January 16, 2022

Is Breast Augmentation Permanent?

Breast augmentation gives women the chance to have fuller, larger, more shapely breasts. New implant designs offer more options than ever and last longer than ever, but they will not last forever. Most women will need breast implant replacement at some point in the years following their augmentation. Fortunately, some implants can last over a decade without needing to be replaced. 

Breast Augmentation Basics

Breast augmentation usually uses saline or silicone implants. Your breast surgeon will create a pocket for the implant, either under the breast tissue or under the tissue and muscle. Your incision will be disguised as much as possible. It may follow the edge of the areola or the crease under the breast. It can also be hidden in the underarm area. 

Saline and silicone implants both have advantages. Some people prefer saline implants because they contain a saltwater solution similar to your body’s own fluids. Saline implants also give your surgeon more options for accessing the pocket and placing the implant. 

Silicone implants have a very natural appearance and feel. They come in a wide range of sizes and shapes that enhance upper breast fullness, add breast projection, or improve breast symmetry. Silicone implants have an excellent safety record. 

The skill and experience of your surgeon will affect your results, so make sure you choose a board-certified breast surgeon who has a history of excellent results. If you feel more comfortable with a female breast surgeon, seek one out. Feeling safe and trusting your surgeon are keys to a successful outcome. 

Is Breast Augmentation Permanent?

Breast implants can last ten to fifteen years or even more before they need to be replaced. However, many women will need or want a breast implant replacement sooner than this. While implant damage or rupture is very unusual, it can cause your breast to change shape or feel different. 

A more common occurrence is capsular contracture, which occurs when the body forms scar tissue around the breast implant. A breast surgeon can loosen this scar tissue and replace the implant. 

Some women choose to have a revision breast augmentation because they want different implants. Whether they want larger, smaller, or differently shaped implants, options exist now that they might not have when they chose their original implants. 

What is Recovery Like From Breast Augmentation?

After surgery, you will usually have bandages or a compression garment to reduce swelling and support your body as it heals. You might also have small tubes to drain fluid from the surgical area for a few days. 

Your breast surgeon will instruct you on caring for your incisions after surgery. Most people can return to work or regular activities within two weeks, although you will need to avoid strenuous activities for up to a month. 

Recovery from breast implant replacement is similar to recovery from the original surgery. However, you may not need any new scars since your surgeon can often use your previous scar to replace your implant.


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