Many Ethnicities was created in 2014 by Dr. Ena Hennegan, a mother, a board-certified, practicing family physician in suburban Chicago. You can read Dr. Hennegan’s story HERE.
The products are designed to be safe, healthy and easy to use. The products are manufactured in small batches with premium ingredients. There are products for adults and children. The Many Ethnicities Family 6-Pack includes product for both (pictured below). All individual products can be found
This Family 6-Pack contains the Many Ethnicities Invigorating Shampoo, Moisturizing Conditioner and a jar of the Many Ethnicities Leave-In Conditioning Cream.
Also it contains a Kids Gentle Shampoo, a bottle of the Kids Light Conditioner and a jar of the Kids Leave-In Conditioner.
This brand is still fairly new but has years worth of great reviews. We had our team member Elizabeth Colen give the grown – up products a try. Her review is at the end of this posting. She was pleased and really spent a lot of time trying and researching the products. When Elizabeth does that, she really feels that a product is worth the time and extra effort. And Elizabeth is a very busy lady! You’ll be amazed how busy!
Here is what Elizabeth has for us #hookmeup:
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