February 4, 2015

Pretty in a Pouch

By Lisa Gal

All natural, gluten-free skin tightening sheer lotion radiance for your skin, also known as Photoshop in a pouch, this is PRTTY PEAUSHUN. It’s a lotion potion sought after by celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow to keep their gams (and stomach) in photo ready shape. PRTTY PEAUSHUN can add the 2015 Grammy Award nominees and talent to their list of users as they will be receiving them in their luxury hotel room this weekend. They are available in clear, light, medium, dark and deep dark, give yourself a flattering glow while hiding those minor imperfections. Better grab two, one for your winter you and one for your summer you. Who doesn’t want to look their best while wearing their birthday suit?