December 3, 2013

Honey Sugar Scrub



One of my favorite beauty treatments is using old honey that has crystallized over time. Honey is an all natural and affordable scrub that can be very effective in retaining moisture. If you have an old jar of honey that can no longer be consumed, use this as resourceful opportunity to treat yourself to a home spa. Your honey sugar scrub can be used safely on your face and body. In fact, the older the honey the better as you can use the crystallized sugars for exfoliation.

I like to apply the sugar when i am taking a bath. Scoop two tablespoons of your honey into a bowl and apply a thin layer wherever you see fit. Using a brush or sponge, gently exfoliate in circular strokes. The enzymes in the honey make the skin soft and holds in moisture while the granules of sugar sloth off dead skin cells!  As an added bonus you can combine a bit of olive or almond oil to make the application smoother.
