July 8, 2012

“Brace Yourself ” with a Fast Fierce 28 Day Workout with Robert Brace.

“Brace yourself for a Total Body Transformation Ride“…I have already finished day 3 of Robert Brace’s Fast Fierce 28 Day  Challenge and if I can start it, you can too!  If you haven’t heard of Robert Brace, he is “New York’s top Fitness Guru”.  Robert Brace is the creator and founder of the Fast Fierce 28 Day Challenge.

I recently received the 4 disc set and  4 days ago I took the challenge and began training in the privacy of my home.  That was one of the reasons why this workout apppealed to me.  So far so good, and after only 4 days, I can already feel the diffference in my body.  A small one, and it can only get better.  The 4 disc set includes a workout sequence and calendar, which will help you keep track of  your workouts and weight.  Also included is a suggested meal plan which, along with the workout, will help you reach optimal results.

According to  Robert Brace, using his “Special combination of training tecquniqes and exercises”, I will start to become lean, sculpted and ripped in record time. I must tell youthat after day 1 I was already feeling the workout.  I am starting disc four tomorrow and will stick with it for 28 day.    If after 28 day I want to continue, I can work out another 28 day at a slightly more intense level and there is one more level to go if I choose.

I will report back to you in 28 days.  Take the  Fast Fierce 28 Day Challenge with me and see what your results will be.  Visit http://www.the28daychallenge.com/about-us and order your workout today!