March 4, 2015

Get Smooth, Youthful Skin with Kelley West Microderm360

How many of us have tried product after product in the quest for soft, supple and radiant skin?  We want a product that is easy to use, efficient and, I don’t know about you, but I want RESULTS!

I was recently introduced to Kelley West Microderm360 by a friend of mine and my skin has never looked better!

Many of you might be asking, “What exactly is microdermabrasion?”  It is a non-surgical, non-invasive skin resurfacing through mechanical exfoliation with vacuum suction.  All this means in layman’s terms is your skin is gently exfoliated and then the debris is sucked up with a vacuum.  And with Kelley West’s Microderm360, their patented Diamond Tip exfoliates your skin while a powerful vacuum sucks up dirt, bacteria and cleans your pores deeply and effectively.

Microdermabrasion also stimulates blood circulation and it stimulates your own body’s elastin, protein and vitamin D to rejuvenate your skin!  What is the overall effect?  Faded age spots and minimal black heads, removal of thick, uneven skin, reduction of scarring, discoloration or sun damage, improved hyperpigmentation and it also lessens the appearance of stretch marks! I also noticed a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles over time and smaller pores!  And you can use Kelley West Microderm360 all over your body, not just on your face.  Rough elbows, knees, dry legs and arms can all benefit from gentle microdermabrasion.

And Kelley West should know about skincare!  She is a licensed Medical Aesthetician and beauty/skincare expert who practices in Beverly Hills.  She has over 20 years of experience in the beauty industry and has worked on everyone from top Hollywood celebrities to everyday people like you and me!

To try Kelley West’s Microderm360, visit their official website: and improve your skin for a more youthful-looking YOU!

Candace Kita

Guest post by: Candace Kita