July 15, 2013

Your Hair’s Forbidden Love- proTENAJ


I have never been one to walk out of the house without having my hair done and when it comes to my hair, hairspray is a MUST!!!! Only bad thing about me is I tend to overload to block out humidity and to add shine. Only overloading does not block out humidity and sure doesn’t add shine. Instead it makes my hair crunchy and feel like glue.

When I first used proTENAJ styleINFLECTION Dry Shine Spray, I threw away all my other hairspray cans (yes, even the full ones). styleINFLECTION Dry Shine Spray is a soft hold, humidity resistant hairspray that leaves added shine and touchable control to even the most unmanageable hair (like mine). I love to use proTENAJ styleINFLECTION Dry Shine Spray right before blow drying to seal in shine and to separate my curls giving them a soft, loose look. I also use it right before I walk outside to shield this Florida humidity. Not only do I love the soft texture to my hair and the shine, I also love the way styleINFLECTION Dry Shine Spray makes my hair smell. Sometimes I will spray the Dry Shine just to smell it. I know I’m crazy!!!! 

One of the greatest features about proTENAJ styleINFLECTION Dry Shine Spray is that it is made with all certified organic ingredients. My sensitive skin is very thankful for that. It is designed with Village Berry Complex which is a blend of berries and fruits from villages all over the world. The fruit extracts add strength and moisture to your hair and keeps your hair free of everyday damage. You will NEVER find them anywhere but in your salon. It is hard to express just how much I love this product line in words. Be sure to visit the TENAJ Beauty Group’s YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TENAJBeautyTBG for weekly interviews and how-to hairstyles and visit their website at www.tenajbeautygroup.com for more info and products. Your hair will thank you for it!!!

My hair before and after using proTENAJ products
Tenaj before anf after