January 28, 2022

Care Home Therapies for Healing 

Care homes provide medical and physical care for disabled or older adults. But they can offer a lot more than that. Many care homes and retirement villages offer multiple forms of therapies to promote well-being and are also a great way to help people stimulate their brains. 

Holistic and creative therapies 

1. Animal therapy 

Spending time with animals can bring a lot of joy to someone’s day. It also has a lot of physical benefits, including reducing stress levels and providing a balanced emotional state. Loneliness is an issue in care homes, especially if someone’s family lives far away and can’t visit regularly. Spending time with an animal provides companionship and the opportunity to socialize. 

Animal therapy also coincides closely with cuddle therapy – a physically therapeutic process of platonic contact with a person or animal. Cuddling a gentle dog can evoke feelings of happiness, love, safety, and calmness, which can stay with someone for some time after their experience with a furry friend. 

2. Creative therapy 

Creative therapy can include music and art therapy. Both are ways of expressing yourself and sharing ideas creatively with others. They can be profoundly beneficial both mentally and physically.

Music therapy involves healing through sound frequencies or making music with a group of people, proven to reduce stress and muscle tension and lower blood pressure. The joy of sound therapy is that people can do it alone, one-to-one, or as a group. 

Art therapy can be a great way to express feelings that feel difficult to talk about, or just as a fun activity!

Physical and practical therapies 

1. Speech therapy 

Sometimes, people in care homes struggle to speak. This could be due to their age or a medical condition. It can be very distressing and frustrating, but speech therapy aims to support people through this challenge and help them to speak clearly. This can be especially important for people who have also lost physical mobility, as their means of communicating are severely limited if they struggle to talk or swallow. 

2. Gentle yoga

Yoga does not have to be strenuous and can be an excellent exercise for older people. It encourages mental well-being through breathing exercises and physical strength and flexibility. Lots of evidence suggests that yoga can also help reduce anxiety, stress, and depression, which can significantly benefit the life of someone struggling with their health or being in a care home. 

3. Physical therapy 

Physical therapy can take many forms but is focused on helping you move your body better and elevate any physical pain you might experience. Physical therapy can include massages, exercises, stretches, or finding ways to improve movement and balance. This is a widespread form of treatment in care homes, as many residents experience chronic illnesses, injuries, or reduced mobility due to the natural aging process. 

Geriatric physical therapy targets older adults whose muscles no longer work as they used to. A physical therapist in a care home setting can teach a resident how to compensate for any weakened muscles, improve their posture, and hopefully prevent future injuries. 

January 28, 2022

How To Prepare Your Loved One For Moving To Assisted Living

When your parent or other family member has made the decision (or the decision has been made for them if the former is simply not possible) to move to an assisted living community, then you will no doubt be feeling a range of emotions and perhaps even conflicted as to whether it is the right decision. 

It is important to remember that the move to a reputable and established assisted living facility is the best decision for an older adult who can no longer, or simply no longer desires to, live independently in their own home. 

Continue reading to discover how best to prepare your aging loved one for their move into an assisted living facility. 

Talk Openly And Honestly

The worst possible way to handle this situation is to simply ignore the proverbial elephant in the room and by avoiding any talk or even reference to the impending move. 

If your loved one has made the decision themselves, then it is up to you to inject as much enthusiasm and excitement into the planning and moving as possible; and if the decision has been made for them, then it is your job to make them see that this may actually be an exciting next chapter in their life. 

Be open, honest, and authentic in all communications and never exclude them from any decisions, from financial planning to what to pack and what to leave; the bottom line is that they are the one who is moving home and they should be involved in every stage of the process.

Take Them On A Tour

Before the moving day, take your loved one for a thorough tour in and around the facility. Prestigious, established, reputable, and renowned assisted living facilities will be more than happy to have their staff show you and your loved one around the buildings and grounds, and it may be helpful for you to encourage communication with current residents in the community. 

Start Packing In Good Time

When it comes to the eve of their move to an assisted living community, you certainly don’t want your loved one to feel rushed and stressed because they feel as though they have forgotten an important item. 

If they take daily prescribed medication, for example, an incredibly beneficial idea would be to create a ‘first morning’ pack to aid their transition when they wake up in their new bed for the very first time. Sentimental items that are important to your loved one can also be packed, as well as fresh clothes, the book or magazine they are currently reading, and photographs of their family members and friends. 

Help Them With Any Administrative Responsibilities

One task that many people often forget when moving, whether that be to assisted living communities or not, is to take care of the associated and wholly necessary administrative responsibilities.

Together with your loved one, redirect any newspaper or magazine subscriptions, inform the phone and utility companies of the move, contact any banks or savings accounts, and be sure to contact your loved one’s friends and family members and pass on their new address. 


January 27, 2022

Put Your Health First This Year In Six Easy Steps

Many of us like the idea of being healthier, but sometimes, it can be easier said than done. There are many health aspects to consider, so you might appreciate a little help. If you’re looking to create a healthier routine this year, here are a few simple focus points.


1 . Drink more water

Staying healthy doesn’t have to be a huge challenge, there are many easy ways to boost your health. Drinking more water is one of the easiest ways to get healthier. Staying hydrated is incredibly important, and there are so many benefits, such as:

  • Helps to boost energy levels & brain function.
  • Research has indicated that it may help with weight loss.
  • You’ll sleep better, plus water can help to improve your skin.
  1. Spend time outdoors

Spending more time outdoors is a great way to improve your health. Getting outside is great exercise, it’s therapeutic, plus you’ll raise endorphin levels. There are plenty of ways to experience the great outdoors, whether it’s camping, hiking, or swimming. In a tech-heavy world, it’s nice to reconnect with the earth, using organic practices. If you’ve got children, spending time outdoors together can be a fantastic bonding activity.

  1. Improve your home

The environment you live in has a huge impact on your physical and mental health. Making improvements to your home can help you to improve your well-being and your lifestyle. There are so many different ways to improve your living space, here are a few general ideas to help you out:

  • Declutter your space, get rid of anything that you don’t need anymore.
  • Add artwork and accessories, to brighten up the space.
  • Deep clean every room and add scented candles.
  • Use plants to improve the air quality.
  • Make the best use of natural light, to boost your endorphin levels.
  1. Nourish your body

Improving your diet is one of the best ways to boost your health. Make sure that you nourish your body with plenty of nutrient-rich foods. Choose foods like leafy greens, fatty fish, whole grains, tofu, and berries. If you’re looking to learn new recipes check out apps like Kitchen Stories or Superfoods.

  1. Improve your self-care

Revamping your self-care routine is a great way to prioritize your health. There are so many ways to put yourself first and start feeling better. To help you improve your self-care regime, here are a few general ideas:

  • Start a mediation practice (this is a fantastic way to unwind).
  • Treat yourself to aromatherapy & massage sessions.
  • Write down positive affirmations.
  • Take up a new sports hobby.
  • Express yourself with creative practices.
  1. Stay safe

Putting your health first isn’t just about eating the right foods, it’s about taking safety precautions when you go about your daily life. The daily activities that we barely think about can be dangerous, (for example driving). Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents, and so you must stay focused while on the roads. If you’ve been the victim of a car accident, caused by another driver, you might require the assistance of a car accident lawyer.

Focusing on these six steps will help you to make big improvements with your health this year. Remember, making improvements is all about trial and error. Lifestyle adjustments can take time, so don’t worry if you don’t get it right immediately.

(Image: Unsplash)

January 25, 2022

Steps To Feel More Body Confident

We all have days when we don’t feel like we look our best, but for many people, a lack of body confidence is a constant battle. If you feel self-conscious about your appearance, and you long to be more confident, here are some steps to take today.

pexels portrait of woman flexing muscles

Have fun with exercise

Exercise offers a raft of benefits for mental and physical health. Working out regularly can make you feel happier and more confident and it also reduces stress and lowers the risk of illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer. Some people love exercising and they enjoy working out, but for others, exercise seems like a chore. If this sounds familiar, it’s a great idea to try to adjust your mindset and be open to having fun with exercise. You don’t have to jog for hours every week or go to the gym every day to get fit and feel more confident. You can try all kinds of activities, have fun with friends and get out and explore different environments. You can go dancing, play team sports, take up new active hobbies or make new friends at exercise classes or group training sessions. You can also train at home and vary your workouts to make them enjoyable.

Tailor your goals

We live in a society where there is a very narrow, restricted view of what beauty is and what the perfect body should look like. It can be difficult to focus on your own goals if you feel like you’re being told what you should look like, but it’s so important to tailor your goals to what makes you feel happy. Your targets should be relevant to you, and they should be realistic. It’s not healthy to want to change everything about your body, especially if you feel like you have to due to external pressures. Celebrate your strengths and concentrate on objectives that will help you to feel happier and more confident.

Understand that miracle cures don’t exist

We are more concerned about body image than ever and we often link beauty and looking good to feeling happy and being successful. The truth is that happiness and confidence don’t revolve solely around the way you look. Many people find that they have cosmetic surgery or they lose a lot of weight and they don’t automatically feel better. Understand that there isn’t a miracle cure for problems that affect your confidence. You may want to explore treatments or take a look at coolsculpting before and after photos but make sure you conduct extensive research before you make any decisions and ensure that you make choices because you want to, not because other people want you to.

Try to avoid making comparisons

In the age of social media, TV advertising and giant billboards, it can be difficult not to compare yourself to celebrities, models and influencers. It’s easier said than done, but try to avoid making comparisons between your body and the bodies you see in movies or social media feeds. Often, these images are edited or enhanced and they don’t represent a diverse range of bodies. Focus on what you like about your body, address flaws if they get you down and be kind to yourself. Try to be as kind about your body as you would be if you were talking to your best friend.

pexels women posing

A lack of body confidence is an issue for many of us. If you long to feel more comfortable in your skin, take these simple steps.

Image credits: pexels.com/photo/portrait-of-woman-flexing-muscles-10029385/



January 25, 2022

65 of 598 GF’s Don’t Let GF’s Have Tired Eyes

Introducing  Mantra Mask’s NEW Lavender CBD coconut eye gels with you all! Perfect right before date night, galentine’s day in, and honestly, the best after a night out. Your eyes and bags will thank you, instantly.

The newest biodegradable eye gels have been carefully crafted with nano-encapsulated CBD for deeper penetration, combined with therapeutic lavender, anti-inflammatory ingredients that will de-puff, tone, and calm the under-eye area reducing the appearance of dark circles. 

Mantra Mask’s biodegradable eye gels are easy to wear, providing outstanding results in under 20 minutes, perfect to awaken and refresh eyes for the day or a big night out. Powerful new ingredients include caffeine – which improves circulation and reduces puffiness, and DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol),  with anti-aging benefits that have been shown to increase firmness and improve skin tone, as well as hydrate skin.

“We took our bestselling CBD eye gels and added a few key, amazing ingredients so that they truly change an area that is often the first to age,” says Kim Wellen, founder of Mantra Mask. “Lavender is not only anti-inflammatory but also full of antioxidants that battle the premature signs of aging and fight free radical damage too.”

January 24, 2022

New How-To Book Turns Remembrance of a Boyhood Paper Route into Business School On 20-Inch Wheels

After over a year of the pandemic, 4.3 million people reevaluated their lives and walked away from low-paying, unsatisfying jobs making 2021 the year of “The Great Resignation.”  What prompted a lot of this change? One reason has to do with work culture and how businesses, large and small, treat their employees.

Business consultant and author, Steven J. Anderson, believes the key to business success is all about service.  How do we do it? It starts with the top of the organization and trickles to each individual employee. Whether you are the president of the bank, or part of the frontline as a teller, how you treat your employees, and your customers makes all the difference.  Steven believes that in customer service we get so focused on the product, we forget the problem it solves for people.

Enter The Bicycle Book: The Story of a Boy, His Father, a Paper Route and 12 Secrets of Serving Others in Business and Life, Steven’s new book where he shares tips and advice from his years of helping independent medical businesses become successful. Steven learned at an early age that all of us are in the service business.  He gives readers a vital key to navigating and making the most of change at all levels, wanted and unwanted, in this world racked by change.

“I don’t care what you do, you don’t survive in this world without servicing others,” Steven says.  “The era that we live in today, somewhere along the way, as a culture, we’ve lost our commitment to service with the result being high turnover and loss of business. How to get it back? We must reconnect with proven principles that we all know work. Real-time, Real business. Real life.”

Steven draws his business philosophy and success from his father, a top advertising executive, who knew the human side of business and life and loved to share his knowledge with his seven children.

“This book belongs to a genre that I call the autobiographical business novel,” Steven says. “It’s a tale of my boyhood paper route as well as a how-to guide to understanding and taking action to better serve people in business and life.  With specific, actionable information to impart, I decided to teach the way I was taught—through experiences with people on my paper route followed by dialoguing with Dad.”

Steven’s dad developed a campaign for one of his clients titled “Where People Mean Everything.”  That created a mindset for how Steven developed his business acumen and how he conducts his business…everyone is in the business of customer service, a mindset he discusses in great depth in his book, such as:

•    The way you handle customer feedback
•    What you are really listening for
•    The emotional solution 
•    What Everything Means to People
•    When People Don’t Mean Everything
•    Where the Bucks Stop

A solid how-to for anyone in business, especially service-based businesses, The Bicycle Book contains practical content, with specific applications and results-producing action.  Each chapter winds up with a ‘Get Pedaling’ section full of practical applications.

“Join me in this journey to success. Sit down with me and my family at the table. Get to each chapter’s lessons and to-dos for the present the way I did, by living challenges and benefitting from my father’s business wisdom and generous understanding of other people. You’ll find your own powerful lessons for a lifetime. You’ll remember the story and, like me, you’ll keep learning after you put the book down. The story keep teaching.”

So, if you are looking to start the new year with a new direction, hop on a 1970’s Schwinn metallic purple Sting-Ray bike with Steven and see where the route takes you.

About the Author:
Steven J. Anderson is a sought-after speaker, author, entrepreneur, and agent for creating “Where People Mean Everything” customer service culture in organization.  As the founder of over a dozen businesses, including the Total Patient Service Institute, Crown Council, Dental Warranty Corporation, and many others, he has propelled organizations and individuals to the highest levels of performance and productivity. Anderson has been named  “Businessman of the Year” by Excellence in Dentistry and has been an “Entrepreneur of the Year” finalist.

His philanthropic efforts include being a co-founder of the Smiles for Life Foundation, which has raised and donated over $40 million to children’s charitable projects around the world, as well as the founder of Eagle University, which helps high school and college students get a 7-year head start on their career.

Anderson’s previous books include Nearly Everything I learned in Kindergarten Screwed Me Up!, The Culture of Success – 10 Natural Laws for Creating the Place Where Every¬one Wants to Work, and The 13 Biggest Mistakes Parents Make.  He has written hundreds of articles for industry publications and produced a large library of audio and video learning programs. He hosts two monthly programs, viewed by thousands around the world, interested in boosting productivity and profits.

Steven J. Anderson lives in Texas with his wife, six daughters and one son.  For more information visit his website, www.StevenJAnderson.com.

January 24, 2022

The Bit of LUV Collection, by Karina Brez, Brings Unbridled Style to Fine Jewelry

Karina Brez Introduces Nine New Jewels that Elevate Equine Designs

The art of horseback riding is a skill, and an ever-evolving partnership between human and horse. It integrates products to help facilitate the communication between horse and rider, and celebrates all parts working in tandem. The horse bit, part of the bridle, is designed to communicate a rider’s wishes to the horse. Equestrian fine jeweler, appraiser, and gemologist, Karina Brez, is internationally renowned for her equine-inspired aesthetic, merging her passion for riding with a second-generation legacy of exceptional jewelry design. Launching in advance of the holiday season and winter equestrian festivals, Brez is bringing the Bit of LUV Collection to horse enthusiasts everywhere.

Regarding the inspiration behind the collection, Brez says, “A client brought me her horse bit, laying it on the counter, asking me to create a custom piece for her. After careful inspection of the bit and noting its creative details, I create the one-off piece. Since, I would often get requests for horse bit jewelry, yet hadn’t designed more. While in my Palm Beach shop recently, I began sketching a bracelet concept that would stack with my Huggable Hooves, offering devoted clients a chance to add to their equine jewelry collection. I decided to go for a mini size on the bit design, which is something I haven’t seen done before, and which resembles a chain link.” Brez continues, “The Bit of LUV bracelet feels like butter in your hand. All the links are movable, and the pictures are great, but the feel of it is even smoother and more comfortable to wear than one realizes. It is fashioned in solid gold. Bit of LUV is a collection of jewels to experience and wear every day, made for the horse enthusiast.”

With nine show-stopping designs, the Bit of LUV Collection is comprised of a horse bit-inspired necklace, link bracelet, and ring, each available in either 18K yellow, 18K rose, or 18K white gold. The collection’s signature necklace design had a 1.5 in. wide horse D bit design, and is 20” in long, with an 18” loop. The Bit of LUV Link Bracelet is available in three sizes (6”, 6.5” and 7” length options), with white diamonds, and the Bit of LUV Diamond Ring features white diamonds, available in sizes 5-11. Morphing utilitarian horse-riding equipment into a work of art, Brez turns bit rings into chain links, and the mouthpiece into hinges, offering comfort and flexibility to a classic, luxurious link bracelet and necklace. The Bit of LUV Diamond Ring offers a sleek, modern look, with a lustrous gold sheen—drawing attention to the hands. Whether shopping for a Valentine, a Galentine, a horse enthusiast or oneself, there is a Bit of LUV piece that fits any style. “Horses, Love and Diamonds. It’s the perfect combination“ says Karina Brez.

For those who want to shop the Bit of LUV collection in person, the Palm Beach flagship Karina Brez Jewelry store is open Wednesday through Thursday, from 11:00 AM-4:00 PM, Friday and Saturday from 11:00 AM-7:00 PM, and by appointment Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

In addition, Karina Brez will be hosting a pop-up boutique in the VIP area of the Winter Equestrian Festival (WEF), from now through April 3, 2022, at the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center in Wellington, FL. Karina Brez Jewelry is celebrating its 10th year as an official sponsor and vendor of the Winter Equestrian Festival, one of the largest and most prestigious international horse shows.

About Karina Brez

A first generation Ukranian-American, Karina Brez earned the title of Miss Florida USA in 2012, and was inspired to design a jewelry collection after fellow contestants were impressed by the design she created for her own pageant dress. A horse enthusiast with a passion for gemstones, Brez completed the GIA Graduate Gemologist program, is an appraiser, and advocates for non-profits introducing children to the healing power of horses. Her signature fine jewelry collections are Huggable Hooves and Horse LUV. In 2020, Karina Brez was voted one of the top three Equestrian jewelers by Equestrian Living Magazine. She opened a retail location in Palm Beach, Florida in 2021.

January 24, 2022

Reef-Safe Sun Protection Products Let You Feel the Clean Healing Power of Hawaii

Naturally Protect, Hydrate, and Heal, Maui Vera Enjoys the Sun While Being Kind to the Planet

We’ve all done it. Spent too much time in the sun and later regretted it. Having this brand close by will relieve sunburns and also remind you to keep reef-safe mineral sunscreen close at hand for all outdoor excursions.

From the beautiful Hawaiian islands comes a solution to soothe sun damage and prevent it from happening again – Maui Vera. It’s the new name for spa-quality sun protection and clean healing that’s reef-safe and made to take care of your skin and the planet.

With all non-reef-safe sunscreens banned in Hawaii by Oct. 1, 2022, Maui Vera meets the needs of locals and vacationers and is developing a growing fan base worldwide. Its organic, chemical-free offerings are essential for sun worshippers.

Founded by a massage therapist, the aloe vera Sunburn & After Sun Gel was initially used in spas and now is found everywhere in Hawaii, from ABC stores to groceries and drugstores. The mainland is quickly learning why their offerings are a much-needed source for sun protection and cooling relief from sunburns, providing natural hydration.

Learn more about this dynamic duo that’s made for the sun and your next beach vacation.

Reef-Friendly SPF30 Mineral Sunscreen

  • Clear mineral sunscreen designed to defend against the sun’s harmful rays.

  • Formulated with a clear zinc oxide that applies as a transparent lotion hydrating and protecting your skin from overexposure, protecting you from UVA & UVB rays.

  • The reef-friendly formula addresses the environmental impact of chemical sunscreens on Hawaii’s reefs.

  • Using zinc oxide prevents contamination or bleaching of Hawaii’s coral reefs.

  • It was important for Maui Vera to prevent further damage to the environment and design a clean, chemical-free solution for sun protection.

  • Contains 70% of organic ingredients.

  • No harmful chemicals, parabens, and synthetic fragrances.

  • Dermatologist tested for safety, efficacy, and full ingredient approval.

  • For use on the entire body, face-friendly and safe under makeup.

  • Price: $12.99 on Amazon.

Organic Sunburn & After Sun Gel

  • A healing ointment to alleviate the harsh symptoms from excessive sun exposure.

  • Restores damaged skin back to its healthy, balanced state.

  • Features aloe vera, peppermint, and Noni.

  • Polynesians have used Noni for 2,000 years for the functioning and regeneration of healthy cells, helping to create beautiful skin through natural hydration.

  • Aloe vera has a healing agent to moisturize the skin, high in minerals, amino acids, B12 vitamins, and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Peppermint provides pain relief and is high in Vitamin A, C, Omega-3, and iron, all-important compounds in keeping skin healthy.

  • Price: $12.99 on Amazon.

For more information, visit https://mauivera.com

About Maui Vera:

Maui Vera offers organic, spa-quality products that provide natural sunburn relief, meeting consumers’ growing demand for natural ingredients. The brand combines specific plants forming a solution that quickly heals damaged skin from sun exposure and protects from sunburns. Follow them on Instagram @mauivera.

January 23, 2022

8 Best Hair Styling Techniques for Home: Achieve Salon-Quality Results

Are you looking to achieve salon-quality results at home? You’re in luck! We’ve put together a list of the eight best hairstyling techniques that are simple enough for anyone to master. Keep reading for tips on how to create gorgeous curls, waves, and more.


How to Curl Your Hair with a Wand

If you’re looking to create bouncy, voluminous curls, a wand is a tool for you. Here’s how to do it:

Divide your hair into sections and then curl each section around the wand, holding it in place for about five seconds. Make sure to keep the wand moving so that you don’t end up with kinks in your hair.

Once all of your curls have been created, use a brush or your fingers to gently break them up and give them a more natural look.

How to Wave Your Hair with a Curling Iron

If you’re after soft, beachy waves, this is the technique for you. First, section your hair off into one-inch pieces before wrapping them around the barrel of the curling iron. Hold each section for about five seconds, then release.

Wave Spray

If you don’t have a curling iron or want more of a waved look than tight curls, try using wave spray. It’ll give your hair some hold and help keep the waves in place all day long.

Braid Your Hair

Another way to create soft waves is to braid your hair before bed. First, braid it loosely, making sure not to tug on your hair too much, then release the braids in the morning.

Hot Rollers

If you want big, bouncy curls, hot rollers are the way to go. Start by sectioning your hair into small pieces, then wrap each around a roller. Hold it in place for a few seconds until it’s heated up, then release. Keep going until all of your hair is done!

Paddle Brush

A paddle brush is perfect for creating sleek, straight hair. Start by sectioning your hair off into small pieces, then use the brush to glide through each one. Make sure you get the roots and ends for a polished look.

Curling Iron

If you want loose waves, a curling iron is a way to go. Section your hair off into manageable pieces, and wrap the hair around the barrel of the curling iron. Hold for a few seconds, release, and repeat until you’ve achieved the look you desire.

Pomade and Gel

A pomade is perfect for adding shine and texture to short hair. It also helps to define curls. Apply pomade to wet or dry hair, depending on the desired effect. Rub a small amount of pomade between your hands and work it into the hair. Style as usual.

A gel is best for creating sleek, straight styles. Apply a small amount to wet hair and style as usual. For extra hold, use a blow dryer while styling. Be sure to avoid getting gel on the scalp, as it can be irritating.

In summary, one of the best things about styling your hair is that you can save a lot of money by doing it at home. With the right tools and techniques, you can achieve salon-quality results in the comfort of your bathroom.

(Photo credit: Pexels)


January 23, 2022

5 Essentials That Parents Must Have When Traveling Abroad

Photo by Yulianto Poitier from Pexels


Things like accommodation changes or feeding schedules can create havoc when you least expect it. As such, it’s important to prepare everything necessary before embarking on such an adventure, especially with little ones by your side. Having said this,

Here Are 5 Essential Items That Will Help Ease The Stress Of Getting Around And Keeping Everyone Happy!

Food and Drinks

Parents who will be staying in hotels or with friends and family during travel may not need to worry about feeding their baby while they’re away if staying in a country with safe drinking water. However, for those planning to stay somewhere where water isn’t drinkable, it’s important to take enough formula powder/liquid to last the length of your trip abroad, even if this means taking the maximum allowed on the plane.

Changing Equipment

No matter if you’re staying in a hotel or with family parents, you should always bring your own changing equipment when traveling abroad with babies and toddlers. Of course, whether or not you’ll be bringing these items depends on how long you’ll be gone but even if it’s just for day trips, having the essentials is better than nothing at all.

A good travel changing mat that folds up small enough to fit into a large handbag, as well as disposable or washable nappies, are great items to stock up on before leaving home. Even though hotels and friends and family may be able to provide these items, it is always best to bring your own just to be safe.

Medical Supplies

When traveling abroad with babies and toddlers, one of the main concerns is their and your health. If you’re not in an area with a medical center nearby, you can minimize the concerns with a virtual dermatologist and making sure all the necessary items are packed to deal with any potential illnesses or injuries before they happen can save a lot of trouble while away from home.

For babies, there are a variety of things that parents should pack when going abroad, such as nappy rash cream, medication, thermometer, etc. Parents should also remember hygiene items for both themselves and their children while traveling, such as wet wipes, sanitizer, hand sanitizer, etc.

Clothes/ Weather Appropriate Clothing For Babies Or Toddlers

Depending on when you are traveling, you may need to pack more or less clothes for your baby. For example, if it is the middle of winter when you are traveling, then you will need to take more layers and warm clothing for your child, whereas, in summer, they can probably get away with just a couple of light outfits. For every season, there are different types of items that should be packed in addition to regular baby clothing, such as snowsuits, coats, sunhats, sunscreen, sunglasses, etc.

Sun Cream

Protect your little ones from harmful UV rays by applying a lot of sun cream! As it can be hard to know which brands are familiar to your child, it may be best to pack a tube of SPF factor 30 or above before you set out on your holiday.


(Photo by Yulianto Poitie, Pexels)