March 3, 2015

Have some Pony Tail Fun with GOODY


I recently got my hair cut to shoulder length and donated the remainder of the cut hair (over 10 inches) to Locks of Love.  I have had some of a difficult time getting used to it, especially wearing it off of my face in a ponytail.  I am not used to the look of a short ponytail. What I have been doing is curling my hair then putting it into a pony tail. I think it looks better curled for a ponytail look than straight at this length.  I got a bunch of colored hair elastics so I could brighten up the look and not feel so boring in a short ponytail. I use the hair elastics from a 30 piece Goody set.  I like that I can wear one or more and mix and match.
Today when this picture was taken, I wore only one color but other times I have worn up to three at once. I love the polka dot ones.  There is 10X more in the package that I have so I will always have enough.  I lose them a lot when I take them out from day to night or to change my look at my friends house or put them on for gym class. You can get them at  drugstores or Walmart store. They are easy to find.