February 7, 2018

Beauty Tips for Removing and Preventing Blackheads

Do you look in the mirror and see those unwanted blackheads on your nose or chin?  If so, worry not, you are just like most people in the world. Even celebrities have to deal with these showing up on their skin. There are many ‘at home’ remedies you can try before splurging on a facial to get rid of them.  However, using a blackhead remosalonprices.com, val tool such as a face steamer is generally worth it, since it’s a one-time cost that will allow you to have clear skin forever.  Before you begin, the one rule you must follow is to not squeeze the blackheads.  This could cause scarring, infection, or inflammation.1.

  1. Use a Face Steamer



       The best way to remove blackheads is to use a face steamer every few days or when blackheads become visible.  This method can be used on the entire face and allows blackheads to             slip out of the skin naturally, painlessly, and with no chance of infection or scarring.  While this is an expensive item, it works incredibly well, lasts for years, and will put an end to               blackheads once and for all.

      2.  Exfoliate with Baking Soda



       Baking Soda has a number of surprising uses, including some that focus on personal health and beauty. One of the uses is by creating a natural method for exfoliating skin.  It is also           often used in a salon for microdermabrasion treatments.  Mix the water and baking soda together to create a paste and put it onto your skin. You can use this as a scrubbing paste to           open your pores and clear away the blackheads.

       3. Pore Strips



       You can use homemade or store bought pore strips to put onto your nose.  However, these only give an immediate result in your skin, not one that will further prevent more from                 occurring in the future.  For that, you would need a preventative measure, which you can read on to find out about!  Pore strips can be expensive if purchased online or in stores –               however, they are relatively easy to make at home for next to nothing.

       4. Salicylic Acid



       In order to break down the oil trapped inside your pores, you need to use a beta-hydoxy acid, or salicylic.  You can find these in peels or masks. It will work to dissolve any build up in         your pores.  By using this consistently, you can prevent them from forming again.

If you have the urge to splurge, you should treat yourself to a microdermabrasion treatment.  This treatment will exfoliate your skin leaving it looking radiant. However, the results are not permanent.

How to Prevent Blackheads

Now that you know how to get rid of them, in the future, you want to try to prevent them from ever coming back.  There are a few ways you can try and avoid having them resurface.  First and foremost, try not to wear too much make-up.  Keeping your face relatively clean will prevent build up and your pores from being clogged.  It also helps to focus on preparing your own healthy foods at home, or making sure to eat out at places that serve natural and healthy foods, such as various soups and salads.

Whether you wear make-up and need to clean it off, or you are just washing up before bed, make sure to wash your face with gentle cleansers. You do not want a product that will make your skin produce more oil, which would then create blackheads.  Wash your face with a natural cleanser. A trick of the trade to help keep off any leftover dirt and tighten up your pores is by using witch hazel before putting on a moisturizer. Now that your face is clean, make sure to wash your pillowcases weekly, in order to clean off any oils you may have left behind or dead skin.  

Besides these preventative measures, you can also use a facial steamer every few weeks; create your own natural cleansing method and facial mask.  Additionally, throughout the day, dab your face with a paper towel to soak up any oil – to keep your pores from clogging up!


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