October 24, 2014

Cut Your Blow Drying Time In Half With The Blo & Go

About 2 years ago while working behind the chair I noticed that my right wrist was feeling extremely weak and in a lot of pain every time I either picked up my shears or my blow dryer. As a professional stylist, my blow dryer tends to be a little heavier than an everyday blow dryer that can be found in your local supermarket. At home I use my lighter weight blow dryer but even that one enflames my wrist. I also do not enjoy doing my own hair. It wasn’t until a few weeks ago a good friend of mine introduced me to a product that made me happy to style my hair again. It is called the Blo & Go! A great product that helps those who are injured or may have arthritis have the freedom and ability to style their own hair again! Check out my how to video below on YouTube and check out www.bloandgo.com for more details and how you can get your very own!

Blo & Go

Blo & Go
