINGBABES. . You can find vintage printed tees, biker shorts, cozy matching sweatsuits and more on their site in an array of colors and inclusive sizing. They have collaborated with a handful of brands including Juicy Couture, Nordstrom, Coveteur, and more. For more information, visit
July 25, 2021

Eczema Honey Launches at Target

We are  extremely excited to announce that Eczema Honey is now available at and in stories nationwide! Utilizing clean, safe and gentle ingredients, Eczema Honey has been recognized as the best line of skincare for those with skin sensitivities as well as those just looking for calming, soothing products for themselves and their families.

They put emphasis on high-quality and food-grade ingredients known for their revitalizing and skin-loving properties. Every ingredient in their products has been selected because of the high quality and serves a specific therapeutic purpose. They do not use fillers of any kind. They only use the finest, whole, and cosmetic-grade ingredients that they have developed for themselves and their children.

While shopping at Target stores or online, you can find some of Eczema Honey’s best products. From skin soothing cream to nourishing lip balm, from brown sugar face scrub, to their famous Oatmeal Hand Cream that nabbed an Allure “Best of Beauty” award, shoppers can feel good knowing that they are covered from head to toe.

About: Eczema Honey brings you products that are safe, non-toxic, and highly soothing. They believe in the power of nature to bring clean and gentle cosmetic products. Visit

July 25, 2021

Fun in the Sun: Witney Carson Wears Joyfolie!

Witney Carson looked stunning wearing Joyfolie on Instagram. The Dancing with the Stars Pro wore Joyfolie’s Tala Swimsuit In Black Western Floral ($88, while boating on Lake Powell with her son. Additional fans of the brand include Irina Shayk and her daughter Lea, Lindsay Arnold, Ali Larter, Jessica Alba, and Nicky Hilton.

Follow Joyfolie On Instagram


July 19, 2021

Post-Fun in the Sun Hair Masks from Brite Hair

Searching for the perfect products to take on your summer getaway? Brite Hair has the ultimate travel-friendly hair masks!  Whether your ends are feeling dry or your highlights are looking dull, these sachets offer 2-4 treatments to restore moisture & brighten locks in a matter of minutes!


Ice Cream Hair Masques


Nourishing, vegan, and cruelty-free hair masks

Designed to repair & strengthen hair

Giving you softer, shinier, more voluminous hair


July 19, 2021

Posh Peanut Teams Up With Hello Kitty For Their First Ever Collaboration

Celebrity favorite children’s boutique, Posh Peanut, teamed up with Hello Kitty for their first official collaboration! The limited edition collection, available for purchase on, will launch today at 8amPST/11amEST, and includes adorable styles for newborns through adult 3XL so you can match with your mini. Offered in in two amazing patterns, Unicorn and Floral, the prints merge Posh Peanut’s signature florals with Hello Kitty’s iconic characters.
About Posh Peanut
Posh Peanut children’s boutique was born in the beginning of 2011 by Fiona Sahakian, an LA based hairdresser with a deep creative passion and love for kids. Sahakian launched Posh Peanut on and was soon kicked off the platform due to the brand’s outstanding success. The line is now available on AmazonNordstrom and Saks Fifth Avenue– becoming the number one baby brand and searched brand at Saks Fifth Avenue after Chanel. They’ve built a cult following with a deeply engaged community, and their weekly collection drops sell out within 5 minutes. They’ve also solidified themselves as a favorite among celebrities including Chrissy Teigen, Kylie Jenner, Kate Hudson, Gabrielle Union, Mindy Kaling, Eva Longoria and more.