Archives for February 2022

February 23, 2022

5 Fulfilling Hobbies To Start in 2022

It’s a new year and an opportunity to start afresh. January is unique because it gives you a starting point to improve and challenge yourself. It’s the month people make resolutions for the year. Setting personal goals and adopting new hobbies is important for finding balance in your life. By setting goals you:

  • Can perform better at work and become less susceptible to burnout.
  • Give yourself more opportunities to be successful. You may not be reaching your sales targets, but you finally mastered the chord on the guitar; life won’t seem so dull.
  • Can expand your business and career skill sets. For example, taking up coding classes, organizing a school bake sale, or leading a social sports team will not only make you a better person but add to your business and employee skills.

Hobbies are leisure activities that people engage in to relax and destress. They give people purpose, skills, and the opportunity to socialize and a positive mood.

There are numerous hobbies out there, some are productive, and some aren’t. Choosing a productive hobby can have benefits beyond your personal life, so the value is larger than their costs. For example, if you take coding lessons, you not only fulfill an interest in IT, but you make yourself eligible for career advancement. 

Not every hobby leads to financial or career gains; they can be just for fun. But fun hobbies only make sense according to their costs. For example, you can collect stamps as a fun, inexpensive hobby, but collecting cars for fun can be a financially draining hobby that can jeopardize your wealth. 

  • Expand the Mind

Hobbies can also benefit your cognitive abilities. Reading, writing, artistic pursuits, and problem-solving activities like puzzles and games can improve your intellect, memory, mental clarity, and creativity.  If you are in Texas, you should definitely try out the escape rooms at Exit Lab Houston. Other recreational activities that you can adopt to improve your mind and mood include learning a new language, cooking, baking, or gardening. 

  • Get Moving

Exercise is essential to health, disease prevention, and life longevity. On average, a person should get 75 to 150 minutes of exercise every week. To get exercise, you can take on activities that get you moving that are recreational or involve sports. Recreational activities include yoga, pilates, jogging, or dance. Sports activities include basketball, tennis, water sports, winter sports, or boxing.

Exercise is not only good for your health but. It can improve your sleep and mood. If you improve your sleep, you will have more energy for other parts of your life, and your outlook on life will improve.

  • Run the Runway

Fashion is a form of expression; it can help spark conversation, admiration, respect, and a whole host of emotions if you do it right. There are several ways that you can take part in the fashion industry. You can change your personal style, design outfits, or make them yourself.

You can start with your wardrobe. You can change it to align with your goals. For example, you will need sportswear if you plan to become more physically active or better suited if you aim for a promotion. Sprucing up your wardrobe can also be for fun and self-expression. You can become more fashionable or switch your fashion style completely. 

It can be a natural progression, like moving from college outfits to something more adult or adopting a style that piques your interest. You can use clothing, shoes, stylish glasses frames, or accessories to create your new look.

There are various fashion, design, and tailoring classes that you can take up. They will give you the knowledge and skills to make your outfits. You can create sweaters, dresses, or accessories for your friends and family if you are inclined.

  • Be Self-sufficient

A modern lifestyle is one of convenience. You no longer have to hunt for food or even prepare it; you can order it from an app. Although service providers give convenience, you may lose something along the way; a sense of independence. 

Hobbies that promote self-sufficiency and help you gain control over your life. For example, having control over food preparation is one of the ways you can improve your diet. Hobbies that promote self sufficiently include cooking, gardening, carpentry, and camping.

  • Give Back

No person is an island; you need to feel part of a community. Being part of a community requires giving back or making a positive contribution. The collective effort by everyone in the community to improve it is how impactful change occurs.

There are many community-building activities you can participate in within your neighborhood, city, state, or country. Your contribution doesn’t need to be money; it can be your time, skills, or labor.

Hobbying Is Life 

There is a lot of the world you can explore, and hobbies can be your gateway to it. You can take recreational, relaxing, skilled or physical activities. Taking up a hobby will improve your social, mental, and physical health. 


February 22, 2022

Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong: How to Fix It

Plastic surgery is one of the most popular procedures in the world. Millions of people undergo plastic surgery every year, and for the most part, it is a safe and effective procedure. However, there are times when things go wrong. When this happens, it can be challenging to know what to do. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the options available to you if you have had plastic surgery gone wrong. We will also provide some tips on finding the best doctor to help you fix the damage that has been done.

Wait For Proper Healing

The first and most crucial step in fixing any botched plastic surgery is to wait for proper healing. This means allowing the surgical site to heal completely before taking any corrective action. Depending on the extent of the damage, this could take anywhere from a few weeks to several months. During this time, it’s essential to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully and avoid any activities that could cause further damage during this time.

Seek Expert Opinion

Once you’ve given the surgical site time to heal, it’s time to seek expert opinion. This could mean visiting a plastic surgeon or an ENT specialist. They will assess the damage and determine the best course of action for fixing it. In some cases, surgery may be necessary. In other cases, less invasive treatments may be available. Make sure to do your research and find a qualified specialist who has experience fixing botched plastic surgery. This is essential for ensuring the best possible outcome.

Be Prepared For Surgery

If surgery is required, make sure to be prepared for it. This means understanding the risks and potential complications associated with the procedure. It’s also important to have realistic expectations about what surgery can achieve. Be sure to discuss all of this with your doctor before taking any corrective action. For example, while often successful, breast implant revision surgery can also carry some risks. However, you can be sure that a good surgeon can repair your botched breast augmentation.

Be Patient

Finally, be patient. The road to fixing botched plastic surgery can be long and arduous, but it’s worth it in the end. One surgery might be the first step in a multi-process journey to restoring your appearance. Stick with it, and you’ll be on your way to looking better than ever before. Trust your doctor’s advice and follow their instructions closely. With time and patience, you should achieve a satisfactory outcome.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

(BDD) is a mental disorder that causes people to have a distorted view of their appearance. They may see flaws in their appearance that do not exist or obsess over minor imperfections. BDD can be triggered by plastic surgery, which is why it’s essential to know how to fix plastic surgery gone wrong if you or someone you know suffers from BDD.

When plastic surgery goes wrong, it can be a nightmare to fix. Fortunately, there are ways to correct the damage. If you’re considering plastic surgery, be sure to research your surgeon carefully and make sure you understand the risks involved. If you have already had surgery and are not happy with the results, seek a qualified plastic surgeon who can help you correct the damage.

(Image credit HERE)


February 21, 2022

How To Feel More Confident When Wearing a Dress

A dress is one of those pieces of clothing that you either love or hate. If you’ve ever opened up your wardrobe to pick an outfit for the day but scoff at the sight of your dresses, then you’re most likely in the latter camp. However, there’s no denying that the form-fitting nature of a dress requires quite a bit of confidence to wear and feel comfortable in.

Dresses are fantastic for formal outings, but they can also be great for feeling sexy and stylish. Whatever reasons you might have for wearing a dress, confidence is the key to making it look outstanding. So in this post, we’ll be covering a couple of tips to help you feel a lot more confident when wearing a dress to your next outing.

Dress to show off, not to hide

There are two mindsets when it comes to wearing a dress: are you wearing it to show off your body type, or are you wearing it to hide a feature you don’t like?

Some people wear a maxi dress because of how long it is. They believe that it’s a great way to hide their legs because they don’t want to show them off. However, wearing a maxi dress just to cover them up is usually a terrible idea. Not only will you look uncomfortable and awkward wearing it, but you’re not doing your body justice by thinking like this.

Instead, you should be choosing a dress that shows off the favorite parts of your body. For those with an hourglass-shaped body, you can show off your curvy proportions with open necklines and form-fitting tops. Those with an athletic body, ruffles, and draping dresses are a fantastic option for showing off your well-defined body and can help transform your silhouette into a narrower shape.

Don’t be overly critical about how you look in your dress

A problem that many people face when it comes to wearing a dress is being overly critical about how they look. This is pretty normal for people because they want to look their best, so they’ll criticize themselves and try to change things. However, this usually ends up going bad for one reason; they’re comparing themselves to magazines and models.

Not only are those models paid to look good in dresses, but the photographs are usually edited to look dramatic and beautiful. Comparing how you look in the mirror to a professional photograph just shouldn’t be done because they’re entirely different cases. Instead, look at yourself in the mirror and be happy with who you are and how you look. If there’s something blatantly wrong (such as a tear in your dress) then you should definitely fix it. Otherwise, don’t be overly critical, and definitely don’t compare yourself to a magazine model.

Colors and fabrics are extremely important as well

Part of the comfort of wearing a dress is to pick something that really resonates with your personal style. Not everyone enjoys the idea of wearing a colorful dress, but others would absolutely deny wearing something that is plain white or black. Many people also enjoy having unique patterns and prints on their dresses, while others value having a soft material that feels great on their skin.

So if you’re going to pick out a dress, make sure you consider picking a color and a pattern that fits your tastes. Color psychology also plays an important role here. For example, if you’re trying to go for a playful and exciting look, then pink is a good choice of color. For something more relaxed and laid-back, green is the go-to choice. Want an air of mystery and sophistication at your next party? Then go with a deep purple.

With so many combinations to pick from, it’s really important to just choose something you like. Don’t worry about dressing for an occasion or to make yourself stand out; pick a dress that really suits you and makes you feel comfortable no matter where you wear it.

Don’t worry so much about trends

There are so many places to look at the latest fashion trends and it can often get confusing to look at all of the unique dresses and brands available. But if there’s one universal piece of advice that everyone should follow when it comes to fashion, it’s to ignore trends.

Wear what you want, wear what makes you comfortable, and don’t worry so much about the latest trends and expensive pieces that celebrities are wearing. Instead, choose things that you love to wear, colors that you adore, and dress styles that fit your body.


(Image credit HERE)

February 18, 2022

Lovely Ways To Add A Youthful Vibe To Your Style

Though it may seem like a daunting task, there are ways to add a youthful vibe to your style. You don’t have to go out and buy an entirely new wardrobe-in fact, that could end up costing more than you want to spend. Instead, there are simple changes you can make, using accessories that give off a more youthful appearance.

We’ll explore different types of jewelry and apparel that can help you look younger without spending a fortune.

Accessories That Show The Younger You

Accessory trends come and go, but there’s one piece of jewelry that never seems to go out of style: the bracelet. There are all kinds of bracelets out there, but we’re going to focus on the ones that add a youthful vibe to your look.

One type of bracelet that is perfect for this is the Tila bead bracelet. These bracelets are made up of tiny, colorful beads that can be worn in all sorts of combinations. Their bright colors and fun patterns make them perfect for adding a youthful vibe. So take a look and Shop Tila Bead Bracelet Online. They’re perfect for dressing up any outfit and making you look young and vibrant.

Try a friendship bracelet instead if you’re looking for something a little more subtle. Friendship bracelets consist of a thin string tied into a pattern and then decorated with different threads or simple beads. It’s traditionally meant as an activity for two friends. Still, it also makes for a lovely bracelet if you’re looking to add some color and playfulness to your style.

Another option is cuff bracelets. These are usually made up of metal links that fit cozily around the wrist. Even though these tend to be more understated than most bracelets, they still stand out because of their unique designs; they make it clear that you don’t really want to blend in! They can also easily be dressed up or down depending on what you feel like wearing, which lets them work for many different occasions.

Some Other Personality Additions


Bangles are a great way to add color and personality to your outfit. They come in various styles, so you can find the perfect ones for your wardrobe. And since they’re so versatile, you can wear them with just about any type of outfit.


Chokers are another popular type of jewelry that can help you look younger. They’re perfect for those who want to add a touch of glamor to their look. Chokers come in various styles, so you can find one that meets your needs. And since they’re easy to wear, adding a glamorous touch to your outfit is quick and convenient.

Statement Necklaces

If you want to make sure people notice you, statement necklaces are the way to go. You can choose from various bold styles- everything from simple lines to intricate designs. They make it easy for others to figure out exactly what your style is all about, and they’ll certainly get noticed!


Scarves are another great accessory that can help you look younger. The right scarf can add personality to your look, helping you stand out in the crowd while still looking age-appropriate. Take a look at these beauties from Scarves and see how they light up any outfit.

These Accessories Will Make You Feel More Youthful.

Since so many different accessories can give you a more youthful vibe, it’s essential to consider which ones fit your lifestyle and budget best. While it might seem old-fashioned to wear colorful jewelry pieces, they can actually make you feel younger. But in the end, it is important to remember that accessorizing must be fun, and you must always feel comfortable with what you are wearing.







(Image credit HERE)

February 17, 2022

Don’t Get Fake Baked By The Latest Tik Tok Trend: Nasal Spray Tanning: Plastic Surgeon Says Beware


According to recent statistics, Tik Tok has reached over 1 billion monthly users. (Source: With new beauty trends going viral daily, it can be tempting to experiment with DIY and inexpensive solutions than in-office cosmetic surgery visits. However, some of these hacks tend to be ineffective or downright dangerous. One of the latest viral trends is at-home nasal tanning spray.

Board-Certified Chicago, Illinois Plastic Surgeon Dr. Michael Horn cites the possible dangers of this popular beauty hack

The FDA does NOT regulate Nasal Tanning Sprays

Frequently with an unregulated category or product, ingredients are mixed with dangerous chemicals that vary significantly based on the product. Also, inhaling a solution causes it to travel through the mucous membranes, harming internal organs.

You shouldn’t be inhaling substances that haven’t been studied sufficiently, as using medications nasally can affect your sense of smell. They can also potentially have toxic effects on the cilia of the nose, keeping the nose from moving mucus through it normally. This can lead to mucus buildup throughout the nasal cavity, which thickens and forces you to blow out or postnasal drip. Melanotan is an unregulated synthetic chemical that functions as a hormone and supports melanogenesis, which is the process by which melanin, a black-brown pigment, is produced in the skin. Nasal tanning sprays have a range of different ingredients, but most commonly they will all contain tyrosine or melanotan as their main active ingredient.

Side Effects

Side effects from melanotan include nausea, flushing, and increased blood pressure.

In addition to unruly side effects, melanotan can cause moles and freckles, involuntary yawning and stretching, loss of appetite, and spontaneous erections. There have also been reports of severe skin discoloration and other complications such as heart irregularities.

Premature Aging 

Prolonged exposure to UV rays from the sun or a tanning bed not only promotes skin cancer but can also accelerate aging. There’s also a misconception that a ‘base tan’ can protect you from burning the skin. However, whether you burn or tan in the sun, either one can be a sign of DNA damage, increasing the risk of skin cancer and premature aging.

The bottom line

Dr. Horn recommends using topical self-tanning creams and lotions that contain DHA (dihydroxyacetone) instead. When DHA is rubbed onto the skin, it stains the skin superficially and is considered safe. Trustworthy brands include Jergens, St. Tropez, Tan-Luxe, and Isle of Paradise. And remember that all skin is good skin, and you don’t have to be a certain level of tan to be attractive.

About Our Client

 Dr. Michael Horn, Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

With more than 10,000 breast augmentation surgeries performed during his career of more than 23 years, Dr. Horn is known in the Chicago land area as the authority on breast augmentation. His artistic eye, mastery, and surgical skill in performing various face and body procedures, his dedication to patients’ safety, combined with his focus on unparalleled care and attention, make him one of the most sought-after surgeons in the Midwest.

Dr. Horn earned his medical degree at Loyola University in Chicago. He completed a general surgery residency with the Medical College of Wisconsin, as well as a sub-specialty training in plastic surgery with a second residency at Loyola University. Dr. Michael Horn is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the Chicago Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Dr. Horn is a frequent lecturer on the subject of plastic surgery and his work has been featured in several professional publications. He frequently attends national meetings to continue developing innovative plastic surgery techniques. His ongoing commitment to patient safety and satisfaction is evident in the personal attention and care he provides to each of his plastic surgery clients. From the initial consultation to the final follow-up exam, Dr. Horn provides compassionate treatment tailored to the specific needs and goals of each individual.

February 17, 2022

Simon Ardem Introduces the Stella Bridal Collection

Venetian-Inspired Bridal Capsule Collection, Featuring Rose Gold and Platinum Looks. Infusing the warmth of rose gold into winter and spring weddings, Simon Ardem layers and mixes precious metals for timeless, romantic Venetian style.

New York, NY. February 17, 2022. Throughout history, tokens of love have been gifted to symbolize commitment and commemorate unions. The presentation of an engagement ring and wedding band embodies this promise and tradition as wearable art—an everyday emblem as enduring as the foundation it represents…a covenant of a couple’s dedication to one another. In celebration of a new year and new beginnings, world-renowned bridal atelier Simon Ardem launches a capsule collection of classic engagement and wedding ring styles, infusing the warmth of rose gold layering and pink accents, alongside traditional all platinum and diamond designs. Inspired by the romance of Venice, where Simon Ardem co-founders Ardem and Cynthia Aslanian married nineteen years ago, the collection celebrates their love of the city, and the beauty it emanates.

Ardem Aslanian, Co-Founder of Simon Ardem and President of the Armenian Jeweler’s Association, says, “Venice stands out as one of the most unique places in Italy, not just for the canals it’s famous for, but for its rich history in the arts. The craftsmanship of its city and architecture has stood the test of time. Our inspiration for the Stella Bridal collection pays homage to this beautiful Italian city.” Featuring a mix of cuts, from emerald to princess, the collection encourages one to choose a dream ring amongst a plethora of refined designs. The Bovolo Ring, a square Asscher cut platinum engagement ring, displays the exceptional craftsmanship of the New York City atelier. It is inspired by the Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo, a palazzo in Venice famed for its multi-arch spiral staircase, beauty and intricacy—an architectural jewel translated into a wedding jewel.

An elegant twist on the classic engagement ring is the magical Contarini Ring, an Asscher cut, set in 18K rose gold band. The shank of the ring is set ¾ of the way around with rare Argyle pink diamonds, for next level luxury.  Named after the Contarini family, the family is one of the founding families of Venice, known for their Italian nobility lineage.  The brilliance of the pink diamonds, complementing the rose gold in the setting, adds a breathtaking elegance to this one-of-a-kind piece, perfect for the bride looking for something equally stunning and rare. The Stella Bridal capsule collection’s Dandolo Ring is also composed of elegant 18K rose gold and pink diamonds, set with a sparkling round brilliant diamond. It is an homage to its namesake, Enrico Dandolo, a Venetian Doge. Both the Contarini and Dandolo rings are extraordinary, handmade with acute attention to detail and exceptional craftsmanship. Each is wholly unique and rare, as the bond it represents and the wearer who relishes it.

The fourth engagement ring in the Stella Bridal capsule collection is the lovely Loredan Ring, named after the House of Loredan, a political dynasty that shaped both the Republic of Venice and the Mediterranean. Its elegant oval cut diamond is beautifully prong set with four platinum prongs, within an 18K rose gold band. Streamlined and modern, it offers a sophisticated bridal look.

To complement the collection, Simon Ardem offers a variety of wedding bands, which can be mixed and matched with the four signature styles. A 14K rose gold and round diamond eternity band, oval diamond eternity band in platinum, and an East-West emerald cut baguette platinum eternity band each offer a timeless design that pairs beautifully with the Stella Bridal capsule collection engagement rings.

Cynthia Aslanian, Co-Founder of Simon Ardem, says “The warm pink tone of rose gold is a perfect complement to pure platinum, adding a unique twist to this timeless collection.”

For those looking to embrace the romance, history and beauty of Venice in their bridal look, Simon Ardem’s Stella Bridal capsule collection offers picture-perfect designs that reflect the vision and beauty of the wedding day, as well as the future together, while maintaining timeless style for the bride-to-be.

About Simon Ardem

Simon Ardem is a boutique jewelry house specializing in white and colored diamond jewelry. Its unique collection is the result of the combined talents of a New York based team of designers, and highly skilled artisans. With over three generations of experience, the company has established relationships with suppliers around the world, acquiring the finest diamonds for its finished pieces. Simon Ardem’s focus is on achieving the finest jewelry through excellence in design and craftsmanship.

February 17, 2022

Elevate Your Seasonal Look with Splashes Lashes

I love seeing all the new small businesses on TikTok, but my absolute favorite is Splashes Lashes!

The lashes they create are adorable and add a touch of flirty fun to any look. The brand started out as a group of friends just wanting to make something that added a little bit of spice to their everyday and going-out looks.

After creating the idea design, they went viral on TikTok with millions of people raving about the cute and stylish look. Whether you want to add some butterflies to brunch with your besties or bring the stars on a date, Splashes Lashes lets your style shine through.

All of their lashes are designed so you don’t see the decals, minimizing the need to constantly adjust them. Plus, each one uses faux minx, making them vegan and cruelty-free. Check out their best sellers below and fall in love with just one look.

Rainbow Flutter XL Lash

  • Blow your date away in style
  • Wispy lashes with 6 butterfly decals
  • Use up to 10 Wears!
  • Black Cotton Band
  • Price: $18.99
  • Flower Power XL Lash
  • Bring out your inner flower child
  • Wispy lashes with 6 flower decals
  • Use up to 10 Wears!
  • Black Cotton Band
  • Price: $18.99

White Star Lash

  • The North Star can’t shine as brightly as you
  • Wispy lashes with 3 star decals
  • Use up to 10 Wears!
  • Black Cotton Band
  • Price: $18.99

For more information, visit


About Splashes Lashes

Don’t miss out on TikTok’s favorite accessory! The decal lashes from Splashes Lashes turn any outfit into a chic and flirty look with ease. Follow them on Instagram and on TikTok .

February 15, 2022

5 Best Selling Products of Global Beauty Care

795699 © Eastwest Imaging |

Global beauty care is a cosmetics and wellness brand based out of New York that is slowly making a name for itself in the beauty industry with its vast range of products. The company is also known as GBC and has seen good growth.

The best thing about their products is that they are affordable but effective. Moreover, the packaging experience of the product is also great and helps attract and retain a lot of customers.

The brand has quite an extensive product lineup wherein they have beauty products for all age groups that can help repair and restore your skin to its original glory.

When talking about the global beauty care reviews, many customers have given positive feedback on Amazon, wherein most of the products have an average rating of 3.5 and above. Moreover, the brand is deemed as a ‘must-have’ by fashion influencers.

Here are some of the bestselling products of global beauty care that you can buy.


1. Deep cleansing kit

One of the brand’s most popular products is their dep cleaning kit, consisting of thirty-six stars, four nose peels, and two T-zones patches. These varieties of patches can be used on the skin to eliminate excess oil and blackheads. The cleansing kit also cleans pores, giving your skin a radiant glow. This product is completely sulfate-free, silicone-free, and Ph-balanced, unlike other chemical-ridden products you might find in the market.


2. Detox sheet mask

This detox sheet face mask is made from lemon peel and volcanic ashes, which effectively deep clean your skiing and open up the pores. People who have acne-prone skin can use this product as well.

You must use this kind of face mask at least once a week as they clean your pores and may even tighten your skin in the long term.


3. The pore cleansing nose strip

One of the most common conditions most people suffer from is blackheads. They are stubborn small dots that do not go away easily. Once you place the strip on your nose, you have to leave it for at least twenty to thirty minutes. After peeling off the strip, you will notice that all the blackheads will be eliminated, and your nose will look cleaner. This special peeling strip is made from Vitamin C extracts, hazel, and tea.


4. Travel cleansing wipes

Everybody knows that it is harmful to your skin if you sleep with your make upon. The global beauty care cleansing wipes will wipe off the makeup and moisturize your skin as it contains shea butter and coconut oil.

Moreover, it is a highly effective product as it can even clean waterproof mascaras.


5. Anti-aging skin cream

The skin cream is made with collagen and other moisture-rich ingredients to improve skin elasticity for much younger-looking skin. This anti-aging cream can help reduce the visibility of fine lines and may even tighten the skin. The best part is that this cream is suitable for all skin types, and you can use it twice a day.


These are some of the most selling products of Global beauty care. If you are considering buying any of these products, you must read Global Beauty care reviews to make the best purchasing decision.


February 15, 2022

Naomi Osaka Wears Gabriel & Co.

Los Angeles, CA – February 7, 2022 – Professional Japanese tennis player, Naomi Osaka was seen wearing Gabriel & Co. in her new ad campaign with Beatsbydre! Osaka looked flawless in the ‘14K Yellow-White Gold Triple Split Curved Bar Bujukan Diamond Stud Earrings’ ($745,


14K Yellow-White Gold Triple Split Curved Bar Bujukan Diamond Stud Earrings’ ($745,

Follow Gabriel & Co on Instagram

Photo courtesy of Instagram

February 15, 2022

Achieve Luscious and silky hair that lasts with K-Gloss

K-Gloss understands how frustrating it can be to deal with frizzy hair. Often it seems as if it is completely unmanageable, leading to stressful lousy hair days. That can be a thing of the past with the K-Gloss de-frizzing line of products, whose ingredients can provide you with luscious and silky hair that lasts!


Their de-frizzing treatment and masque include an infusion of ingredients known for their healing, calming, and hydrating properties, that work in overdrive to reduce frizz by 90% for all hair types. Frizz is not the only thing these products can help stop. They also assist in protecting your hair from heat and environmental stress, as K-Gloss designed them to recondition dull, dry, damaged, and over-processed hair — making it healthier while having more manageable air-dry results.

These treatments are lightweight and versatile and can be used daily, weekly, monthly, or simply as a spot treatment for stubborn strands! Their overall goal is to assist you in smoothing your hair while repairing split ends and keeping your natural curl.

Our products are cruelty-free, paraben-free, sulfate-free, vegan-friendly and hairdresser tested!

The $99 12oz de-frizzing treatment can last up to one year, depending on your overall usage amount. When compared to similar defrizz treatments, K-Gloss not only lasts longer in your hair but 1 bottle can last several months which can also save you money! Most importantly, the de-frizzing treatment is incredibly easy to use: simply wash your hair, lightly dry it with a towel, apply the treatment(s), rinse, and style your hair as usual!

In a consumer perception survey, after one application:

  • 99% of participants agreed their hair was more manageable
  • 99% of participants agreed the De-frizzing Treatment and Masque saw instant results and helped their hair look smoother, softer, and shinier
  • 99% of participants agreed the K-Gloss De-Frizzing Treatment and Masque helps reduce frizz over time

Start treating your hair with the products it deserves at!

About K-Gloss:

K-Gloss strives to provide a revolutionary smoothing treatment designed to recondition dull, dry, damaged, over-processed hair making it healthier and more manageable. Working with world-renowned chemists, our Anti-Frizz treatments are all one-of-a-kind that uses a patented formulation that proves to be the leader in the anti-frizz market. This rebuilding treatment gives longevity to natural, color-treated, or chemically-processed hair, in only 30 minutes!