Archives for 2017

November 15, 2017

Tips for 30-Plus Women to Keep Active and Healthy Other Than Exercise

Women are no strangers to juggling the demands of work and home. When you are in your 20s, you can manage the impact of not eating on time, missing meals, not exercising, etc., however, when you are in your 30s, these indiscretions are likely to hit your health hard. Some valuable tips on remaining fit and healthy when you are in your 30s:

Boosting Your Metabolic Rate

When you reach your 30s, your metabolic rate dips and consequently, your entire body experiences a slowdown. You may find yourself gaining weight and finding it difficult to shed the extra pounds. This is the time you should be looking to revamp your diet and balance your intake of protein, carbohydrate, and fat. Increase the proportion of protein and complex carbs to enhance your metabolic rate and potential for burning calories. Your diet should ideally comprise 60-70% carbs, one-third of which should be complex while the rest should be protein and fats. Make breakfast the meal of the day and keep your dinner light.

Keep Your Fiber Intake High

With advancing age, it becomes increasingly important for you to regulate your metabolism and blood sugar level. You should include in your diet high-fiber foods like fruits and vegetables and decrease the amount of saturated fats and processed foods that contain a lot of salt and preservatives for better weight management. You should also have a check done for hormone levels as well as thyroid dysfunction so that they can be addressed with suitable medication. If your doctor advises, you can go ahead and buy steroids for better fitness.

Enhance Your Energy Level

When you reach your 30s, you no longer seem to have the same energy as before even though you are trying to follow a nutritious diet. This could very well be due to anemia or a deficiency of iron in your body. Typically, such deficiencies are caused by loss of blood during menstruation and also due to childbirth. It is very easy to treat iron deficiency naturally; all you have to do is to include in your diet foods that are rich in iron such as beans, pumpkin seeds, peas, green vegetables, poultry, and meat. Treating iron deficiency is also important to keep your mental alertness and cognitive abilities in order.

Keep Your Bone Density from Declining

It is typical for the aging process to result in a decline in bone density making them more prone to fractures. This reduction in bone density occurs due to the fall in the level of estrogen and can be countered by increasing the intake of calcium along with Vitamin D. Milk, yogurt, cheese, almonds, broccoli, chia seeds etc. are excellent sources of calcium. Vitamin D can be found in fish oil, mushrooms, soy milk, and eggs, to name a few common sources.


The secret of maintaining good health, successfully managing weight and energy levels is to appreciate that when you are in your 30s, your body undergoes various changes that can only be addressed with better dietary control and lifestyle changes.

Author Bio: Alexandra Adams is a nutritionist who writes regularly in health and fitness magazines. Her advice for women is to eat and exercise right, and if required then buy steroids to regain their fitness.

November 14, 2017

Susan Sarandon Wears Zvelle Again!

LOS ANGELES, CA – November 14, 2017 – Susan Sarandon wore Zvelle recently on the Kathie Lee & Hoda show in New York City while promoting her new filmThe Bad Moms Christmas star accented her monochromatic look with Zvelle’s Adventure Boots ($178, This is the second time Susan has been spotted wearing Zvelle. 
Photo credit Getty Images
November 13, 2017

Festive Findings – 7 Fantastically Unique Ways to Add a Splash of Fun to Your Next Party

With the festive period creeping around the corner, most of us will be celebrating the end of the year by attending a medley of Christmas and New Years parties. Whilst this time of the year is already an exhilarating one, why not go that extra mile to inject even more fun into your next festive party and make it one that people will truly never forget?

In this article, we will be looking at 7 fantastically unique ways to add a splash of fun to your next party, so read on to find out more!


  • Say Cheese!


No, we aren’t talking about a cheeseboard (although those are absolutely delicious and a fantastic addition to any party). We’re talking about photo booths. If you’re hosting a party, why not look for the best photo booth hire in Sydney?

Photobooths are an excitingly fun addition to any event, as guests can let their hair down and bring home memories of the party in the form of photographs. Most reputable photobooth companies also offer customisable designs, ensuring that the festive spirit is kept in sync with your party. Next time you throw a party, say cheese!

  1.         Bring On The Games!

Contrary to popular belief, party games are not just for children. Now more than ever, people want to let loose, so why not offer a variety of games for your guests to entertain themselves with? Whether it’s giant Jenga, Cards Against Humanity or some simple icebreaker games, your guests are sure to enjoy themselves that much more when some entertainment is provided.

  1.          Light It Up

Nothing feels more magical than attending a party that is tastefully lit with lanterns, fairy lights and christmas lighting. The end of the year is a time where we can truly go crazy with our party decors, so don’t sell yourself short.

Dust off those old fairy lights or christmas lights and get decorating! A beautifully decorated venue also ensures beautiful photos, leaving you with fantastic memories that you can look back on for years to come.

  1.    Perfect That Punch Bowl

Who doesn’t like a good party Punch Bowl? Liven your drinks up by creating exotic concoctions and using ingredients such as Pomegranates, Cherries and Oranges. A great tip is to leave your punch and fruit to steep overnight, as this will ensure a delicious, fruity result the next day.

  1.       Don’t Forget To Plan Your Music

According to the party planning pros, it doesn’t hurt to plan your music ahead of time. Creating playlists on Spotify or Apple Music can help take some of the stress of hosting a party off your shoulders, as everything is pre-planned and you won’t have to be stressing out over choosing songs to keep your guests entertained. Start things out mellow, and gradually increase the pace and mood of your music as the night progresses.

  1.    Provide Awesome Party Food

Most parties cater to the usual tastebuds – sausages, sandwiches, chips and so on. But guess what? Party food doesn’t always have to be the same thing. Why not jazz your mefinger foods, nu up with some fancy (yet simple to make) canapes, desserts and DIY stations where people can make their own Sushi and Tacos? The possibilities are endless, and your belly will thank you.

  1.    Last But Not Least – Door Gifts

Including some door gifts for people to take home after the night has ended is great way to wrap things up. It could just be a goodie bag, or maybe even some customised treats for your guests to bring home. It all depends on your budget, but fret not because there is always something even for the smallest of budgets.


With these 7 amazing ways in which you can add a splash of fun to your next party, your guests, friends and family will not know what’s hit them! Make the next event a memorable one, and enjoy the end of year festivities!


November 13, 2017

Is Sex Good for Hair Growth? Yes! Here’s Why



Let’s talk about sex. More specifically, sex and hair growth. Let’s face it – over the course of our lives we’re told a hundred things – sex is good, sex is bad. Sex will cause your hair to fall out. Wait, what?

No! Actually, sex won’t cause your hair to fall out. And in fact, just the opposite is true: sex helps hair to grow, and can help to prevent hair loss. Let’s explore sex and its benefits to your body, then we’ll look at how sex improves hair growth.

Sex and Hair Growth: The Myths

Most of us live in a society that accepts sexual activity as the norm, and thank goodness for that! But it wasn’t always this way. The more reserved generations before ours attached a stigma to sex. They were a bit more apprehensive about sexuality, and as a result, many myths were created.

Here’s one you’ve probably heard: first-time sex hurts women. This myth was perpetuated to deter young women from having sex. The truth is that sex is just as likely to hurt the first time as it will any other time. In other words, no sex should hurt, not even the first time.

Here’s one more. “Don’t masturbate! You’ll go blind and get hairy palms!” Obviously, this isn’t true. There are plenty of people who masturbate and can still see. But our more puritanical ancestors wanted to discourage the act, so the myth was born.

We mentioned that it’s been thought that sex causes hair loss, and that that’s a fallacy. The reasoning behind this myth was that the loss of seminal fluid in men would lead to a protein deficiency. That’s since been proven untrue; the amount of protein lost during ejaculation is negligible. It’s not enough to impact hair growth.

There may be a tiny bit of truth to that second myth, though. While it’s blatantly false that your palms will grow hair, it’s been shown that sex does help hair to grow. Not on your palms, but on your head. (No, not that head, silly. Your scalp. Come on.)

So how does sex help your hair? Well, it benefits your hair’s health in a lot of ways! Let’s look at a few of the many reasons why sex is just so darn good for you, then we’ll examine what makes sex good for hair health, too!

Good News… Sex is Good for You!Is sex good for you?, 

Now that our culture is a little more disposed to accept sex as a commonplace, natural and enjoyable activity, we see it everywhere. You can’t read an article on the internet or browse through a magazine without seeing mention of sex, or the benefits of sex.

But in case you’ve stayed away from this media, let’s take a minute for a refresher course. What are the benefits of sex, and how does it impact your health? More importantly, how does it affect your hair loss or hair growth?

First of all, sex provides many physiological benefits. That’s just a fancy way of saying “physical benefits.” Here are just a few:

  • Sexually active people are less likely to get sick. Their immune systems are boosted, and they’re less likely to contract viruses like the flu.
  • Sex improves bladder control. When you have sex, you’ll be strengthening your pelvic floor. Your pelvic floor is the group of muscles that holds up your bladder, uterus, rectum and vagina.
  • Sex can be counted in your exercise routine! Sex certainly won’t replace your regular workout, but you’ll burn about 5 to 8 calories per minute when you have sex.
  • It’s a natural painkiller. The hormones that are released when you orgasm will act as a natural pain blocker. So the next time your honey says, “but I have a headache,” remind her that sex can help!
  • Sex can prevent cancer. The risk for certain types of cancer are proven to be reduced by a sexually active lifestyle. The most frequently cited of these cancers in medical studies are prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in both men and women.

So you see, there are benefits to having sex. Besides, it’s fun, and a great way to connect with your partner. But what about hair? How does sex increase hair growth?

Sex Hormones and Hair Growth

Before we go into specifics about sex hormones, there are a few points we need to review. First of all, while some hair thinning can be blamed on your genes, there are many ways to counter this. A healthy vitamin supplement will help to promote hair growth. Proper diet and exercise will, too. Just because you have “bald genes” does not mean that all is lost.

Secondly, both men’s and women’s bodies have the hormones estrogen and testosterone. It’s usually assumed that testosterone is a “man’s hormone” and estrogen is only found in females. That’s untrue. Levels of each hormone are found in your body, regardless of sex.

So how does that relate to sex hormones and your hair? Well, it’s commonly thought that a sharp rise in testosterone can affect the efficacy of follicles. In other words, when your testosterone levels rise, you lose hair. There are many activities which can raise those levels. Working out is one. Sex is another.

So does that mean that sex will make you lose hair? Nope! Just the opposite, in fact. In both men and women, the levels of estrogen in the body will increase during sex. Estrogen will counter the effects of testosterone. It’s like a natural antidote to hormonal hair loss.

In short, your body is hardwired with hormones which can cause hair loss. But having sex can boost the hormones which will have just the reverse effect. Estrogen isn’t just a “women’s hormone.” Sex is a natural remedy!

Before You Have Sex…

Now you know that sex is good for both your body and for the health of your hair. But before you rush off to get between the sheets, there are a few risks to consider.

First of all, you’ve seen the commercials. “Ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough to have sex.” Truer words have never been spoken, and it’s not just your heart health. If you have concerns about your general health, be sure to talk with your doctor before you begin a sexual relationship. Your personal safety isn’t worth it; there are other ways you can help regrow your hair!

Secondly, it’s important to note that some libido-boosting and male enhancement supplements can actually contribute to balding. You probably know that some prescription drugs for hair loss can contribute to low sex drive. Propecia is a good example of this. But did you know that the opposite is true?

Drugs and supplements which are marketed to enhance male libido can carry a number of side effects, and hair loss is one of them. It’s counterproductive to take a supplement which causes hair loss in an attempt to grow hair. Be sure to check the ingredients list before adding any supplement to your routine.

Warnings aside, if you’re looking for a natural (and fun!) way to increase your hair growth, try sex! It carries awesome benefits for your body and your relationships, and sex improves hair health, to boot! What better excuse do you need?

November 13, 2017

Fitness Basics Women Should Know Before Starting on a Weight-Loss Program

If you are thinking about seriously losing weight, it is natural that you are considering going to the gym. However, you should know that everyone does not benefit from exercise in the same way. There is also a tendency for you to end up doing a lot many exercises like stationary bike and treadmill that are not really the greatest for losing weight significantly. Unless you are clued up on what you should or should not be doing, it is unlikely that you would ever get to your goal. Some insights:

Burning More Calories Than You Consume Is Essential

Burning more calories than what you consume is the bedrock of weight loss, however, the way you exercise plays a really big role. Shorter and more intense workouts are far more effective in burning calories than exercises done over a longer time but in a more relaxed fashion. The choice of the exercises that you select for losing weight can mean the difference between success and failure.

Burning Fat Is the Key to Losing Weight

The body has multiple sources of fuel; carbs, protein, and fat. When you exercise, the body first uses carbohydrates before using any other form of stored energy. Typically, fat follows carbs in the calorie burning sequence and you tend to burn fat normally only in the last stages of a high-intensity workout when you are really sweating it out. The problem is that many of the really popular workouts don’t result in significant amounts of fat being burnt. You can also explore the benefits that you can derive from legal steroids.

Doing your gym’s basic fitness and yoga classes are not going to do anything to shave off your weight, even though they have their own other benefits. You should also know that that average group fitness classes in gyms don’t obviously address your specific needs and tend to over-train you. Group sessions, however, are great motivators and help you to follow an exercise routine that is consistent, though from the point of weight loss, sweating it out in this way is by and large unproductive.

Lifting Weights Has No Direct Fallout on Weight Reduction

Lifting weights or any other form of strength training is a technique that will enable you to grow your muscles and while that is not necessarily a bad thing, it may not be the fastest way of achieving significant weight loss. Yes, it is true that you will burn more calories than before because of the extra muscle mass, which, in the long-term can be beneficial to losing weight. Similarly, typical gym exercises like CrossFit, Pilates, and yoga as well as boot camps are not recommended for losing weight, even though they have their own benefits.


Unfortunately, there is no one exercise that you can do for ensuring the best loss of weight. However, according to experts, the best option is to use a combination of high-intensity cardio with strength training for burning off fat in the fastest way possible and building the muscles that will add to your shape. If you’d like to learn more about fitness, there are many companies such as Discovery Learning who run courses to teach you how to train your body to be its best.”

November 12, 2017

Karim Orange teams with Vapour Organic Beauty

The Inner Orange Spark and Crave Collections

“My clients are always amazed by how I’m able to transform them with such a little amount of makeup. I do this by practicing a holistic approach to artistry, that I have coined as ‘Low Beauty’. ”

— Karim Orange

What happens when a two-time Emmy Award nominee make-up artist, who knows a thing or two about the products we put on our body to make us look good develops a violent reaction to an everyday product?? She makes it her mission to fully understand the dangerous effects that chemicals and unnecessary ingredients have on our body. Leading the charge for increasing transparency in the personal care industry and advocating for more choices for women who do not want to sacrifice beauty for fear of harmful chemicals and additives, she teams with cosmetic company Vapour Organic Beauty; a company committed to creating cosmetics that are safe and creates Inner Orange Beauty. The results are magical!

Karim Orange believes in ‘Low’ Beauty and ‘Low’ Beauty Makeup Artistry. Three holistic elements are incorporated to achieve maximum results.

Step 1:             Use products with the least amount of undesirable ingredients. She uses the Premium Body Care Unacceptable Ingredients guidelines by Whole Foods Market as a parameter for this.

Step 2:            Use the least amount of products to get maximum results. If you are using 10 products, she’ll get you to 7, if you use 5 she’ll get you to 3…. and you will be amazed as to how much better you look with the simplicity!

Step 3:             Use products that have minimal amount of carbon footprint in the production and packaging….good for both you and the planet.

The Inner Orange Spark and Crave Collections are comprised of three products each: Aura Multi-Use, Elixir Lip Gloss and Solar Translucent Bronzer.  The formulas are 70% organic, easily blend-able and layer-able. I tried the Spark and I would also try the Crave, so don’t be afraid of the darker color palette! I found myself using them as eye shadows, blush, contouring, and lipsticks and was having a blast playing with them. And better than the fun I was having playing with them was the glow I noticed I had…not heavily made up but fresh, natural, like I had just been to the spa or gym. And definitely emphasizing all my assets…with staying power! Finding a makeup that lets me look gorgeous naturally and skips the toxins? I am building a shrine to Karim! As well as following and  I have a feeling I will be learning a lot from her in my continuing journey to become holistically hip!


Post by: Kathy Hodge


November 10, 2017

How to Set Up Your New Home With Your Hunny

Congratulations! You and your significant other have decided to move in together, and you couldn’t be happier. You have found the perfect new place, signed the paperwork and now are ready to make it your own. Before you start moving in all of your possessions, check out the following moving tips to make moving in together as seamless as possible,

Look at What You Already Have

Look at what you already have and do things on your own. You will also need to think about moving your belongings and how much you can fit in the van or moving truck. Companies such as can move your belongings to your new home easily.”When you’re moving into a new place with your hunny, you’re combining all of your belongings, meaning you’re going to end up with double the amount of dishes, couches, beds and other furniture. Go through both of your current homes and decide what’s moving to your new place and what can be sold, thrown away or donated to Goodwill. If you plan to sell items, start the process as quickly as possible so you have plenty of time to make the sale and don’t end up getting rid of it in a moment of desperation on moving day. You may need to make some compromises with your partner during this step, so keep an open mind as you discuss what you actually need for your new place.

Determine Your Space Needs

Even though you’re excited to spend more time together in your new home, you and your partner should discuss your space needs. For example, do either (or both) of you need an office to work at home? If you have an extra room, do you need to fill it with desks, filing cabinets and bookshelves, or do you want to make it a guest room? You also should consider creating space for both of you to have some alone time. Whether it’s in your bedroom, backyard, guest room or another area, you need to make sure both of you are comfortable and have a place to do things on your own.

Make It Secure

When you’re excited about picking out new furniture and decorating your home, it can be easy to forget security. Go through your new place to see what you need to do to make it safe for you and your hunny. For example, if you have a sliding glass door, make sure you have a rod that fits in the bottom track to prevents it from being opened when you’re not home. Install security cameras that help you monitor your home day and night with a clear picture. Look for a home security camera system that is flexible to your needs and can be set up in out-of-the-way spots so your design aesthetic isn’t ruined by a bulky camera. You want to feel safe in your new home, so don’t forget to make security a top priority.

Figure Out Your Style

One of the most difficult parts of moving in together can be figuring out the style of your home. Do you want it to be modern, rustic or somewhere in between? Do you love a certain color that your significant other hates? It’s important to take the time to sit down together and figure out how you want your new home to look. Flip through magazines, make a Pinterest board or browse stores to see what style and items you both like. Make sure you can put together a cohesive look, and keep the lines of communication open. You want this to be a positive and fun experience, not a fight that ends with one of you hating your new furniture.

Make It Personal

This is your new home together, so it should feel like the two of you. You don’t want your new home to feel like a generic picture from a catalog or like it could as easily belong to the person next door as it does to you. Hang up pictures of the adventures you’ve had together and of your family and friends. Decorate with items that speak to who you are as people, whether it’s your favorite hobbies or keepsakes from your childhood. Paint the walls in your favorite colors, go for a wacky DIY experiment or put your favorite flowers in vases around the house. Whatever it may be, make sure it speaks to you as a couple.


November 10, 2017

GET THE LOOK: Faith Hill CMA Awards 2017

Here is the breakdown for Faith Hill’s CMA awards look with Lorenzo Martin and The One by Frederic Fekkai .

  • After seeing Faith’s stunning, one shoulder, Armani Privé gown, we decided to go with a messy top knot
  • After, I I wrapped various pieces of hair in different directions and secured them with hair pins
November 9, 2017

Channel Some Seasonal Glamor this Winter

There’s something about the festive season that stirs up mental images of rich, velvety reds and vibrant golds; glittery silvers and frosty diamonds sparkling in the night. Perhaps it’s the golden bubbles that are poured into tinkling glasses during the holiday season, or maybe it’s the fairy lit adornments on the evergreen boughs of the tree, but winter seems to be a season replete with a latent decadence that is lacking the rest of the year.

Not only in the acceptable alimentary indulgence the holidays permit, but in the very fabrics you clothe yourself with, and in the very materials you wrap up warm with indoors. Indeed, when winter comes round, you become most inclined to a desire to entirely redecorate your very home with plush textiles and faux fur, and generally channel the far north (so glamorous from a centrally-heated distance).

A Moderate Material Madness

Tempering that redesign fever slightly, why shouldn’t one’s abode and own person be self-gifted with a different fashion for the late fall and winter? It goes without saying that one doesn’t wear a short-sleeved linen number when the mercury falls, but textiles suited to warmer seasons don’t offer the right quality of comfort which the chillier months demand, either. Furthermore, you don’t necessarily have to go to a store and splash the cash to achieve the luxurious effect you want. With a little retail reconnaissance work and sourcing some high-quality wholesale fabric, you can design and create your own glamorous textiles yourself. Otherwise, look at the difference between store-bought products (whether clothes-wise or furnishings) and the cost of going bespoke, as there is nothing more glam than a creation tailor-made for one’s singular self.

Fabulous Fittings and Unique Style

Once you’ve decided the route you’re going to follow, then comes the difficult decision of color scheme (not to mention textiles that complement the tactile effect of co-sewn materials). If you’re paying for unique (whether in cash or your own time and energy), make sure the finished product is going to live up to that description, without falling into a category of style favored by the likes of someone as eccentric as Björk. Don’t forget to consider, also, that clash which harkens back to the 70’s and 80’s, when by some strange magic hostesses (as every glam-focused woman likes to call herself, especially when she has a particular skill for entertaining beloved friends) would attire themselves with a keen eye for detail, only to end up matching in an off-kilter way the living room furniture. That is not seasonally apt glamor; that is retro gone wrong.

In short, follow your fashion hunting instincts. You know what you love; you know what would suit both yourself and your home. Just go for it. After all, there is nothing more glamorous than a redesign and a personal makeover, seasonally prompted and financially accomplished in whatever manner you’re able – but always done with panache and assumed ease; a snow-covered, north-inspired froideur, if you will.

November 9, 2017

Your Carolina Baby Gifts Image and Links

baby gifts on Your Carolina

Baby Gifts for Megan
